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Locomotiv Lumpfoot FC Guestbook

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7/3/2002 18:58 GMT  Rhyd boys
I can't believe that Big Shint dogged us out!!! 
7/3/2002 09:52 GMT  WIFEBEATER
6/3/2002 16:00 GMT  me
when exactly are you playing graigwen ? i definately want to be there for that one . it is going to be awesome . 
5/3/2002 21:50 GMT  Lumpfoot Lawyer
The girl who apparently got hit looked more like she was beaten with an ugly stick!! 
4/3/2002 20:20 GMT 
We beat rhyd, yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 
4/3/2002 19:44 GMT  Murphy
Christ, you make it sound like we give her a right good hiding. I don`t think she was even touched (unless roids was trying to get into her!) She shouldnt have been playing the hard, mouthy girl in her condition. I didn`t see her mate mouthing off. By the way, who said we got arrested?? Mind you, there could be a few old bill on duty for the game in April!! 
4/3/2002 10:19 GMT  No Matter
No one hits a woman wether she's pregnant of not or wether she tries to slap u or not, it's not the fact that u hit her (maybe by accident) but it's the fact that u have no remorse about doing it, typical of the kind of people u can sometimes be........oh by the way congratulations on a few of ur players getting arrested, i hope it makes ur lives more fulfilling to know that you have a criminal record, congratulations boys you're just a bunch of valleys arseholes, and i may not have left my name...but u don't deserve to know 
3/3/2002 20:03 GMT  Onlooker
Well said murphy boy! I hope she`s not pregnant by Heathy. Imagine what that would look like!!!!. Also, What does she mean about a four year old??? Bring on March 31st 
3/3/2002 18:38 GMT  Murphy - to the girl who got hit
Good idea of you to play the hard girl in Bridgend when your pregnant. You didn`t get hit, maybe pushed to one side when you tried slapping one of the boys. p.s, Is that fat boy who was with you pregnant aswell??. 
3/3/2002 15:25 GMT  girl that got hit in night club brawl
it is so nice to see that this team is so full of sh*t!!!! I am NOT fat i am PREGNANT & would like to thank the bloke who hit me for being so brave to hit a girl! p.s you hit like a four year old girl you big bunch of wet farts!!!!!! 
1/3/2002 21:48 GMT  Rumour?
Any reaction from the board to the rumour that Alex Mansell is actually Igor Stepanovs of Arsenal? 
28/2/2002 18:10 GMT  Fat Ugly Graig Fan
Whats fat, smelly, boring, sweaty with a little co*k? ANSWER: ME 
28/2/2002 18:00 GMT 
Ian, fancy a game of Go Jonny Go Go Go Go? 
27/2/2002 22:27 GMT  Intrested
Good to see the Graigwen boy making comments (see smelly below). As for hitting girls, she got in wilkins way. she was a very big and ugly girl though eh!!! nearly as big as that fat boy who`s always watching Graig play. He sh*t himself in Bridgend!! 
27/2/2002 18:22 GMT  Jakeys mother
No he isnt! And if i find out that Justin is hanging around with women beaters I'll ground him for life and stop his pocket money 
27/2/2002 14:05 GMT  ??
Could someone please expand uponthe below point of lumpfoot stars hitting girls?? This is new to me and sounds very interesting indeed! Oh and dewi isn't queer, ask Jakeys mother 
27/2/2002 09:51 GMT  smelly
Lumpfoot stars in nightclub brawl my f**king ass! do stars hit girls you cu*ts! 
26/2/2002 18:34 GMT  Poll comment
I think Murphy is taking for granted the influence of both subs benches in the graig/lumpfoot battle. These types of games are won/lost on abuse form sidelines 
26/2/2002 17:22 GMT  Meathead #3
The room is full! 
25/2/2002 21:59 GMT  tripod
dead men walkin,walkin the mile!!! barrys dead as f**k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!jkbz' f!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
25/2/2002 20:16 GMT  Murphy
Sorry bout the huckleberry bear mistake. Suppose i didnt watch enough cartoons as a kid. I loved button moon and trapdoor though! Bring on Graigwen 
25/2/2002 19:51 GMT  Nice name!?
