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Claverdon Cricket Club Guestbook

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Any club member who logs in may delete entries in the guestbook. intheteam reserves the the right to delete any offensive entries in the guestbook.
5/3/2002 23:10 GMT  keith hambleton
martin it's been such along time i can't remember my password,i've put my e-mail address at work down which i assume you can pick up, can you pass it around the people who need to know. thanks hambo 
20/2/2002 08:20 GMT  Webmaster
Long Serving Player, that is a lot better, shouting doesn't get one anywhere. Having just found the site I hope you will find it useful. During the season it does get updated several times a week!!! Not only was it set up to provide a source for information but also a place where members could leave their comments etc etc(read through this guestbook and you'll get the idea). Without input from members the site would just end up full of statistics. Critisicm is always welcome but please keep it constructive. 
19/2/2002 21:43 GMT  A long serving player
Is this better.I would like to add i have only been in possesion of this computer a week so have only just discovered our wonderful website,i did not mean to cause offense.I think we should ask the treasurer as we pay such high subs if we can have a few professionals play this season,due to the lack of players who can hit anything ( 1st teamers especially).I am one of those who can't. 
19/2/2002 19:38 GMT  Webmaster
Dear Long Serving Player Isn't it about time you learned some manners and messaging etiquette. The total use of upper case letters is the messaging equivalent of SHOUTING at someone which I consider rather rude especially as some of your comments could be taken personally. You obviously live in some time warp. The cricket season finished last September and very little has been happening since then, hence little movement on this website. Its a great pity your hardware is so ancient as something more up to date may have found this website during the cricket season when it was updated several times a week.  
19/2/2002 13:13 GMT  Jonathan Child
To long serving player, too few people who care give up a great deal of time trying to sort things out to make the weekends enjoyable for the players. Despite this, due to the support the Captains and Commitee have received over the past 12 months we have played numerous games short and cancelled all Sunday fixtures. I assume from your comments that you are one of the few players who arrive early on match days to assist with getting the ground ready,help with the tea rota and then help to tidy up after the game before going to the pub, so any positive comments you may have will be much appreciated. 
18/2/2002 01:05 GMT  A LONG SERVING PLAYER
13/9/2001 11:26 GMT  Tom - Temple Grafton CC
Bit of an appeal from Grafton. We have the heady heights of 7 players for our Saturday game away at Upton House. If anyone fancies a game e-mail me asap. Cheers.  
11/9/2001 20:03 GMT  Ricky Gunn
Good to meet Irene Young, Barbara Humphreys, Mike Beddow and Ian Price up at the Crown today. My first Brew XI for about 25 years. For the youngsters among you, I played for the club from 1962 to 1968 plus odd appearances up to 1977 (last appearance: 0 v Lapworth - but 2 catches). Also Secretary in the mid/late sixties. Sorry about the relegation - it happened to my side too this year. Best wishes to all who might vaguely remember me. Ricky 
3/9/2001 07:39 GMT  P****D OFF 1st Teamer
Well played saturday lads,nice end to a pathetic season,big thanks to 'SHOP'and Mark Robbins ,also LOVER LOVETT for helping out,and well done 'Hambo'good effort mate. 
28/8/2001 20:28 GMT  mr cheese
hi claverdon boyz do us a fav and win on saturday that will give us a chance off going up come on the boyz 
23/8/2001 12:17 GMT  Jon Child
If Sunderland was losing was not bad enough, they have gone anf given us Danny Dichio on loan. Nightmare for the Albion! 
23/8/2001 09:47 GMT  Ben Wamsley
Fulham 2 Sunderland 0. Sorry Ian!!! It was a good game though, even better with free tickets!! I'm going to around this weekend so Hambo/Jon give me a call if you need an extra player. Otherwise I'll pop up and give the teams a support. See ya Ben. 
21/8/2001 17:48 GMT  Heidi Vodka
Anna - get in the queue 
21/8/2001 16:31 GMT  Anna Kounikova
Any of you guys fancy a date with me?  
