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Cosmos Sports & Cultural Club Guestbook

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14/8/2002 14:06 GMT  melinda singh
to Cosmos Sports & Cultural Club... i thought I'll drop a line to say keep up the fantastic work and eliminate the fierceness attitude.... Msingh, NY, NY  
8/8/2002 16:42 GMT  re cricket fan
just shut up n go to t & d.we like it here 
6/8/2002 19:24 GMT  re love
we kind of people dont beleive in 'unconfirmed' ok 
6/8/2002 03:02 GMT  From SCA With Love !
According to unconfirmed reports an Umpire was beaten-up today on Ellesmere ground during a game between Bollywood and Diva. The umpire was favouring Bollywood so Diva team beat him Up ! Shame on SCA !!!  
6/8/2002 00:18 GMT  A Cricket FAn
I don't see any future for Cricket in the SCA. The Top two teams in the premier league namely SMCC and Lawrence have made 1100+ runs in 10 games, average 110 per game, ideally a single front end batsman should be making 700-800 runs in 10 games, this is very unfortunate. These days ICC is implementing more and more Laws like: anything bowled outsite the leg stump is a wide etc, this is done to promote batting and promote high scoring games while SCA is going in the opposite direction. How can SCA Cricketers bring themselves up to those higher levels? Let's shutdown this league from next year and all teams migrate to T&D, I hope if 31 teams decide to signup there we can get a big discount.. Let's face it, we only play 15 games average per year and if don't enjoy here then what's the use of playing ! In SCA, the Umpires Rule, Grounds stink and the Management is Corrupt !!! MOVE TO T&D !  
5/8/2002 23:22 GMT  A must read from Eastwest Site !
Game 10 Mohammad Shoaib Monday, August 05, 2002 23:01 GMT We batted first today at AB-3 ground and were bowled out for only 82 runs, the Umpire judged our 2 players LBW who played way forward on the front foot to an off-spinner. Kapletha struggled to score the required runs losing 5 wickets, we suffered due to poor umpiring decisions by Umpire Malcolm Riley as he relied on the batsmen to walk-out rather than judging them caught behind. At one stage Kapletha was 21 for 4 ! The Umpire argued that the Kapletha batsmen are Honest enough and will walk-out if they edged the ball. " I BELIEVE WE HIRE UMPIRES TO GIVE DECISIONS RATHER THAN RELYING ON THE BATSMEN TO WALK-OUT !!! The batsmen confessed after the game in front of both teams that he was caught behind but stayed because the umpire did not give him out. NO LBWs were given and Good balls were called wide, this calls for re-training/re-certification of most SCA Umpires. How can we play in such an environment where the Umpires are not properly trained, they are rather biased, ground conditions are poor and the management is reluctant to re-train umpires. I Strongly believe that we would have won this game if the Umpire did his job properly. A final Remark: The Umpires in SCA come to enjoy the game and make some cash, they support one team rather than doing their job. I still don't understand on what basis they are biased towards a team, I wish I knew !!! why do they do that ????? Final Result: Kapletha Won by 5 wickets, anyways, we lost to our brothers !!!  
4/8/2002 07:05 GMT  ryiad
Hi vic remember I gave to you for history picture ..... okay thank  
31/7/2002 15:57 GMT  CUZIN TAJ!!
Just want to "BIG UP" my cousin Ryan Lall for his brillant knock of 140 runs against Argentina in the Under 15 Champinships in Orlando, Florida!! Also for his excellent bowling spell against the Cayman Islands......8 overs, 2 maidens, 16 runs, 4 wickets. Way to go "PAPS"........................... 
8/7/2002 22:40 GMT  Observer
Cosmos is too resiliant a organization to let all these setbacks affect them. In the long run they will rebound, and with proper management, will again become respectable. I wish you all the best and hope that there is no more in-fighting and squabbles. BEST OF LUCK. 
5/7/2002 16:56 GMT  To All our visitors
Cosmos was here before our so called super stars, and it is still here, maybe we are not MANDOLALL, DYAL or POLO etc. but we are individuals(not the BORG) who have their own minds and do not rely on others to think for us. We may not get any trophies but we have our dignity and that's better than any trophy, as the saying goes we the going gets tough the strong stays, and the weak start running, the evidence speaks for itself. 
4/7/2002 12:31 GMT  Observer
well said pandit! 
3/7/2002 19:47 GMT  pandit ;; 'wake up indians'
i'm sorry to say that any person or organisation you are trying to condem does not make you any better,but more stupid. this site is for us to communicate in a decent manner,lets us dont suck the blood out of our own.Members are spending time to keep this site the way it is and for you to communicate,not to slander anyone,so enjoy the beautiful flowers in your garden,do not peep into your neighbour's garden and complain whats not in there. We are all humans,we all live here and no is going in any other world.  
26/6/2002 05:16 GMT  without ryiad (B)
i can help for my late grandfather serouis then i can help cosmos B serouis  
23/6/2002 15:35 GMT  Club Poll - June
Who is likely to score a century this year?