25/2/2002 14:56 GMT  FISH
25/2/2002 12:08 GMT  John
I remember Huckleberry Finn! Where did bear come from Murphy? Im gagging to know! 
25/2/2002 01:44 GMT  Pugh
Who or what is Huckleberry Bear? (As mentioned in the poll) I sort of remember Huckleberry Hound! 
24/2/2002 18:00 GMT  ox
i was truly saddened to hear about the lumpfoot vs graigwen game not being played for another 6 or 7 weeks.ohhh shame. 
24/2/2002 13:22 GMT  huw weeks
although ive past away i still watch u in spirit.  
21/2/2002 21:03 GMT  GBR ladies curling team
Hiya boys, anybody fancy a game? That Real boy should be good at slipping one in the ring. I heard he's a proper ice queen? 
21/2/2002 00:35 GMT  benching the rack
good luck for the big un on the weekend boys - im bringing a crew down with me in case it kicks off. Phil Clarke's in, pete cruchi and up-and-down - no worries 
20/2/2002 21:55 GMT  ivor biggun
when are you lot playing graigwen ? from reading this page quite regularly it seems that you don't get on . perhaps you could get that tv bloke to film it and send it into 'ultimate fighting championship' due to the amount of 'incidents' that are bound to take place . the word on the street is that they are going to give you lot a pasting !!! 
20/2/2002 21:29 GMT  Elizabeth Taylor
I think Chetan is sexy! leave the photo alone 
20/2/2002 21:10 GMT  JOAN COLLINS
20/2/2002 17:58 GMT  Question?
Thanks for choosing lumpfoot Tom! Time for the boys to ask themselves which Lumpfoot member would be best entertainment in a documentary? theres gotta be a few candidates!! Who would you most like ot watch in big brother for example? 
20/2/2002 11:59 GMT  tom
I'm looking to find a lower league or park football manager to appear in a BBC Wales programme. We want to swap the manager with a ref to see how they get on in each others' job. Ideally, however, the manager will be one of those Barry Fry types who spends most of his time berating the referee. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Cheers, Tom 02920 455000 
19/2/2002 18:37 GMT  Sam Hammam
I dont think theres anything wrong with constructive crciticism personally. AS a reader below says, some key members may feel that all they have to do is turn up on a Sunday and their guaranteed starters. I dont think theres anyone in the lumpfoot squad who is good enough to do that....apart from Tonka, who never has a bad game. On a brighter note, what is in Chetan's sick? I think its mainly egg, although I think a rasher of bacon can be seen in the background. 
19/2/2002 17:51 GMT  Social Boy (roids and madley fan)
Good message below, I watched the whole of the match sunday and you should be grateful for roids and madley being there otherwise the score would have been nothing short of embrassing. The 3 at the back is solid and it's a credit to them that they kept redgate out for as long as the did! Lumpfoot only created 1 chance in the whole of the game and you can't blame roids or madley for that. One question to the management why was it after you went one nil down did you change tonka and that fella in the midfield around it was only 1:0 there was no need to change anything they both change position and looked like lost sheep. All the best for the rest of the season lads get Adam Brock and Gibson in that midfield and you'll be laughing lay off slagging you boys off aswell your all on the same side wise up.  
18/2/2002 20:00 GMT  Lay off the manager
I think the finger of blame should be pointed at the team. The pace in Lumpfoots defence is nothing short of embarassing. Bryn could give Roids and Madley a good race, and thats probably true. Show your worth Murphy, get it done!! 
18/2/2002 18:52 GMT  Murphy
Anyone who wants me out, Tough F*cking Sh*t. On a brighter note, BBC and ITV1 are rumoured to be battling it out for the rights to screen our game with Graigwen. Cartoon network and Men & Motors have also shown an interest!!  
