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This Is Bradford Speedway Guestbook

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Any club member who logs in may delete entries in the guestbook. intheteam reserves the the right to delete any offensive entries in the guestbook.
25/8/2002 17:57 GMT  martin
Attention: Wheelchair-driver, Skater, Kickboarder A kind of sport for handicapped with non handicapped partners Dear friends, if you are sitting in a wheelchair or have a handicapped partner and you are missing a kind of sport you can do together, visit the homepage of my daughter Miriam. Our URL: WWW.ERHOLUNGVOMALLTAG.DE or Button: Miriams eigene Homepage Button: Skaternight I tested it with adult whelchair-driver in classical wheelchairs also. You need only full pressure in the tires. We enjoy the participation at skating-tours and Inline-events in town. Kind regards, Martin Lauinger 
21/8/2002 00:08 GMT  luciano
email adresses of team sponsors 
9/8/2002 19:04 GMT  GARY STANWORTH
Hi,caught the web site by chance and it brought back many memories of my teenage years at Odsal in the 7Os.Followed bradford speedway from 70-closure in 90s.great to see the pics of my all time hero Gary Peterson, hope his family are all well.Helped him with carrying equipment many times at Odsal.Best wishes to you and all old Odsal riders and fans from the days when speedway was SPEEDWAY!!!.Good luck with new site will look in again. 
29/6/2002 14:38 GMT  john greeley
just started speedway racing here in INDIANAPOLIS INDIANA. My first race is tonite and i have only been sideways around one end of the track wish me luck. I alwats wanted to try it and we have a track built near the west side of town . indpls internatnl speedway . any euros wanting to visit indy we practice on sundays . leave me an email and we can hook up Thanks Johnny  
5/6/2002 21:22 GMT  Don Ramsay
Hi Ray, are you going to Cardiff? 
19/4/2002 08:20 GMT  Ray Allen
Hi Lyndsay great to have your message on the board and that you'll be letting Alan know about it. I can promise lots more on your Dad when the brand new TIBS site is launched!. Those who log on here might think its gone a little quiet- but I am busy building an all singing all dancing version of TIBS for the delight of former riders,promoters, supporters and anyonelse who has memories of Speedway in Bradford. Lyndsay - your Dad will remember Gary Peterson and the other Northern/Barons riders. Through a contact in New Zealand I was put in touch with Garys mother, and I have contact details for Robin Adlington, Mike Fullerton. With the relaunch of TIBS coming soon would Alan be prepared to do an interview about his time at Odsal ? that would be really great to have his recollections first hand. I read his 7 From Heaven piece in the Star and it was excellent. Let me know by e-mail if its possible. Your Dad will know Howard Jones from Lytham who has put together many Speedway books - I helped out with a small one on Castleford Speedway and I think H interviewd your Dad for the history of Nelson - again excellent reading. Speedway is off the agenda in Bradford at the moment but my brother Phil and I have a project nagging away in the background to write the Complete History Of Bradford Speedway - your Dads track exploits would certainley be recorded in that. Thanks for signing the guestbook and pass on the good wishes of Speedway people in Bradford to your Dad. Let me know if he would be up for the interview Kind regards Ray TIBS.  
17/4/2002 20:36 GMT  Lyndsay Knapkin
Good to see so many picy's of my Dad I'll make sure he takes a look! 
18/3/2002 13:26 GMT  Ray Allen
Phil ..thanks for your kind comments. Ans: YES it is! what is happening right now is that I am in the process of relaunching TIBS away from its present web address. I am working on a new look site that will be more functional, more upto date and hopefully look better. As soon as I am ready to launch I will post the new web address on here and through appropriate channels so that you can log on for more of those great Bradford Speedway memories. All the best RayTIBS 
17/3/2002 22:27 GMT  Phil Turner
Excellent website I'm really looking forward to K.C.'s story is it ever going to happen? 