20/8/2001 07:08 GMT  Bill Frindle, BBC test Match Special
Will Steve Lovatt score a run in any form of cricket this year?????? 
15/8/2001 07:30 GMT  Warwick Hospital Sexual Clinic
We thought Paynie had someone else tweaking his groin now 
14/8/2001 16:55 GMT  Warwick Hospital
The only thing Paynie ever tweaks is his groin. 
14/8/2001 12:02 GMT  Fellow Tweaker !!
Not happy about comments regarding Paynies top class spin bowling ,the only reason a Paynie style delivery would miss Rugby is because they turn so much !!!!!  
14/8/2001 09:35 GMT  The Pakistan Cricket Board
Are you hiding Shakil Rhana at your club? We thought he was dead, but reports of an early season game against Rugby shows that an umpire consistantly turned down excellent LBW shouts from the Rugby bowlers, and then gave the Rugby opener to an Arthur Payne ball which Hawkeye shows was probably missing Rugby entirely let alone the stumps! Sounds like Shakil to us! 
14/8/2001 05:49 GMT  Blasts From The Past
Following EMI's interest in cover versions perhaps they would be interested in the following. Obviously Paynie would have to cover another Beatles classic ''Please Mister Postman''. Tony Andrews could have a go at The Troggs ''Wild Thing'' whilst Benny Boy could attempt Ralph McTell's classic ''Streets of London''. Finally, tongue in cheek , perhaps CJ would like to record one of pops all time greats Simon & Garfunkels ''Bridge Over Troubled Water''. 
13/8/2001 11:09 GMT  EMI Records
With the current trend of cover versions in the charts. We have been approaching some of your players. Shop has had an offer to do Robbie's Let Me Entertain while JC has been approached to cover The Beatle's classic I am the Walrus. The Parker bros have been linked with Dire Straights Brothers in Arms. Further deals are in the pipeline...updates later in the week. 
12/8/2001 07:47 GMT  Hair Raising Sponsorship
News just leaked that the manufacturers of REGAINE, the hair restorer, are in secret talks with both Paynie and CJ. Also Grecian 2000 have made approaches to Dave Richardson.  
10/8/2001 15:26 GMT  Shane Warne
All I have heard this week is the great new English hope called SHOP. I'm am running scared and have considered early retirement rather than compete with this entertainer. Not only does he bowl well he is also has a unique fielding style. 
10/8/2001 10:27 GMT  Sponsorship Deals
It has emerged that some Claverdon CC players have been involved in talks for new sponsorship deals...Creators of TV channel Red Hot Dutch have been alerted to Payney's recent off the field exploits and his new found stud status. The Oxford Dictionary group have been impressed that Flash has now got 5 words in his vocabulary. Makers of Immodium tablets have been informed of Wormers lack of runs this season and would see this as a perfect advertising coup. 
9/8/2001 21:48 GMT  Duncan Fletcher
Whilst browsing the web for new talent I came across your site and see u have a new sensational bowling talent called SHOP. After a few phone calls I hear he could be our answer to Shane Warne, not only does he bowl like him but he's also a bit on the porky side. So is there any chance u fellas could do without him next week as we could give him a game against those cocky aussie b*?!@$ds. 
9/8/2001 13:17 GMT  Memo from Immigration Office
Could be difficult looking for something that never existed in the first place. The only chinaman Matty U knows runs a take away in Hockley Heath. 
9/8/2001 12:36 GMT  Memo to Immigration Office
Please can you help Matt Underwood find his Chinaman...It was last seen disappearing into a large tree at Ragley Park!! 
9/8/2001 12:06 GMT  Charlie Dimmock
For Feng Shui to be effective you will need a water feature in the middle of the square. This would go down well with your 1st XI as there have been a lot of ducks around this season. 
