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Event Date 25/10/2001
Event 2001 AGM
Details This year's EUSCC AGM will take place on the evening of Thursday 25th October,
at 7pm in the main Clubhouse (the bar/lounge area upstairs) at Peffermill. The bar
will be open from 6.45 and it is also hoped that some food will be provided.

All members of the club are encouraged to attend - if you can't, but have a point or
opion to raise, please email Paul E before the 25th. If you are a current post-holder/
committee-member and would like to stand down, or alternatively if you are not
currently in charge of anything but would like to be considered for a post , then again,
please let Paul know in plenty of time.

The East of Scotland League's End of Season Awards evening is on the 5th October
(at the SMRH clubhouse in Inverleith). The cost of attending this
event, including dinner, is £20. This will be paid by the club for any members
wishing to attend and willing to accept the Division 5 trophy on the club's behalf. Get
in touch with Paul D if you are interested.

An end of season meal/night out for all members of the club will be arranged for
sometime in October of November. Watch this space for more details - or alternatively
volunteer to help organise it!

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