12/3/2002 14:34 GMT  Tony Richardson
Hi Tibs Just had a look at the looking back section for the 1970 Northern Riders Trophy when I spoted a possible mistake. The riders R Mills & B Jameson have been put down as riding for Teeside. Should they be riding for Teesside? as the name was taken from The River Tees that runs through that area of the North East of England & not The River Tee that is in Scotland. 
10/3/2002 11:32 GMT  dave pendleton
Ray Could you get in touch regarding the Odsal saga. Cheers Dave 
6/3/2002 10:42 GMT  mike fullerton
hi all this is fully making contact with all the wonderfull people i met during my time, ps i have the latest bike bought off adian collins and ha ha i still ride just as fast ha ha 
14/2/2002 01:02 GMT  martin marchegiani
Visit the site of the argentinian and world speedway thanks 
22/11/2001 21:13 GMT  Phil Allen
just hit the net this is the biz I'll be back for more! 
19/10/2001 21:29 GMT  Chris Dyson
Hi there,just a note to say that I used to go to Odsal every Wednesday,and away matches in the early 70's.Without fail my mate Tony and I would be on the first bend cheering the likes of Allan Knapkin and Co to win! I was thrilled to bits to see the old team photo's,they really have given me a much needed boost.I can always remember going home with a filthy face and a head full of grit!!!!.What fantastic boyhood memories.Thanks TIBS ,for this site. Chris Dyson 
26/9/2001 13:16 GMT  Ray Allen
Hi Bill thanks for logging on.I started TIBS to keep Bradford Speedway alive in a small way and its a real outlet for reliving the great days of the sport in Bradford ( and Halifax too come to that because from 1976-1985 the Halifax Dukes became my team )for me and I hope others too. Somehow all the riders and good times come back to life again. I am anxcious to spread the word about TIBS- Speedway Star kindly featured us a few weeks ago,were on the Speedway web ring and its word of mouth really from there. I think a meeting of West Yorkshire supporters is long overdue to touch base and see what can be done about a revival ?. I was at the last get together in Oct 1999 and everythings gone cold since then. But suffice to say we're more than likely looking at starting from scratch at a new venue situation-and that will cost. It would be a chance to further publicise TIBS and stike up more debate on here maybe ? intheteam has been a great vechicle to kick things off but longer term I am looking to go "independant" and then the thing really can develop. I e-mailed TIBS congratulations to the new promotion at Wimbledon frontman David Croucher reaffirmed the need for people like us to stick with our resolve to bring Speedway back to this area-if not Bradford. The rebirth of the Dons ( and one or two other defunct tracks recentley ) gives me hope that we have not seen the last of Speedway. After all those years of trying to be the best in Speedway its a real kick in the guts for Bradford not to be involved now the sport is moving forward onto the sort of plain we were striving towards at Odsal. But as I always said..stay safe keep the faith. spread the word and stick TIBS in your favourites..the sites under construction and I promise to add more great Bradford (and Halifax) Speedway memories for your delight. Ray Allen TIBS 
25/9/2001 11:33 GMT  Bill Walsh
Hi Ray thanks for your posting on the City site or I might never have found this.I followed the Odsal Boomerangs/Tudors from 1948 -54 when I emigrated downunder.I well remember Halifax Dukes forming with Vic Emms,Arthur Forrest and Dick Sears the stars. 
29/8/2001 21:22 GMT  Jez
Hi ya Ray, I have had the Dukes page for a while now (never really get the time to update it much). I was fed up of not seeing anything about the Dukes on the web, even though there were lots of other defunct teams with pages/sites. I am not what you would call an expert on the page design etc, but just wanted to get some info on the Dukes online. Keep up your top work (even if you put my work to shame!!) 
