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LOASS Football Club Guestbook

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10/6/2002 11:15 GMT  Steve Jones
There I am still buzzing from the brilliant time I had on tour and then England go on and beat the Argies as well so with this feel good factor I thought to myself I will put something nice on the LOASS website, only to get on there and Lee Bramley said everything I was going to!!! anyway yet again thanks to all involved, Coaches, Parents and especially the Boy's who did themselves proud (and let's not forget how young they still are).  
8/6/2002 09:44 GMT  Lee Bramley
WHAT A WICKED WEEKEND!! We all had a blinder and met some great people. Well done to all of the boys, you done your coaches, parents and yourselves really proud and showed the other teams how to play proper football, excellent stuff! It was a real pleasure to watch. Special thanks to Grant (ex friend), Steve, Nooj, Ross & Del for the Barby, even if you didn't like my jokes ( I'll work on a few punchlines steve - don't worry). Kally just said SHTOP! so I'm off. See you all in a couple of weeks at training 
6/6/2002 14:48 GMT  Max Braham
I had a really good time on tour in Holland.Are there any tours arranged for the summer.Well done to all my team mates,coaches and especially my mum for taking me.See you in the second week of coaching,as I will be on holiday in Italy for a week. 
6/6/2002 11:41 GMT  smiffy
I had a great time in Holland , i especially enjoyed my 2 goals so watch out strikers .Thanks to all the coaches, my penants up on the wall. 
5/6/2002 17:28 GMT  Mim & Ross
well done to all the boys.they played great football,it was excellent to watch and a pleasure to support.the boys also deserve credit for their behavior this weekend.a very enjoyable weekend all round.thanks to all the coaches Grant,Ross,Steve,Del and Nuge 
5/6/2002 13:23 GMT  GEORGE COLE
I had a fantastic weekend in Holland, especially the swimming pool which was brilliant. Only wish there had been more people to go round after I scored my WONDER GOAL!!!! 
5/6/2002 10:53 GMT  Grant Cornwell
Mnay thanks to all the parents, players and staff from the U/8's and U/9's who made our tour of Holland and Belgium such a wonderful and memorable experience. The quality of football played by our boys was exceptional and a joy to watch. Well done to Jordan Barbier, Sam Cook, Conor Reynolds, Iain Ward, James Jaconelli, Steve Jones, Tommy Bramley, Sam Phelan, Jake Smith, Jack Cook, Dion Bishop, Sam Matthews, Max Braham, Bradley Cleveland, George Cole, Jamal Willer, Andrew Ward, Ryan Smith, Tom Cope, Sam Hollis, Robert Holmes, Ciaran Folan, Joe Naughton, William Tear, Vinny Murphy, Michael Girling, Liam Sydes, Robert Stapleton, Joe Burfield, Scott Hill and Ross Chimes, each and everyone of you were brilliant and did the club proud.  
4/6/2002 17:50 GMT  Alan (Wardy's Dad)
Being an O's fan since the age of five, I've had little to be proud of for the last thirty-odd years! But that all changed in Holland over the Jubilee Weekend. Well done to all the boys, Grant, Steve, Del, Nuge, Ross and all the supporters. Boy, did we show those Dutch how to play football! 
4/6/2002 12:31 GMT  Sam Cook
Grant, I had a great time in Belgium. Thank you very much for letting me play and I look forward to playing next year. TTFN, Sam 
Well done to your players Grant, you must be proud!. I hope they all have hangovers from celebrating when we come down May 18th..Come to think of it, I will pay for the drinks if it helps our players!!! (don't hold me to that!)Well done, may your successes continue except Saturday after next! Gallow United. Ian Pridmore U12's 
6/5/2002 19:12 GMT  Tash (orient girls u16 )
Great site Grant.Just proves Orient are good for more than one thing...making brilliant websites.  
25/4/2002 06:41 GMT  jackie
Congratulations to all the LOASS teams, what a season! Thanks Grant, Nick, Ross and everyone involved. As for next season BRING IT ON ! 
13/4/2002 19:34 GMT  James
Congratulations Grant and all the boys for a tremendous season. CHAMPIONS!! 
6/4/2002 21:12 GMT  Ian Pridmore
Again..The LOASS show they are topswith hospitality and friendship. Special thanks to Grant and Steve Embleton. On behalf of Gallow United FC, a warm thank you for making us so welcome and creating a day that kids will remember all their lives. I wish it was possible to relay all the positive comments from our players and their parents. Thank you. 
24/3/2002 22:24 GMT  Paul Georgiou
Was the ref wearing Armani sunglasses? 
19/3/2002 15:54 GMT  Max Braham
I like the site Grant.Where is my name on the team. 
19/3/2002 09:03 GMT  Paula Pridmore
Hi Grant, Love the site really informative, Reece thinks it's wicked and can't wait to play his Uncle Ian's team. Well done. Paula 
18/3/2002 00:07 GMT  Ian Pridmore
Brilliant site! You ARE becoming a technical wizard Grant. E-Mail other details on attachment. I have created a link from our site to yours..IAN 
16/3/2002 22:08 GMT  Derwent
I like the design of this! It looks good!!  
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