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Osemkan Bleep Test(nothing to do with swearing...)

For those of you who either weren't there, or don't actually play for the club, this is the dead simple explanation: Cones are set 20 metres apart. Each person starts at one end. For level one, each person has sixteen seconds to get to the other end. They have to do this twice. After they have done this, level two the time comes down to 15 seconds. They have to do this three times. Level 3, 14 seconds, four times, etc, etc until either you have a winner, or lots of dead people. Below are the levels that each person who attended training that day completed (except Kaptur, who decided that it was too hard, so took Nobbler up the other end of the pitch to make him go and retrieve Kaptur's shots from the green area behind the goal). As this will be a continual thing, the bleep test will next take place at the first training session back after New Year. You have been warned...

13.3 - Tom Hukowski, Rob Reeves
13.2 - Domink Cwojdzinski
13.1 - Jak Allday, Sean Defreitas, Wayne Gavin
12.11 - Adrian Conoby
12.8 - Marek Handzel
12.7 - Robert Rogala
12.4 - Piotr Jarocki
12.3 - Krysztof Izba
12.2 - Jonathan Keenaghan, Paul McGreal
10.11 - Larry Watters

A number of scientific observations can be made from this:

- Those that got up to level 12.11 and beyond are the younger members of the Osemkan contingent.
- Those that passed 12.3 are the slightly older, slightly larger Osemkans
- The last three people are all realted to each other.

We here at the Osemkan Institute for Medical Research are yet to come to any firm conclusions about this, but stand by our findings.
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