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Reading Gas Football Club Guestbook

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24/4/2002 11:35 GMT  Paul O'Boyle
Who's the Bald Guy doing an Angel of the North impression???? 
13/3/2002 11:47 GMT  Andy Bullett
I have had the apology posted on the Ruscombe FC website. They have thank us for this and wish us the best of luck! 
12/3/2002 07:56 GMT  andy hymen buster king
i am here in oz try to bust as many hymens as i can, whats going on with you bunch of faggots, all i keep getting is text messages telling me you've lost again, obviously there needs to be a few shake ups round there, starting with martin first, suppose your still turning up at 10.30a.m every week, this has got to change son, its about time you started living up to your responsabilities and whats this no drinking ban you've put on the players thats got to be the biggest load of pony i've heard in a long time, from now on i want to see players turning up in the best bib and tucker that they'd been out in the night before, everyone stinking of booze and if you haven't been out on the booze the night before then i suggest you have fosters with those rice crispies young lad, come on gas lets think positively would you rather get stuffed 6-0 and and have been stone cold sober the night before, i think not, i'd rather come off the pitch, oh well least i got mullered last night and ended up boning that brahma, as you can tell i feel very strongly about this subject, so players lets unite and make a stand and if he doesn't back down then, i have pictures from our tour to Longford!!!! so baldy, lets have the players on the drink more and you in your car earlier getting to the games on time, over and out BUSTER.  
21/2/2002 15:36 GMT  Tim Morrison
Sory me again. Just read the guest book Who the f**k ( am I aloud to swear on this ? ) is hamish ? He's been a busy b*llocks ! In submitting this it said I'm not aloud to use offensive words..... so now I know 
21/2/2002 15:33 GMT  Tim Morrison
Hello Boys ( hello anyone that reads this ) It's the one who's been referred to as the Bum here. Mozza. Anyway just wanted to say re: last match report it was they who missed me in all departments not just the shower !! And in an award acceptance speech kind of way I just wanted to say that I think Bully has done a great job organizing the website and all the other crap that comes with the sexatary job. No he didn't pay me to say that but yes I am hoping for a start next week. Cheers boys. Tim "Ozzie" Morrison. 
17/2/2002 19:40 GMT  Hamish
Come and see our site & sign the guestbook at 
12/2/2002 13:01 GMT  Paul O'Boyle
Bully - you are doing a great job with the website and the match reports from the "Vet" are superb. Keep it up!! 
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