9/8/2001 11:54 GMT  Natural History Museum
The Borneo, have you sent a spate of wild men to our shores? Another wild man under the name Dave Dunnell (Calvinus Clienacus) appeared a few years ago as well! 
9/8/2001 11:47 GMT  Immigation Office
Memo to the Borneo Prime Minister. We will do everything in our powers to return the Wild Man. Not only would it maintain relations between our nations but would also drastically reduce the population increase that Redditch is encountering at present. 
9/8/2001 10:50 GMT  Mr Feng Shui
Having watched the 1st XI this season I can only think the bad form is down to pure vibes around the ground. May I suggest moving the Pavillion to the other side of the oak tree and rotating the square by 90 degrees east. Perhaps moving the entrance gate to the main road rather than Langley road would also see an improvement in results. 
9/8/2001 08:12 GMT  Borneo's Prime Minister
We are currently searching for the Wild Man of Borneo so he can do his National Service. We believe he is seeking refugee status at your club. He is currently using the alias Tony Andrews. He is extremely dangerous, especially when holding a red leather grenade, and should not be approached. To help relations between our nations his safe return would be welcome. 
9/8/2001 07:53 GMT  Japanese Tourist
Norwegian Fishing Minister - you know we nips are better whalers than you. Not only do we catch them we take lots of foto.  
9/8/2001 07:23 GMT  Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
Please note that JC is an endangered species and as such is protected under international law. Every effort should be taken to protect this highly intelligent, very beautiful creature without which the worlds beer mountain would be out of control! 
8/8/2001 21:38 GMT  Steve Waugh
G'day sports. Any chance of JC giving a hand whilst i'm laid up with this injury. I'm not sure Adam will be up to the job of skippering against you poms. Shouldn't be any probs qualifying as an aussie as it looks from his pic that has a joey in his pouch. 
8/8/2001 19:02 GMT  Norwegian Fishing Minister
Hey u guys remember we're all european now. So stuff the nips and let our whaling fleet have a go at hunting down that big load of blubber called JC. 
8/8/2001 17:37 GMT  captain ahab
where can i find this jc sounds much better than moby dick!!!!!! 
8/8/2001 17:37 GMT  captain ahab
where can i find this jc sounds much better than moby dick!!!!!! 
8/8/2001 13:28 GMT  JC
Yam are not joking, me backside is still full of harpoons from the last time I swam in the sea of Japan. I look like a f@%^cking porcupine! 
8/8/2001 11:35 GMT  Japanese Tourist
Me from Japan. Me want foto of this JC. Me want lots of foto. Banzai! 
7/8/2001 16:31 GMT  GRAEME MURRIE
31/7/2001 06:39 GMT  Webmaster
Next part of the site to have a go at is Profiles. Chessh & Bugsy were going to do these but as usual have failed to deliver. So if any of you out there can come up with some players profiles (the more sarcastic the better) then e mail them to me. 
30/7/2001 17:24 GMT  flip flop
nice to see u all thanks for a good game sunday fix next year the poll waz a bit out boys try harder c u 
29/7/2001 09:43 GMT  Webmaster
Tony, wots this I hear. I've got to buy Capt. Mainwairing a pint for getting the most runs against Flip Flops ragamuffins. Gutted. 
29/7/2001 08:08 GMT  The Judge
KP, the B-B-Q was a great success. We may not be the best at cricket but are top of the league when it comes to food and booze. 
26/7/2001 22:21 GMT  Temple Grafton CC
Top site keep up the good work, cheers for the link to ours (it was the Claverdon CC site that gave me the idea anyway!) look forward to seeing you later in the summer. 
26/7/2001 17:32 GMT  MR CHEESE
26/7/2001 11:56 GMT  Webmaster
Well done Tony on being visitor number 1000. I'm sure Hambo will be pleased to get a free pint and no doubt Paynie will be going for the batting pint. 
