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Cricket for Life - Lessons

Lesson 1 by CHO (March'02)

Who is the MOST loyal friend of humans? Answer is the first lesson in the series of lessons coming this season for better understanding of cricket and life. Please write your answers in guest book. The answer by CHO in April

 Lesson 2 by Sush (April '02)

Is your weight affecting your health, fielding, running between the wicket, balling and batting?
Find out if your Body Mass Index puts you at risk. (Check your profile)

Body Mass Index (BMI) is one of the most accurate ways to determine when extra pounds translate into health risks. BMI is a measure which takes into account a person’s weight and height to gauge total body fat in adults. Someone with a BMI of 26 to 27 is about 20 percent overweight, which is generally believed to carry moderate health risks. A BMI of 30 and higher is considered obese. The higher the BMI, the greater the risk of developing additional health problems.

Yes, it is a new definition of a healthy weight -- a BMI of 24 or less. So now a BMI of 25 to 29.9 is considered overweight.

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