23/8/2001 00:04 GMT  Ray Allen
Hi Martin...that is intriguing because AH was interviewed by the YP a few weeks back ( see below ) and all but put the coffin lid on any racing activity in the Bradford area. So yes thats very interesting indeed. My own opinion and that in journalistic circles is that AH will not promote Speedway again ( leastwise not as the sole promoter ). It would be perfectly inderstandable if he wanted to get back involved as a consultant to a fledgling promotion in the area. I cannot believe that AH does not look at the steps forward the sport has taken since 1997 ( his last as a promoter ) and he does not think that Bradford were a track-out of time. The Bradford Speedway show was always striving for the next level and now we are there so to speak it must hurt not to be involved ? I know it p****s me off so you can bet yer mortgage on it that AH still harbours another crack at it ( even if he might not say it in as many words ). Lets keep absolutely everything crossed that theres a grain of truth in it Martin. Thanks for letting us know. Ray TIBS  
21/8/2001 22:22 GMT  Martin Burrows
Hello Ray. I heard today from a former starting marshall at Halifax that Allan Ham had told him he was considering "putting a team together" again. It may just have been talk, but maybe not! Keep up the good work. Martin Burrows 
20/8/2001 22:57 GMT  David W Fell
Nice to see a Bradford speedway site on the internet. I saw my first speedway at the Greenfield Stadium in Bradford when I was a lad in the early 60s. It is a shame that Greenfield Stadium was demolished. It was small and a bit of a dump but it had potential and it would have made a good second home for speedway in Bradford. Could do with it now. It had the advantage of being compact and a small crowd wasn't lost in it. I always thought Odsal far too big. It may have been OK in the late 40s and early 50s when the crowds were massive. My first speedway heros Tommy Roper, Reg Duval and Ray Day. Also Jack Kitchen,Peter Kelly and Jim Yacobi who all joined the Panthers towards the end of the season. Happy days.  
19/8/2001 01:43 GMT  Ray Allen
More kind words thanks a lot Ian we do our best here to bring on back the good times. Sunderland although relatively under worked as a Speedway centre holds lots of memories I'm sure for many and your to be congratulated on keeping things going-in the hope- no doubt of a revival? Having read Howard Jones's absorbing PSHODST No 5 Sunderland those times in the early 70's were memorable and I well recall the Stars visting Odsal Russ Dent was always good value ( see Olympiad posting below ) John Goodall too and I always considered Graham Smith another Kiwi a good signing-it did seem a big switch for him at the time after a successful spell with Canterbury Crusaders. It really would be great if Sunderland opened again. I think if it was promoted right ( rivalry with Newcastle) it could work ?. Certainley from what I have seen Bolden is still a tidy little Stadium ? So what chance a rival ?....let me know. Ray TIBS  
16/8/2001 16:16 GMT  Ian Martin
A great site. As a Sunderland Supporter from the '60's & '70's it's great to see the old pictures. We are still involved here in Sunderland. We have a reunion once a year and manage to attract a number of our former riders. Russ Dent, Brian Havelock, Dave Gatenby, George Barclay, Pete Wrathall and others. If anyone is interested in attending our Reunion, please do not hesitate to contact me by e-mail, and I will let you know the details. 
8/8/2001 23:58 GMT  Ray Allen
Martin Burrows got me back tracking on the Olympiad Individual Handicap Meetings staged at Odsal between 1971 and 1975-there were infact 5. Martin mentioned former Workington Comets ace Lou Sansom as a winner ? and indeed I was for going down the same road but...whilst Lou took part in one of the five meetings 1973 scoring 9pts from three wins - HE NEVER CLIMBED THE PODIUM. I want to go into more detail on this intriguing meeting and format but just to end any arguments here are the rostrums for The Olympiad 1971-75 1971 1.A Knapkin 2.Russ Dent (S'land) 3.Geoff Maloney (Rayleigh) 1972 1.P Crump 2.P Tyrer (Ellesmere P ) 3. Andy Meldrum (after run-off) 1973 1.D Baugh 2.A Knapkin 3.C Glover ( Boston ) 1974 1.C Meredith (15pt max!-wow that was something coming off a 30yd handicap in 4 races!) 2.R Adlington ( by then switched to Coatbridge ) 3. Tom Owen (Barrow). 1975 1.A Browning (Birmingham) 2.B Havelock (Gary Havelocks father) 3. C Meredith...all decided after 4 riders tied the meeting on 11pts apiece, Dave Baugh was the fourth but was excluded from the run-off for an on track infringment. My programme note tell me that Baugh and Havelock were involved in a punch up prior to the re-run heat. This should settle any arguments there may have been in Speedway Land. Ray TIBS 
6/8/2001 13:47 GMT  BCFC
Hi, how is everything, just wanting people to vote for my site on Yorkshires Top 100. Please enter my site and then vote. Adam Bell. Please as many as possible people vote. 1 vote per day allowed though. Thanks. All the best.  