18/2/2002 15:39 GMT  alan cork
i told sam it wasn't my fault the boys were playing crap but i was the one getting all the abuse from the fans . i think its a credit to whoever blames individual players and actually names them to spur them on to play that bit better . don't blame the manager , it's your players who suck !!!! 
18/2/2002 11:48 GMT  Vote of confidence
I as a lumpffot player feel that Barry is doing a reasonable job as boss. Below par performances from "key" individuals, not mentioning any names ....(Ross Tyler) are to blame for the recent slump 
17/2/2002 20:40 GMT  Local Press
It has been brought to our attention that many supporters have called for the head of Barry Murphy, after a recent string of bad results has kept the fans away form Ponty Park. With the Graigwen game almost upon us, do the management have anything to say on the matter? 
17/2/2002 19:15 GMT  Ian
There were these three men... 
15/2/2002 14:26 GMT  Lumpfoot
Nothing wrong with the way we look. Its inside that counts. Weve all got cracking personalities and exciting futures! 
14/2/2002 23:26 GMT  babe
i came on here to wish all the boys a happy valentines day, but then i looked at the photos, i am gonna find other footballers worthy of my readily available pussy to worship.  
14/2/2002 22:30 GMT  Lumpfoot supporter
Just like to wish all the 'foot the very best for this weekends game. It's honest people like them that should stand up and be counted for proper, vintage sunday league behaviour. Give it to 'em lads! 
14/2/2002 21:00 GMT 
Ian, tell them the one about mau mau, YOU DO KNOW IT!!!!!!!!!!!! 
14/2/2002 11:18 GMT  Barry Murphy!
NO! Lumpfoot boys only 
14/2/2002 09:44 GMT  ianto
will murphy pay darrel's fine as well , as he is definately going to get sent off ! 
13/2/2002 15:27 GMT  Lumpfoot reminder
As Murphy said! Whoever gets sent off this weekend, Barry will pay their fine! Is he a man of his word?  
13/2/2002 09:17 GMT  Bez of Lewistown
Any meatheads in here or wot?? 
13/2/2002 09:06 GMT  huw jardon
is it true that lumpfoot v graigwen juniors is the match on sky box office this weekend ? 
11/2/2002 21:38 GMT  Ian
Alex, you know I've got this gun, don't ya?!? 
11/2/2002 18:26 GMT 
ian, i don't need to go you know! 
10/2/2002 15:44 GMT  Alex Mansell
Thanks for a great night! 
10/2/2002 00:25 GMT  Joey
9/2/2002 10:36 GMT  what a day!
Happy birthday roids! but on a more interesting and serious note, whos gonna win pop idol? 
9/2/2002 00:07 GMT 
Oh my god!!! 
8/2/2002 21:39 GMT  The man in the know
Roids' lover. 
7/2/2002 11:20 GMT  Lumpfoot spokesman
NO f@*k off, were all voting for that gareth c@*t 
7/2/2002 06:42 GMT  William Young
Hi guys, I just wondered if I could count on your vote in the Pop Idol final this Saturday? Great site by the way! 
6/2/2002 21:57 GMT  graham henry
guys , do you need help ? i have a bit of free time on my hands now .  
6/2/2002 17:59 GMT  Jason Rees
And I have never worn y-fronts in my life!!! Apart from when I was 8 when I had a brown and cream pair, but I havent worn any since then!  
6/2/2002 11:59 GMT  Ian
I have never played squash in my life!! You must be thinking of that other guy who plays squash...  
6/2/2002 11:31 GMT  girls
F@*k roofy in his y-fronts we wanna see him naked! And ian naked as well, preferably a butt shot! Bryn can keep his clothes on 
5/2/2002 23:34 GMT  Murph
I`ve also got bryn top-off, Roofy in his y-fronts and Ian playing squash.  
5/2/2002 17:54 GMT  other girls
f@*k trotman in the shower, where's roids naked? 
5/2/2002 12:58 GMT  Girls!
We wanna see trotman in the shower to! Hope he aint wearing pants so we can see his bum! 
