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Royal & SunAlliance Basketball Guestbook

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26/6/2002 18:16 GMT  A former player
Oh well, not to be. At least the US gave the evil Germans a scare. If it wasn't for Oliver Kahn and the missed handball, we might be in the final. 
18/6/2002 20:47 GMT  A former player
Are you guys getting nervous about the upcoming World Cup match? No, not Brazil, you'll handle them easily. I mean the final against the Americans in 2 weeks! Go Eng-er-land and go USA! 
1/3/2002 10:23 GMT  omzo
A most impressive site and the flaming logo aint bad either! Good luck in the rest of yr games allstars, keep shooting those threes bunzaroo! 
14/1/2002 15:35 GMT  christine
hi!! good luck for this season! visit us at 
7/11/2001 08:39 GMT  A Player
what does ken morgan mean - weeded out? and who's the one that could? Yanks play ball better then brits even in their sleep - get real KEN. Please answer the two questions- Thanks 
5/6/2001 10:46 GMT  ?
visit the best ladies football club this side of huddersfield at and leave a message in our guestbook. ps. guys fab site ours is nothing compared to this!  
1/12/2000 09:04 GMT  Eduard J Scott - Head Coach of Crawley Tempest
Great site - not only nice to see someone from Sussex making the effort, but from North-West-Sussex (if you get the tenuous link!) 
14/11/2000 18:39 GMT  Ken Morgan
I see that the team finally weeded out the Americans that couldn't play and found one that could!!! 
14/11/2000 07:31 GMT  Stuart Rudkin
Mentor by the fact that Jex followed in my footsteps and began coaching the ladies team before marrying one of the players! Oh, I like to think that he modelled his free-throw technique on me - yes I'm that bad! 
23/10/2000 11:46 GMT  Barny
I wouldn't have shouted about being Jez's basketball mentor!!! 
14/10/2000 15:08 GMT  angela burrows
I don't play basket ball, my sister made me look at the site. Not bad...and I did click on the flaming logo whey hey.. 
13/10/2000 16:13 GMT  Tim & Zillah
18 fouls in the whole season. Jez isn't trying hard enough!! Good site, perhaps we should have one? 
4/10/2000 12:23 GMT  Stuart Rudkin
As Jezza's big bruv and basketball (tor)mentor I would just like to say how impressed I am by his stats. It just goes to show that good things do come to those who wait ... long enough!!!! Keep on drainin.. 
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