6/8/2001 12:13 GMT  Ray Allen
Hi Martin ( are you related to Buzz ? ) Did I ever ?....the Olympiad was born out of the Mike Parker/Bill Bridgett promotional connection at Odsal through 1970-1972. BB was involved at Wolves ( I don't think that MP was ? ). Anyhow Monmore Green hosted the Olympique run on a handicap formulae. The Odsal promo carried this through and the Olympiad Trophy was born. It was always a wonderfully intriguing meeting simply because the handicaps ( 10,15 & 20 yds ) levelled the riders out.Over the years this type of racing should have developed further than it has...because theres nothing better than seeing racers have to come from the back. In the early 60's pre-British League the top riders Briggs,Moore,Fundin etc.. rode off handicaps in League matches to equalise the racing and there has been handicap racing in Aussie not that long ago. Sat here at work I cannot cross ref to my programmes so your testing the old grey matter here. But I recollect it was first staged in 1971. I clearly remember Workingtons auesome No1 Lou Sansom ( every bit the Divvy 2 Ivan Mauger ) winning an Olympiad- I'll stick my neck out and say it was 1972. I do not think it was staged in 1973, but was back on the racecard for 1974 when Colin Meredith (Oxford team boss and curator for the Cardiff GP track ) then with Bradford took the honours. I think the inaugrual Olympiad was 1971 and you may be right to say that Knappy was the winner. Off the top of my head something tells me Promoter Jim Streets retained the Olympiad on his card in 1975 but the winner just escapes me at the mo. Certainley it was a very novel meeting and one that I loved to watch because the second strings/reserves might just might pull off a shock. As for Screeny in the Olympiad ?-well he's just the sort of rider who you would fancy in that format meeting and probabley all the more around Odsal. Catch you soon..thanks for dropping in ( I will post all Olympiad results to set the record straight ) Ray TIBS 
4/8/2001 22:23 GMT  Martin Burrows
Hi Ray. Did you ever see the Handicap Individual meetings in the 70`s - The Olympiad (based on Wolves` Olympique) I can remember Lou Sansom winning one and I also think Knappy won one also.It would have been good to see one with Screeny in it around Odsal!  
29/7/2001 00:50 GMT  Ray Allen
Hi all Just back from hols so catching up.... Thanks Martin it was precisely that I had been looking for something like TIBS that got the site up and running. So your kind words are very much appreciated for whats here so far.... Jez got the message and have looked at the YP article by Steve Penny. Clearly this is not good news for Speedway in Bradford. Odsals development as an exclusive Rugby Stadium appears to have been given the green light. I tackled the issue head on with the Bulls on their web-site and it was a suprise to find that the Bullls support is far from 100% behind the proposals. Tesco are involved as the retail element to the site. Are we really going to have to put up with another out of town shopping complex...and one that wipes out over half a centuary of sporting history in the city of Bradford. As a council tax payer I am absolutely opposed to the use of the Odsal site in this way. Far more CAN and SHOULD be achieved from a redeveloped Odsal than this limited interest proposal. Rugby League is a miniority sport-in my also declining and will be eclipsed by the Union code in due course- thats not sour grapes either...just watch it happen. And then were stuck with a half baked Odsal development and another fat cat shopping complex. TIBS backs any boycott of a redeveloped Odsal Stadium on these lines. And you can categorically count on yours truly never setting foot in Odsal Stadium or putting one foot across the door of Tesco if and when it goes forward. The scheme is a shame and certainly as a tax payer in the City gets no support from me or this site. Tough words I know..but I feel that strongly about it. On the plus front out of the blue comes Leeds !? and I never thought I would say it living east of Pudsey- but I welcome the news and will overcome my staunch hate of all things L***s if Speedway is involved !. TIBS first heard rumours of this at the end of 