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14/8/2002 14:39 GMT  YG
It will be a pleasure to deprive you of your cash, I reckon I'll be well into double figures, and if your free kicks on saturday are anything to go by I doubt you will get out of the blocks... 
14/8/2002 11:52 GMT  Jez Horgan
Erm, I think you'll find that was an own goal, and besides friendlies don't count. That being the case I would happilly wager £50 that I beat you in the goalscoring charts (providing you don't tactically drop me from the team when I start levaing you for dead)!! Prepared to put your money where your mouth is???? 
12/8/2002 14:19 GMT  YG
Fancy a little private wager for me to finish above you in the goalscoring charts ? I believe its 1 - 0 to me at the moment........ 
12/8/2002 12:05 GMT  Jez Horgan
Don't see many votes for you YG 
8/8/2002 08:01 GMT  YG
Not got enough bottle to back yourself to top the goal charts Mr H ? 
7/8/2002 09:04 GMT  Jez Horgan
Let me guess, did anyone other than Justin and Steve vote for themselves on the poll. At those odds I would be willing to take your money off you. Dreamers!! 
29/7/2002 14:43 GMT  Jez Horgan
Picky, picky, picky. 
26/7/2002 11:58 GMT  Justin West
Just a quicky, my full name is Justin West not justin . 
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