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22/1/2002 18:27 GMT  Mike Williams
Hi, If you are interested in taking you team on tour and having the time of you life as well. Why not come to Thailand? Have a look. Cheers Mike 
5/11/2001 01:48 GMT  the phantom winger
you should really learn how to spell,mind you,you cant even speak the queens english let alone spell it morons 
8/7/2001 22:12 GMT  Paul Meakin - Goring United Under 17's
Would Burghfield A (Division 4) be interested in a pre season friendly with Goring United's Youth team during August. If so please email me back. 
4/4/2001 12:48 GMT  bush
nice site godders! 
6/3/2001 19:33 GMT  JiMmy
We's are arriating the pitch dis weeek make yous lot plays betterer, make a fickin change yous! I's doodooed on it aswell you see, it good for fertliser Luvs yuuuRgGH JIMMMMY! 
16/2/2001 17:31 GMT  JiMmY
hi, i are jimmy, i ams looking four a grill fiend, for sex. and possobly more. i hav big dick. 
16/2/2001 17:29 GMT  JiMmY
heloooo? can sum wun elp me? i are stuck to my chair.i recon i av messed my pants. LISTEN TO NICK UUURRRGRGHHHH!!!!!! luv Ji#Mmy 
16/2/2001 17:26 GMT  JiMmY
y arnt i in du team jefff? i are going to smak u won wen i seee yu if u aint put me on du site!!!! love from jimmy. p.s uuurrrgghhh!!! 
13/2/2001 22:33 GMT  Mary O'Brien.
Very good site. Well done Guys !!!! 
12/2/2001 12:28 GMT  Jon
Rock on!! 
12/2/2001 09:52 GMT  Geoff
This is a very good site! 
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