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Newcastle Women's U14s Guestbook

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11/3/2002 22:09 GMT  ????????????????????????????
we can do the same no hopers 
11/3/2002 21:49 GMT  im back
its no use cheeting to get results,you have done it all season and you are still crap 
11/3/2002 19:17 GMT  lisA
hiyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa raph is like a gr8 friend and a gr8 footballer hav a gr8 time playin i wish i cud b 1 of yaz good luck in futre games lisa xxXxXxXxXxX 
11/3/2002 19:15 GMT  Raph
I think the sites kool..but i dont lime my photo though.Well played again on Sunday! 
11/3/2002 17:34 GMT  ivor sorearm
i cheat to i'm a welsh linesman. 
11/3/2002 16:14 GMT  Loz
Well done! Everyone on the Newcastle team. We played brilliant, good goals lindsay(chip) and becky. Bonjour Raph thanxs for writing good things about me goalie!  
11/3/2002 13:01 GMT  ha ha
flag happy chappie 
11/3/2002 01:23 GMT  THE N.F.A
We will look out for your cheeting childish linesperson!!!!!!!! 
10/3/2002 20:28 GMT  Raph
Well played every1 today. Great goals lindsay, lauren and becky. Well goaled 2day Lauren. 
10/3/2002 20:06 GMT  Joolz
Well played today girls - you worked hard for a deserved win. 
10/3/2002 19:36 GMT  Lindsey
Thanx very much Hells Bells! 
10/3/2002 19:33 GMT  Hells Bells
Mint goal Lindsay! 
10/3/2002 19:28 GMT  Liz
Congratulations girls, well played under such difficult conditions, we're proud of you all. Great team performance. 
9/3/2002 22:15 GMT  Liz
Well Loz I'm glad you've found the web site! You'll need your winter woolies on this Sunday! You're not in Oz now. 
9/3/2002 22:09 GMT  Loz
Anyone wanna know who i am. Am the Newcastle Under 14's left wing super star 
9/3/2002 19:34 GMT  Loz
I am back of me hols.  
5/3/2002 20:59 GMT  HELLS BELLS
:0) SMILE :0) 
5/3/2002 19:54 GMT  The real me!!!!!!
im not a sad gimp from blyth im me 
4/3/2002 23:21 GMT  The real Joolz
Please ignore all messages from me except this one and the first one. Obviously certain sad gimps from Blyth Town have nothing better to do than impersonate me. You will be able to tell whether it is me by looking at the spelling and punctuation! 
4/3/2002 22:09 GMT  Joolz
liz 12 will be fine thanks............................jimmy or my girls stop putting things on the site that do not concern you. 
4/3/2002 21:36 GMT  JOOLZ
4/3/2002 09:06 GMT  Liz
The game that was off on Sunday was a cup match against Boldon 
3/3/2002 23:22 GMT  joolz
Sorry I didn't ring back Liz - it was too late by the time I got ur message. I was wondering what time kick-off u wanted on Sun. Afternoon would b best for us. Please leave a message on our guestbook. 
2/3/2002 22:42 GMT  ?
who was the match against?  
2/3/2002 09:15 GMT  Liz
Game off this Sunday - pitch waterlogged 
1/3/2002 20:36 GMT  .
is the game still on this sunday v boldon....? 
27/2/2002 09:43 GMT  La La
Good luck newcastle, hope u win this sunday. Nice site. 
26/2/2002 09:49 GMT  Lyndsay
Hi its the first time ive bn on the site and it looks gr8 some of the pictures of the players look mad. good look with the rest of the season and see some of u next season wit the development or the 1st team cu lata Lyndsay  
25/2/2002 19:53 GMT  Hells Bells
I am Hells Bells and I play for Newcastle. Did anyone watch the women's game England v Portugal, it was a great game 3 - 0. Kelly Smith is mint!!! 
23/2/2002 21:40 GMT  maxi me
i am maxi me so shut the hell up PLEASE p.s who is hells bells 
23/2/2002 19:16 GMT  maxi me
this is really freaky - why would someone want to impersonate me (see below) 
23/2/2002 15:56 GMT  maxi me
who the hell is hells bells...? 