4/2/2002 22:31 GMT  lovin' it
boys i love this new addition to the site and i can't wait to see trotman in the shower, but can you change the photo soon cos this picture is totally VILE 
4/2/2002 12:53 GMT  Cant wait!
Think im speaking for all visitors when I say roids ironing shirt will be something worth wating for. I might not log off until the pic comes on! great stuff 
3/2/2002 20:05 GMT  Murphy
There`ll be more pics added soon. These include... Richard Knight smoking, Trotman in shower and Roids ironing a shirt. 
3/2/2002 10:43 GMT  Batman
Thats sick! Although theres no doubting Crow head had a randy side to his character! 
1/2/2002 18:24 GMT  Dave Matthews
I ended the night legless, sha**ing leasey up the ar*e with a rubber shlong whilst ceri owens tickled my ba**s. I got Miss crouch to whip up an apple crumble for us for afters. Oh and Lima was taping it!  
1/2/2002 15:52 GMT  Mullins!
I was there spirit! 
1/2/2002 01:27 GMT  Ian
Just come home from Cariff... bumped into all the Hawthorn teachers on a do, including Ceri Owens, Leasey, Newlands, Dave 'Crow' Matthews to name but a few. Legends left, right and centre. Extra bonus - they all wanna pay for Lumpfoot!! 
31/1/2002 18:21 GMT  jay
jay here, r u looking for new players to join im desperate to be part of a quality squad i know u got good players but could u fit me in some where cheers 
30/1/2002 23:55 GMT  jay
jay here just popped in for a look, mad web site do u know boyces or seths email address if u dont know me ask boyce who i am i play with him down ponty town 
30/1/2002 18:28 GMT  Pics comment
Theres a few attractive boys in the lumpfoot squad. That Ian Evans is a tasty little number judging by the pics  
30/1/2002 16:25 GMT  passer by
i'd always wondered if black peoples spew was the same colour as white peoples, now i know!! thanx very much lumpyfoot. 
30/1/2002 14:45 GMT  Another note on pics
How ****ing attractive does Gareth Scriven look in those pics. WOW! Talk about stunning!  
30/1/2002 12:15 GMT  lumpfoot
Lets give all our support to Alex whos trying his test! Good luck Alex 
29/1/2002 23:59 GMT  Note on Pics
Fantastic addition to the site! Chetan looks stunning on the front cover. Roofy looks about 2 foot tall on the pics page tho standing next to Tylers who looks huge. Ian looks completely ****ing out of it! Good work Murphy 
29/1/2002 14:53 GMT  Real
Raymond, what would you know, you ugly little rice picking virgin!!! Roids, you can eat at my house i'm sure i can give you something juicy to put in your mouth!! 
28/1/2002 22:13 GMT  Jakey
You can ****ing talk Ray! 
28/1/2002 20:08 GMT  an alex fan
can any1 provide me with roids? 
28/1/2002 18:51 GMT  Raymond Wong
Roids should go to jakey's for food, i hear his mother is always taking about having something hot inside her! 
28/1/2002 17:04 GMT  Roids
Can anyone provide me with a hot dinner? 
27/1/2002 20:22 GMT  Murphy
Where we goin 4 Roids birthday then? I hear its either Bridgend or Cardiff. Bit of news, Brian Lease wants a game for the foot.  
26/1/2002 20:08 GMT  Rik
Comon lads. give me a run out at least. I can be a good playmaker as well so give us a chance and i'll show you what I can do. I can cover every inch of the park. Besides, Bryn hasnt figured this season so I think I can fill in for him. 
25/1/2002 19:34 GMT  Murphy
I love the abuse off people like Loco supporter 2. Wot a beauty. I just wish he`d reveal himself so I can see how tough he really is. Keep it coming big boy. 
25/1/2002 19:33 GMT  Murphy
I love the abuse off people like Loco supporter 2. Wot a beauty. I just wish he`d reveal himself so I can see how tough he really is. Keep it coming big boy. 
25/1/2002 18:23 GMT  Alex Mansell
This is getting out of hand! 