26/7/2001 11:10 GMT  Tony Andrews
Free pints claimed. Skipper can have one,plus the best batting score against Alcester on Saturday. Whoever gets Flip Flop out gets the third pint 
23/7/2001 22:09 GMT  mark fawthrop
come on then the clav boys c u on saturday 
23/7/2001 18:24 GMT  The Webmaster
Congrats to Hambos Barmy Nine Man Army on picking up their first league win of the campaign. 
10/7/2001 17:51 GMT  Ben Wamsley
A big hello to you all from the big smoke. I see that my departure hasn't stopped the batting collapses and the losing streak. Never mind! Losers are boozers! See you all later in the summer. Ben. 
4/7/2001 12:42 GMT  Andy "shop" Bostock
Well an emotional weekend as i finally got the call up to the 1sts and what a game i had, i fine display of entaining fielding by myself, and an inspirational display of batting as my fine partnership with Arther Pagne helped him to reach a glorious centry. Ild like to thank Hambo for his masterful technical coaching, without whom i would never have coped with the enormous pressures placed upon my shoulders.  
31/5/2001 18:10 GMT  M Fawthrop
hi martin top web site.shame the first chould not get a team on saturday i was looking forward to getting some next time mark. 
31/5/2001 12:28 GMT  ?
visit the best womens football team this side of huddersfield at and leave a message in our guest book. nice site and good luck for next season  
31/5/2001 11:10 GMT  Rich James
Hello, I happened across this site yesterday, and thought I'd have a look seeing as I'll be in Clav to cheer the Bards on on Saturday. It's good to see that you'll be putting 11 out this's never good to see teams having to forfeit games. Anyway, best of luck for the season, and Martyn - tell Ben that as I'm injured, he'll have to wait for a few weeks until I can bowl him out again. cheers Rich James Bards CC 
28/5/2001 18:25 GMT  Webmaster
500th Visitor - to claim your free pint, print off the Homepage showing Visitors 499 (that means you are the 500th), leave a message in the Guestbook and see me in The Crown. If you don't already know the number of visitors can be found at the bottom of the right hand column on the Homepage. 
27/5/2001 17:13 GMT  Webmaster
Keith, I agree with you 110%.  
26/5/2001 10:40 GMT  keith hambleton
what a shambles,i feel what's happenned this weekend is a disgrace to the club. it cannot be allowed to happen again, otherwise i for one will be off. 
24/5/2001 19:33 GMT  Webmaster
Site seems to becoming popular with 400 visitors since setting up in early April. This week alone there have been 70 hits since Sunday. Feel free to leave any comments, suggestions or messages. Its your site so lets make the most of it. Watch out for news of a small prize for our 500th visitor.  
18/5/2001 14:10 GMT  The Police Vice Squad
There is a lot of "Child" abuse on this website, we are watching you. You have been warned 
15/5/2001 20:57 GMT  Webmaster
Hope they do Judge but I have my doubts.For the message to get over more members will have to request login ids & passwords.  
15/5/2001 12:39 GMT  The Judge
Jon, some good points raised by you and Martyn in Club Forum. Let's hope our players take note. 
14/5/2001 13:56 GMT  Jon
Specs R us, stop hiding behind aliases and make yourself known, Why do I suspect you are also the judge? 
13/5/2001 21:33 GMT  Specs R Us
Jon, just to let you know we have some good deals at present on contact lenses so there can be no more excuses for not being able to see the ball. Tip for the day - try using soap instead of teflon when you wash your hands.  
13/5/2001 18:48 GMT  The Judge
Hey CJ what happened to all that pre season talk about accepting umpires decisions.  
8/5/2001 13:09 GMT  The Nest
All the best this season from all at Syresham CC. 
2/5/2001 12:13 GMT  Sam 'fast n' nasty/spin king' Taylor
Good luck for the season fellas See you soon Site looks good Mart 
18/4/2001 18:08 GMT  Arthur Payne
Looking very good ,well done 
18/4/2001 07:27 GMT  keith hambleton
very impressed with the website. well done to all concerned. let the season begin.  
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