2000...that a proposal for a new stadium in the South of Leeds was on the cards. Greyhounds would be the primary useage but Motorsport..speedway and or stocks might be included ?. TIBS has a contact in the Leisure trade and two weeks back the name of A & S - who are also involved at Sheffield Owlerton came up. This weeks Speedway press further confirms this interest and the possible involvement of the Sheffield Tigers promotion on the bikes side ?. So far theres little set concrete but it offers hope that we can get speedway back on the staple diet of sports fans in the area. If the Sheffield promotion were involved..great in my opinion their show is top notch and they could move up another gear at a second new venue. Its a bit co-incidental that Allan Ham gave the interview to the YP about the future of Speedway in Bradford at the same time that the Leeds thing comes up. Its like saying the games up for racing in Bradford...the licence runs out at the end of this year anyway and the time is right to pass the baton others in a position to bring speedway back to the Leeds. If thats the case then all well and good. TIBS believes the venture would work...Greyhounds has risen in popularity in the South of England and is now associated with the suited brigade,film stars..Vinnie Jones comes to mind, soccer stars etc.. who frequent the London circuits. Its easy to see why Leeds ( without Greyhounds for some time now ) would be a viable venue. Leeds is very much seen as the new "London" and the target punters would be the City suits and Corporates in the area. Speedway is a great add on and with its returning profile and "cool image"...SKYS involvement,the GP etc... it seem a viable package for Leeds and surrounding districts. Watch this space as they say Ray Allen for TIBS.  
21/7/2001 18:43 GMT  Martin Burrows
Fantastic site - been looking for something like it since we shut down.The Bradford Speedway sticker still hangs in my car! 
18/7/2001 19:43 GMT  Jez
Just read this. Not what anyone wanted to see. 
10/7/2001 21:43 GMT  Ray Allen
And... thank you Keith...yes those were great times Crumpie was magic at Odsal. In my hand is the programme for the 1972 Div 2 League clash on 21/06/1972. Crewe Kings were mid table at this stage of the season-but had ridden 7 matches less than leaders Eastbourne and 3 less than Northern. With Crumpie unbeaten 12 from 4 and solid back up from John Jackson,Dai Evans,Dave Parry and Garry Flood-great first year Aussie in 72 (but never raced in Britain beyond that year...) the Kings out gunned the Odsal lads for whom Dave Baugh-10 and Robin Adlington-8 supplied best resistance. Heat 13 produced a very rare instance in Speedway when only 1 rider made it to the finish line- yes you guessed Phil Crump to complete his max. Whilst Robin A & Barry Meeks for Northern and Garry Flood for the Kings failed to reach the chequered flag. The 0-3 heat score and an earlier 2-3 heat reverse produced the rather odd scoreline of 34-40 to the Kings. This very much set the tone for the Kings as inspired by Crumpie they went on to dominate the League & Knock Out Cup of 1972. I remember Dad,I and brother Phil were on the old turns 3-4 (1&2 80's/90's track ).There was always a guy a few stanchions down-regular at Odsal who got pretty I recall when Crumpie did one of his race celebration laps said guy took a bite out of an apple and proceeded to chuck the rest at Crumpie-it struck! right in the spokes of his front wheel.... But Crumpie had no problem with us even then Dad had his card marked as a top rider to be and although we feared him because he would take points off our lads we loved to watch him race. As TIBS develops there will be loads on the 70's at Odsal-where I came in so you should be running around like a sping chicken by the time we've done Keith.. Ray TIBS Yeah Keith forever young 
9/7/2001 20:52 GMT  Keith Wilkinson
I've just been reading your site,and it brought back memories of those '70's battles between Allen Knapkin and Taffy Owen........and that night when Phil Crump,as the top scorer,had a crak at the track record........four full laps without once closing the throttle..Magic,i almost feel young again: Thanks : Keith 
2/7/2001 23:54 GMT  Ray Allen