25/1/2002 13:19 GMT  andy dibble
i stumbled across your site while surfing the web and i have to say im very impressed! you seem to have a good team spirit and you need that to succeed. ive always loved sunday league football so i may pop down to watch you soon. all the best and good luck for the rest of the season lads. 
25/1/2002 13:09 GMT  Bryn
Sorry rick but Im exactly the same player as you! i.e a big fat slug, and llumpfoot dont play to suit our style 
25/1/2002 12:33 GMT  LUMPFOOT SUPPORTER 2
24/1/2002 20:46 GMT  Lumpfoot supporter
Let's all u-nite, any person(s) that leaves abusive messages we should just ignore. Don't reply to their messages and bring the foot's website back to the standards we expect. Thank you. 
24/1/2002 19:54 GMT  Rik (from PopIdol)
Hello. Since I didn't make it in pop idol i was wondering if I could sign for Lumpfoot. I'd make a great target man and my turn of pace is phenominal. I'm out injured at the moment though, I have a sore throat. 
24/1/2002 14:06 GMT  REAL
23/1/2002 18:23 GMT  jason rees
Its really me this time, honest! To the charlie who left the below message in my name, go fuc* yourself! and to the email hacker, go fuc* yourself! 
23/1/2002 16:44 GMT  Murphy - To the E-mail hacker
When u gonna give me a hiding then. You must be a tough guy if you can`t even say who you are. Come and see me in private if you want. I could do with a laugh. F*cking queer boy. 
23/1/2002 12:48 GMT  roofy
hi ladies! u may not have been able to guess, but it is me who has been sending abusive messages!!! i didnt think it would go this far so i am very sorry. i hope you can find it in your hearts to forgive me. all my love roofy. 
23/1/2002 12:42 GMT  Real
Nope, u can do better than that surely 
23/1/2002 11:23 GMT  Real
My paassword is ginger minge 
22/1/2002 22:53 GMT  Real
And instead of using a false name and saying you're gona give murphy a hiding why don't you tell us who you are, if you're too scared to leave ur name, then i don't particularly think murphy's got anything to worry about  
22/1/2002 18:52 GMT  Rea;
Come on then hacker, hack my account, mye-mail is, lets see how good you really are??  
22/1/2002 17:31 GMT  THE E-MAIL HACKER
21/1/2002 14:21 GMT  nathan
real, i ain't accusing you. just me and dewi are saying whoever has done it is a right prick. it may not be any of the boys but it must be somebody that knows both our addresses. 
20/1/2002 22:57 GMT  Murphy
After reading the messages below, I am seriously considering closing this site down. It`s bad enough leaving abuse on here under a false name (w@nker), but breaking into someones e-mail account is f*cking w@nk. I`d love to meet this person. They are due a hiding. 
20/1/2002 19:04 GMT  supporter of real
real is an attractive and kind hearted little so and so! 
20/1/2002 14:31 GMT  Real
I get a feeling that a lot of people think it's me thats leaving abusive messages here and a few of you may even believe that i broke into the e-mail accounts, u can believe me or not but only a couple of months ago somebody broke into my account and sent abusive messages to Barry, every time i leave a message on here i always leave my name, but there's always someone that will leave a message using my name anyway, so ireally can't win. I don't think leaving abusive messages is funny and u may i've got a bit of a serious head on but i don't like being blamed for this kind of sh*t.  
20/1/2002 12:17 GMT  supporter of the both of them
Its one thing to leave dodgy messages, I suppose you can handle that. But breaking into someones e-mail account is a little bit below the belt. Its about time some individuals grew up 
19/1/2002 18:59 GMT  Dewi
I never leave messages on here.But ive had to leave this one - The person who some how got into mine and Nathans E-mail addresses is a right prick. The sad thing is it might be one of the boys because not many people know mine or Nathans E-mail adresses. 