23/2/2002 12:11 GMT  Ami
Emma is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!! (so is Newcastle) 
23/2/2002 11:47 GMT  Hells Bells
SNOW SNOW SNOW!!!!!! I don't no if i'm happy or sad about it. SNOW SNOW SNOW!!!!!!  
20/2/2002 21:02 GMT  ?
so u should be 
20/2/2002 19:56 GMT  Hells Bells
Sorry if you don't like my jokes. Who are you anyway? 
20/2/2002 19:46 GMT  ?
how was that funny? 
20/2/2002 19:09 GMT  Hells Bells
Hello! How many Sunderland fans does it take to change a light bulb? 1000, 1 to hold the light bulb and 999 to turn the house round...! He he ha ha!!! 
19/2/2002 16:54 GMT  me and different me
well were not Jill and Bekz........can u guess who we r...? 
19/2/2002 15:35 GMT  Hells Bells
How many me's does there want to be? At least my name is original!!! 
19/2/2002 00:43 GMT  maxi me
I am not Laura or whoever. You wont guess who I am. 
18/2/2002 23:17 GMT  ian
nice site ! bit like mine we should arrange a game sometime  
18/2/2002 16:40 GMT  me and different me
who r jill and bekz coz they r not me and different me coz we r me and different me so who sed they were........? and who is laura davison 
18/2/2002 16:35 GMT  maxi me
i am laura davison from hexham 
17/2/2002 23:27 GMT  maxi me
me is jill stacey (blyth) a different me is bekz wilkins (hexham) maxi me is ....? 
17/2/2002 20:00 GMT  Hamish
Come and see our site & sign the guestbook at 
17/2/2002 19:58 GMT  The U14 Girl's
Congratulations to Newcastle Womens! Newcastle Womens 4 - Blyth Spartans 0 Go Newcastle...! 
12/2/2002 13:33 GMT  hells Bells Allman
Whos me???? We got beat is what happened.P.S. Peter Reid has gone into hospital ---- he's got a bad side!!! But never mind he's up for an OBE (Out Before Easter)Ha ha ha !!! 
11/2/2002 21:57 GMT  me
wot happened on sunday? 
11/2/2002 20:37 GMT  Hells Bells Allman
Aagghh!!!! What happened on Sunday? We are better than that, alot better. Hope everyone is getting over their cold's and flu's, I still have a bad cough. The 1st team did well, they won 1-0! See you all on Friday, remember the training is inside.  
11/2/2002 16:41 GMT  JIMMY
What was your result on sunday liz.....? 
9/2/2002 10:35 GMT  She Kicks Magazine
At 'She Kicks' (the magazine for Women's Football) we are always on the look out for more women's & girls football websites to link to our own....and we'd like to have a reciprocal link with your site! If you are up for that, then please put a link to She Kicks somewhere on your site, using this address; When that is done, email me at (reminding me of your club name) and I will immediately post your link on our site, in the relevant category (Youth). Thanks Wilf Frith News Editor She Kicks 
5/2/2002 18:52 GMT  Brian (Blyth town)
Liz If you want to learn a bit more about html go to view click on Source and it will display the make up code of that page. Copy a few sections ie marque etc. also have a look in"in the team" help file  
2/2/2002 21:12 GMT  joolz
Liz - if u want to display an image there should be a bit on ur news stories that says "add image". That's if it has uploaded successfully - it won't if it is more than 20 kb. 
2/2/2002 16:55 GMT  Hells Bells
What do you thing of the training inside? Makes you work alot harder doesn't it. 
31/1/2002 23:53 GMT  joolz (hexham)
Good result on Sun - I hear u were a bit unlucky. Do u want a link to ? 
31/1/2002 21:51 GMT  faye louize
ok so you can also laugh at my spelling mistakes. no wise cracks please or i'll hide the ice packs. 
31/1/2002 21:44 GMT  Faye
well anything i write will be more interesting than the existing messages. so if any of you are board of using your feet check out, learn how to punch an laugh at the stupid pics of hellz and me! see you all soon 
31/1/2002 18:24 GMT  jimmy
to do a link on the rest of the tyne tees lge teams 4 this will link you to blyth town 
31/1/2002 15:39 GMT  Hells Bells
HI ya Hells here, we all played really well on Sun 
31/1/2002 14:52 GMT  blyth town
would you want to be linked to our site......? 
31/1/2002 13:45 GMT  blyth town
congrats on your c.l.s. result 
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