Hi Pam thanks for looking in...although we at TIBS were'nt around in the days of the two Athurs we have spent a good deal of time researching and reliving the great days they brought to Odsal in the 50's. If you were a regular at Odsal in the late 90's you might recall the wonderfully nostalgic Match Day Mag articles by Broadsider-"On The Cinder Trail" these brought vividly to life the post war era of racing in Bradford wonderful characters- Jonnie Hoskins, Oliver Hart, Max Grosskreutz, Ron Clarke in the late 40's and the likes of the two Arthurs, Eddie Rigg etc... TIBS is here to try and bring those characters back to life as well as looking ahead to try and help create a platform for the return of Speedway racing to the area at least if not at Odsal. So keep looking in and TIBS promises to reunite you with your hero's at least on the web....soon. For now go to Hero's and Mighty Max rides again. Ray TIBS 
2/7/2001 12:10 GMT  Pamela Cavanagh
Is there anyone who would like to e mail me to chat about old times, in the days of Arthur Forrest;Arthur Wright etc. 
30/6/2001 22:55 GMT  Allan Allcott
Nice site. I hope it jogs a promoter into action to restore speedway to Odsal. I wonder if I may use the site to help me with some research. I wonder if anyone has access to Bradford fixtures and riders for years 1955- 1957. If so I would be grateful to hear from them. My email address is Many thanks.  
30/6/2001 18:41 GMT  Gary Clements
After the miracles Tony Mole and Ian Thomas have performed at Workington wouldn't it be brilliant If they fancied the biggest challenge in speedway? Resurrecting the Dukes at Odsal. Dream on!  
30/6/2001 00:13 GMT  Ray Allen
Thanks Mike. My "roots" are in Division 2 racing-PL today and my preference has always been for the racing at that level. If Speedway came back to Bradford I believe it would be a mistake to run at Elite League level from the off. Belle Vue are known to be considering a switch to Premier in 2002, and with Sheffield, Hull, Workington, Stoke & Newcastle plus the Scottish contingent it would make the best business sense to operate at that level. However I have always understood Alan Ham was firmly behind racing at the highest level-and there is no criticism there fair play because there are few who knew how to present the sport and its stars better than the former Odsal promotion in their time. Certainley Speedway is a slightly fitter animal today than even as recentley as 4 years ago and its generally accepted that if AH wanted another crack at Speedways "new era" then he would want to be in with the best" But the attraction of PL racing is there to be seen and it may be foolhardy not to a least consider its merits. Ray 
29/6/2001 14:22 GMT  Mike Moseley
They say that there's never smoke without fire, and lets hope that is the case with regards to the return of speedway to Odsal Stadium. Although based in Norfolk, I used to attend a fair few Dukes meetings, and over the years it grew to be my favourite venue. Until Cardiff came along, it was far and away the No 1 circuit for World Championship/Grand Prix meetings, and I'd like to think that will be the case again one day. I'm a big fan of Premier League racing and generally prefer it to Elite, however, I don't think the Premier lads are fast enough to do such a pacy circuit the justice it would need. Mind you, better that than nowt!!  
28/6/2001 08:57 GMT  Roy Shaw
So after 4 years the work on the 'superdome' finally gets underway. If I won the lottery i'd buy Odsal & tell the Bradford Bulls Rugby Club to hop it. If speedway was to return to Odsal would it be Premier League speedway? Not that i'd mind as I think the entertainment would be better. Theres too much of a gap between the good riders & the not so good riders in the Elite League. I'd love to see the All In One league like we had in 1996. I know one of the main problems that arose was the smaller clubs not being able to afford wage demands of big riders. Why not take a leap out of Footballs books? At the start of each season every Premier League Football team gets £15 Million. I'm not saying dish out that kind of crazy cash, but an amount of cash that will help all teams recruit riders to form a competitive side. 