19/1/2002 17:54 GMT  Supporter of Nathan Brock
who is the person leaving these messages, you aren't funny you're just a pr*ck, nobody gives a sh*t what you say and if you ever did have the guts to reveal u'rself i'm pretty sure u'd get a hammering. At the end of the day u'r a sad kn*b that's got nothing better to do than attempt to take the p*ss out of people, but you're sh*t at it so give up.  
19/1/2002 15:08 GMT  nathan
who's the knob who put that message an about me? barry, sort this message board out 
18/1/2002 18:14 GMT  Raymond Wong
I'll be coming right behind him.......And to the match Sunday! 
18/1/2002 17:49 GMT  Lee Collard
Is it alright if I turn up on Sunday? 
18/1/2002 15:01 GMT  report from france
Apparently it was an attempted shag of an uderage french girl. He might be a paedophile but he certainly isn't gay 
18/1/2002 10:08 GMT  Farmer Giles
People never stay the same is it true that Nathan slept with a boy in france?  
18/1/2002 00:22 GMT  Gito
is it also true that he dogged mouser in the week? 
17/1/2002 18:36 GMT  Bryn
Talk about shi**ing on your own doorstep 
17/1/2002 18:21 GMT  sort out this years trip
to all da boys a meetin up the oak on friday 2 c who wants 2 go 2 faliraki, we must sort this holiday out, gandi has a price and da details of the hoilday, phone gandi 
17/1/2002 18:12 GMT  Gito
Is it true that dewi is dogging chopper's ex rhian? 
16/1/2002 18:58 GMT  Alex Mansell
Where are you your never in, i'm in all the time, give me a call oneday i said oneday not monday, your a good woman, but your never in, your a good woman but a big woman! 
16/1/2002 16:54 GMT  conrad from 3 kings
this is 2 chetan: DONT MAKE ME SKULK U ABDUL!!  
16/1/2002 14:24 GMT  MURPHYS RENT BOYS
16/1/2002 11:55 GMT  Real
Who teh fu** is yargo? Writes on this guestbook everyday and no fu**er knows who he is! 
16/1/2002 02:49 GMT 
Alex... Thanks for the flowers. You're a big woman, but you're a good woman!! 
15/1/2002 13:52 GMT  Ginger Lover
Real is a sh*t striker that never scores at all 
14/1/2002 23:34 GMT  Roald Dahl
Nicholas Pugh does glue 
14/1/2002 19:41 GMT  Yargo
Who's Real? 
14/1/2002 19:39 GMT  Real
Who's Yargo??  
14/1/2002 18:58 GMT  Ian
Man U will win it again, see... 
13/1/2002 19:22 GMT  Murphy
I love beauties who come on here under false names and slag people off. They must be hard.  
13/1/2002 18:38 GMT  Spectator
Yargo played well sunday didn't he? What a winner! 
12/1/2002 01:22 GMT  Yargo
Y Pwdin (Home) 
12/1/2002 00:20 GMT  Real
Who we got on Sunday??  
11/1/2002 17:55 GMT  Paul Williams (Yargo)
R U boys ever going to win a game? You useless bunch of knob-scoffing no-hopers!!!!! 
9/1/2002 13:21 GMT  jakey
can anyone lend me a pound for some food? 
8/1/2002 21:27 GMT  Ali G
Dont get me worng, I like Paul Dyer, I really do! But under no circumstances whatsoever would I f*ck him. Even real with his pale ginger bo**ocks is far more appealing than dyer 
8/1/2002 18:41 GMT  Murphy
To whoever the w@nker is who keeps leaving abusive messages, you may aswell stop because I will just delete them straight away. You could at least leave your real name. Or you obviously have no bottle! 
8/1/2002 18:28 GMT  NIC PUGH
abuse the ginger one! 
5/1/2002 19:00 GMT  Dyer
I'm in!! 
5/1/2002 10:03 GMT  Paul Dyer
Can't wait for tomorrow boys, heard a few of you have bottled it, scared of the big cot boys. Murphy your all talk. 
4/1/2002 14:46 GMT  ADMINISTRATOR
Real Stop it or your head will be kicked in you silly silly boy. 
