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Final 2001 League Averages

Stratford Bards Cricket Club 2001
1st XI  League
Batting Averages - Final

        Name    Mch     Inn     N O     Runs    H S     Av      
P       Dawson  13      13      2       439     142     39.91   
R       Pozzi   13      13      2       317     75*     28.82   
E       Dixon   15      15      4       299     56      27.18   
D       Currall 12      12      0       262     70      21.83   
C       Webb    16      13      4       192     58*     21.33   
J       Bishton 16      15      5       194     30      19.40   
P       Davies  12      8       1       79      19      11.29   
T       Ackerman        13      6       1       19      10      3.80    
Also Batted                                                             
J       Marcus  4       3       0       129     118     43.00   
M       Petty   15      7       4       51      19*     17.00   
C       Heath   2       2       0       12      9       6.00    
T       Slatter 7       1       0       4       4       4.00    
P       Dixon   4       3       1       6       3       3.00    
S       Petty   11      3       2       2       1*      2.00    
R       James   8       3       0       1       1       0.33    
R       Dawson  1       1       0       0       0       0.00    
H       Jolly   5       1       1       4       4*      ----    
G       Swinbourne2     1       1       1       1*      ----    
I       Lythall 1       0                               ----    
Qualification:  5 completed innings                                                          
Sort Criteria:  Average                                                         

Stratford Bards Cricket Club 2001
1st XI  League
Bowling Averages - Final
    Name    Mch     Ov      Mdn     Wkts    Runs    Best    Econ    S R     Av      
T       Slatter 7       62      16      14      135     5--15   2.18    26.57   9.64    
C       Webb    16      132     28      30      314     4--9    2.38    26.40   10.47   
M       Petty   15      99.5    20      21      239     4--26   2.39    28.52   11.38   
E       Dixon   15      114.2   25      24      307     5--28   2.69    28.58   12.79   
S       Petty   11      44.5    3       12      165     4--23   3.68    22.42   13.75   
R       James   8       45.5    7       8       133     2--43   2.90    34.38   16.63   
Also Bowled                                                                                     
R       Pozzi   13      20.4    2       8       70      5--21   3.39    15.50   8.75    
J       Bishton 16      3       0       1       9       1--9    3.00    18.00   9.00    
P       Dawson  13      12.3    1       3       29      2--9    2.32    25.00   9.67    
H       Jolly   5       17      1       4       69      2--20   4.06    25.50   17.25   
D       Currall 12      4       1       0       11      0--11   2.75    -----   -----   
Qualification:  30 overs                                                                                        
Sort Criteria:  Average
Stratford Bards Cricket Club 2001
1st XI  League
Catches Summary - Final 

        Name    Ct              
J       Bishton 8               
M       Petty   7               
C       Webb    6               
D       Currall 6               
P       Dawson  4               
S       Petty   4               
R       Pozzi   3               
E       Dixon   1               
T       Ackerman        1               
R       James   1               
P       Dixon   1               
Sort Criteria:  Catches 

Stratford Bards Cricket Club 2001
1st XI  League
Wicket Keeping Summary - Final 

        Name    Mch     Ct      St      Total           
P       Davies  12      12      1       13              
J       Marcus  2       6       1       7               
J       Bishton 1       1               1               
Sort Criteria:  Dismissals                                                      
Stratford Bards Cricket Club 2001
2nd XI  League
Batting Averages - Final

        Name    Mch     Inn     N O     Runs    H S     Av      
M       Hill    12      11      5       199     60      33.17   
C       Heath   10      10      1       261     69      29.00   
J       Marcus  6       6       1       127     37      25.40   
M       Whiteside       9       6       1       107     55      21.40   
P       Rathkey 14      14      0       203     35      14.50   
P       Whitford        10      8       0       88      42      11.00   
C       Lea     9       9       0       96      32      10.67   
I       Lythall 10      8       0       79      22      9.88    
H       Jolly   8       6       0       10      5       1.67    
Also Batted                                                             
P       Dixon   7       7       3       301     98      75.25   
R       Dawson  2       1       0       22      22      22.00   
R       James   4       2       1       14      8       14.00   
S       Guise   3       3       0       32      22      10.67   
W       Winter  2       2       0       18      18      9.00    
S       Webb    4       4       1       26      20      8.67    
G       Wilcox  12      6       2       28      22*     7.00    
A       Marsh   1       1       0       6       6       6.00    
T       Robson  1       1       0       5       5       5.00    
R       Hartley 4       3       0       14      10      4.67    
R       Douglas 11      4       3       4       3*      4.00    
T       Walters 4       3       0       7       4       2.33    
P       Walton  3       2       0       4       3       2.00    
A       McArthur        1       1       0       2       2       2.00    
M       Swain   1       1       0       1       1       1.00    
P       McArthur        6       5       1       3       2       0.75    
A       Bishton 1       1       0       0       0       0.00    
G       Swinbourne4     4       4       46      29*     ----    
T       Slatter 1       0                               ----    
Qualification:  5 completed innings                                                             
Sort Criteria:  Average                                                         

Stratford Bards Cricket Club 2001
2nd XI  League
Bowling Averages - Final

        Name    Mch     Ov      Mdn     Wkts    Runs    Best    Econ    S R     Av      
H       Jolly   8       65.4    10      18      212     3--19   3.23    21.89   11.78   
M       Whiteside       9       45      10      8       99      4--11   2.20    33.75   12.38   
G       Wilcox  12      88      10      16      358     3--18   4.07    33.00   22.38   
R       Douglas 11      74      12      10      237     2--17   3.20    44.40   23.70   
C       Heath   10      33.3    4       5       140     2--17   4.18    40.20   28.00   
G       Swinbourne4     36      4       4       128     2--24   3.56    54.00   32.00   
Also Bowled                                                                                     
R       Dawson  2       1.1     0       1       3       1--3    2.57    7.00    3.00    
T       Slatter 1       8.1     2       3       16      3--16   1.96    16.33   5.33    
C       Lea     9       6       0       2       18      2--18   3.00    18.00   9.00    
P       Dixon   7       2       0       1       9       1--9    4.50    12.00   9.00    
A       Marsh   1       5       0       2       25      2--25   5.00    15.00   12.50   
P       Walton  3       24.2    3       5       78      3--36   3.21    29.20   15.60   
R       James   4       28.4    8       7       110     4--22   3.84    24.57   15.71   
I       Lythall 10      25      4       6       117     4--29   4.68    25.00   19.50   
T       Walters 4       4       0       1       21      1--0    5.25    24.00   21.00   
R       Hartley 4       5       0       1       25      1--25   5.00    30.00   25.00   
P       Rathkey 14      20      2       3       84      1--10   4.20    40.00   28.00   
S       Guise   3       8       0       1       32      1--21   4.00    48.00   32.00   
Qualification:  30 overs                                                                                        
Sort Criteria:  Average                                                                         
Stratford Bards Cricket Club 2001
2nd XI  League
Catches Summary - Final 

        Name    Ct              
C       Lea     6               
C       Heath   5               
J       Marcus  5               
P       Rathkey 4               
P       Whitford        2               
P       Dixon   2               
P       McArthur        2               
R       James   2               
G       Wilcox  1               
I       Lythall 1               
S       Guise   1               
T       Slatter 1               
Sort Criteria:  Catches                         
Stratford Bards Cricket Club 2001
2nd XI  League
Wicket Keeping Summary - Final 

        Name    Mch     Ct      St      Total           
M       Hill    10      15      2       17              
R       Hartley 1       2       1       3               
Sort Criteria:  Dismissals                                                      
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