Rovendra Mandolall 35%
Mark Hardeen 3%
Terry Mathura 6%
Suresh Persaud 10%
Pradeep Singh 16%
Surendra Seeraj 10%
Daron Mahase 13%
Kenny Girdharry 0%
Prem Indar 3%
Mike Singh 3%

Total Votes: 31  
21/6/2002 03:09 GMT  unknow#2
I want to wish Cosmos players the best of luck with the rest of the season. I know that they lost 3 great players that play the game well. I think there are a lot of other players that want to take release from Cosmos too. Anyways I just want to wish the club the best in the up-coming years. 
20/6/2002 22:08 GMT  Amar
I wish Cosmos Cricket Club the best of luck for the rest of the season. I would like to say that I have NOTHING PERSONAL against ANYONE in Cosmos and I hope the same from the members. My move was strictly based on the future and I hope that Cosmos succeed in their plans for the future. Best of luck to you all in the future! Peace out!!!!!! 
7/6/2002 02:59 GMT  SUPER-STAR
7/6/2002 02:15 GMT  A die hard fan
Good start guys. Keep the good spirit alive and Win the championship. Check out the website to buy books at a very low cost with free delivery. 
4/6/2002 16:06 GMT  Fan
Good game guys.....GO COSMOS GO! 
3/6/2002 15:34 GMT  supporter
congrats on your first whin MANDO. 
24/5/2002 17:04 GMT  pandit
good work guys ..keep it going.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to PRADEEP (POLO) wishing you all the best bro,you have been a wonderful sportsman may the years ahead bring you all success and health. PEACE.  
21/5/2002 18:08 GMT  Cricketer
There are several competitive clubs in Toronto and Scarborough. Web is your best place to start the search - try Under LINKS there you would find several clubs from Toronto and Scarborough. Also try where you will find contacts for more 36 clubs in Toronto. Best of luck, and yes, Cosmos is also an excellent team and may well be looking for more cricketers. 
18/5/2002 15:52 GMT  Harminder Singh Mann
Hi Guys, I am new in Canada and very passionate cricketer. I have recently migrated from Australia. I did my schholing there as well as played cricket for 2nd grade. I am very much excited toplay cricket in Canada. So please give me directions to join good club to play competitive cricket. Regards Harminder Singh 
17/5/2002 16:33 GMT  Club Poll - April
Which team will win more games in the 2002 season?

Cosmos 'A' - 46%
Cosmos 'B' - 25%
Tie 29%
Total Votes: 24  
15/5/2002 19:21 GMT  not to worry
just for the records ...lenny ramotar was the founder of cosmos.if you guys have his e-mail you can get alot of info etc for this site 
13/5/2002 20:53 GMT  Kingdaro
2002 Season begins this Saturday, May 18th...Practice starts this Wednesday @ AB..and like Vanessa said we need the trophies back(ALL OF THEM)....Daron 
11/5/2002 19:01 GMT  Vanessa (mandolall)
Just want to wish you guys all the Best on the up coming 2002 season. We need the trophies back!!!!!! 
28/4/2002 19:05 GMT  Lenny Ramotar
Your site is really cool. Congrats to the Organisation and your great progress. 
22/4/2002 04:16 GMT  UNKNOW
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