4/1/2002 14:08 GMT  NIC PUGH
3/1/2002 18:17 GMT  jakey
couldnt have imagined my first time to be more special. Thanks ginger bo**ocks 
3/1/2002 11:01 GMT  fan
did geraint real have a good new year? 
2/1/2002 15:38 GMT  Mr. ED
I`ve got foot and mouth 
1/1/2002 19:30 GMT  Ian
1/1/2002 10:09 GMT  Leighton Love
Happy New Year! 
30/12/2001 09:48 GMT  Alex Mansell
Did you just come in from evo? 
30/12/2001 05:23 GMT  Seth Frelford
Ian - yeah I do. 
29/12/2001 15:52 GMT  new year possibilities?
So boys..with a new year approaching, what will it bring to lumpfoot?? Maybe Barry Murphy will get his first for the club?? Maybe Chetan will turn white??? Maybe Jakey will lose his cherry?? Who knows! 
28/12/2001 16:36 GMT  Louie
Mmmm... nice!! 
28/12/2001 12:34 GMT  lumpfoot
theres just something about an indian lad spewing uncontollably over a pub table  
27/12/2001 23:56 GMT  Lumpfoot
If you want to see the picture that somes up the Lumpfoot party, ask Murphy for a look at his photo`s. He has one of the best pictures I have ever seen. Ghandi boy!!! 
27/12/2001 13:51 GMT  Ian
Hey Seth, you know in Australia....? 
26/12/2001 21:21 GMT  Alex Mansell
Seth boy hope you had a good christmas? See you next year. 
26/12/2001 20:55 GMT  joseph
thats sick  
25/12/2001 20:15 GMT  the virgin mary
22/12/2001 02:51 GMT  Seth Frelford
Merry Christmas - have a good do boys. 
21/12/2001 18:52 GMT  angel gabriel
llfc.i bring u tidings of great joy. this sunday we grant u a christmas do up the oak. and this shall be a sign to everyone.if one of u f*ckers is not p*ssed.look out amen 
21/12/2001 18:18 GMT  Ian
No can do, sorry Murph. 
21/12/2001 09:44 GMT  Alex Mansell
Just like to say that Roids wasn't me!Jakey is having a tough time at the moment whoever is disguising themselves behind my persona need's to be track down and have thier nuts chopped off. Merry Christmas just remember giving is better than receiving right murph! 
20/12/2001 23:18 GMT  Murphy
Ian, any chance you could let me a shirt and tie for the do on sunday? 
20/12/2001 21:06 GMT  Roids
I'll join you! Its been ages since i got a shag. Jakey's mother keeps on gettin headaches 
20/12/2001 20:06 GMT  shakey howard
I would just like to say that myself and suit boy have booked a holiday to benidorm for the christmas period and wondered how many of you lumpfoot stars would like to join us. I promise there will be lots of drinking lots of drug taking and loads of sex 
20/12/2001 17:57 GMT  Hogan
Just thought i'd drop a line for the lads that saw me on their holidays, did u see me help that kid up the wonder they call me the hulkster 
20/12/2001 13:01 GMT  William hill
We have now stopped taking bets on Justin "tight fisted" Dackins.Never had such an overwhelming response to a bet in our lives 
20/12/2001 09:57 GMT  Tony Heath
I'll kill all of you up the oak sunday come on 
19/12/2001 23:39 GMT  Roofy
It's nice to see that the so called "Ross" below struggles to spell his surname... 
19/12/2001 21:45 GMT  Ross Tiler
I paid a pound honestly. I can remember because I then went down to the betting shop afterwards where I saw roofy. 
19/12/2001 18:14 GMT  Alex Mansell
Mikey Case having 3 nuts can't say but if he did it would be like cum city every time. About Dai Griff he once represented Great Britain in the commonwealth games in the crapping in the eye of a needle event, he got a bronze i'll get him to show you the medal when you get back from oz. All the best mate Roids. Give Kat my love but not in the way your thinking. 