26/6/2001 22:15 GMT  Ray Allen
Hi thanks for the kind words, sorry that I have not had the chance to update the World Speedway page as promised !. There was really no point filing a live report from Cardiff what could I possibley add by way of superlatives for this wonderous event ?. What happened at Cardiff was-absolutely no word of a lie..where I wanted to take Speedway 30 years ago!, I have always seen it that way and to me Speedway has been the BEST KEPT SECRET for those 30 odd years. I have always seen Colour,Excitment,Noise,TV making characters out of the riders, bringing the action alive,Music and Fireworks on and off track... I wanted to do that in 1970!.FOR ME SPEEDWAY HAS ALWAYS ROCKED-AS THE BANNER PROCLAIMED Aint it Great! don;t it make you kinda feel cool and proud to be involved with Speedway. As I say due to new work commitments I have been a bit pushed for time on TIBS but promise to sort it. Keep visiting and we'll try to do our bit to relive those great Odsal Times and keep the sport alive in the City. By the way if you visited the Bradford Bulls site recentley you may have caught my open letter on the future of Odsal Stadium...cripes what a response that provoked ! Bulls by the bucket load replying and yours truly wiped off the message board. Think I spoke the truth and it kinda hurts sometimes. If you missed it I'll stick up again on TIBS and you can read what was so CONTROVERSIAL ! See ya soon Ray For TIBS  
26/6/2001 17:53 GMT  Paul Redmond
What a great website. I attended my first speedway meeting at Odsal in 1970, the first one after the team moved from Nelson. Went to Odsal on Wednesday and Halifax on a saturday. Followed the Dukes back to Bradford in the mid eighties but haven't been to Speedway since the late eighties. Great memories - currently enjoying the grand prix and league on sky.  
25/6/2001 21:19 GMT  Arkwright
Odsal Stadium is a sheer waste of resources and a big loss to speedway. The council in Bradford should support a return of this unique form of motorcycle sport. I would be mortified if I knew the track and the stadium were still there and no speedway was taking place. Bradford needs speedway and speedway needs Bradford.  
21/6/2001 21:16 GMT  Beryl Broadbent
I started supporting Bradford Speedway in the 1970's.When Bradford Barons folded I started following Halifax Dukes,then Bradford Dukes.I even worked the turnstills for a few years with my husband.Who how we miss Saturday nights.It was great to find this site,but it would be fantastic to get speedway back at Odsal.So comeone powers that be,get your act together. Speedway is having a come back,so lets get it back to Bradford.Bradford has a great Rugby team and lets get our great Speedway team back. 
17/6/2001 22:12 GMT  GARY STANWORTH
14/6/2001 20:27 GMT  Pamela Cavanagh
As an old Odsal stadium speedway fan, It ' s good to see someone remembers some good times.  
13/6/2001 11:34 GMT  tony richardson
Hope to see speedway back at Odsal. Great track to ride, great atmosphere at meetings. 
31/5/2001 21:45 GMT  Trevor Bell
Great to find a site on the Dukes, although when I watched them they were at Halifax. I did see Speedway at Bradford in the early 70's and have fond memories.  
31/5/2001 20:25 GMT  Graham Townsend
Good effort. Hope this site will help play a part in bringing speedway back to the best track in Britain (since Halifax closed!!!). 
29/5/2001 21:01 GMT  Chris Streets
Ray site looks good, took me a while to find it as you gave me the wrong address. Now I have it I will spread the gospel 
24/5/2001 07:58 GMT
Thanks a lot, your site has been added to mine. Cheers. Bradford. 
23/5/2001 22:07 GMT  Jez
Great site fella. So there at at least two people who have not forgotten about the Dukes!! Lets hope we see the wheels turning at Odsal soon. As it was said about Kenny, "his number plate said it all KC W1N". 
11/5/2001 15:00 GMT
please link me to ur page, i will link urs if u leave a message on my guestbook. cheers. Bradford  
11/5/2001 14:35 GMT  Ray Allen
How are ya fella?....just testing 
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