19/12/2001 16:29 GMT  William Hill
Outsider for not paying the quid is Peggy echo, but it's worth a shout at 80-1, it's shorter than the odds on Jakeys old girl going without for a week 
19/12/2001 16:00 GMT  Lee Bowyer
Hello there, you've probably heard of me. I'm looking for a new team to play for and i was wondering could i play for you? I am willing to take a pay cut. The only stumbling block is one of your players is a paki, so get rid of him and i will play for you. hope to get down to contract talks as soon as possible. bye 
19/12/2001 12:15 GMT  William hill
Bookies favourite for the quid is jakey! 6-4 on 
18/12/2001 13:02 GMT  neil locke
id just like to thenk scrivens for f@cking me up the ass last nite.i want to bang nick pugh coz imin love with him.he said he is in love with me and he doesnt care who knows hes a sausage jockey 
18/12/2001 02:56 GMT  Seth Frelford
Roids - I've heard rumours that MIKE CASEY HAS GOT THREE NUTS!!!! - are they true? Also someone told me that Dai Griff used to crap for Wales before he started to lose his hair - true or not? Get back to me Roids. 
17/12/2001 23:25 GMT  Poundline
Its allright real, the regent commitee were refering to John Mann - A graig Metal player! 
17/12/2001 22:59 GMT  Murphy
T.Y.T mob. Thats one hell of a school memory. The original bus crew who went to Reading. Love it 
17/12/2001 22:48 GMT  old school
17/12/2001 22:32 GMT  Real
but i didn't tell anyone to leave 
17/12/2001 21:53 GMT  Regent Committee
I would like to apologise to all the Lumpfoot players for this weekends activities of one Ginger haired prick he had know right to tell you to go please call in to the Regent again we would like to offer your team a free bar for all staff to say sorry for this mishap.  
15/12/2001 19:21 GMT  Neil Patel
Dont write off my son yet. Hes got thick fat skin and balls of diamond! He'll show you lumpfoot pufs! 
15/12/2001 15:25 GMT  Chetan
Im lying low. I feel stupid, inadequate and di**less 
15/12/2001 14:08 GMT  Roofy
Speaking of Chetan, has anyone seen him since his... er, mishap?? 
14/12/2001 13:23 GMT  Bin Laden
Help boys! Im trapped in a cave in Afghanistan. The only way out now is if I play for you boys on the weekend under the name of Chetan Patel. I'll bring my own kit and Im willing to play anywhere on the pitch. How about it? 
14/12/2001 00:30 GMT  Stone cold Steve Austin
13/12/2001 23:31 GMT  Ex-Hawthorn
Cenic boy, hows the spikey haircut you freak. Goes well with your freckly face. Heard your missus could be pregnant by one of a number of boys. There is a choice of 40 I`ve heard. Come to Rhyd and see me soon. 
12/12/2001 17:39 GMT  andrew cenic
hello boys!! just found your site so i thought id leave you a message. you all can kiss my backside!! i see the team is doing well, 4 a bunch of useless crabs!! has albert told you all he done a prossie in magaluf? dirty boy!! oh yeah my missus is 2 months pregnant but its not mine!! never mind i'll do a runner!! ok bye boys!! 
11/12/2001 19:15 GMT  Jakey
Yes a stripper. I may finally get to see a girl naked...YES!!! 
11/12/2001 19:13 GMT  Murphy
LUMPFOOT XMAS DO - up the oak, December 23rd after Hawthorn game. Shirt and tie. Entertainment provided. Stripper + live link up with Bin Laden. 
11/12/2001 18:33 GMT  Cube
Rumours are hes hiding with bin laden and Mullar Omar. Hes hoping to come home fro christmas 
11/12/2001 18:09 GMT  Alex Mansell
Come on everybody stop having petty arguments and let's concentrate on our big un on sunday. Has anyone seen pugh lately? 
11/12/2001 12:30 GMT  Jason Rees
Just like to add that I didnt leave the "ooohh look at me comment" and is obviously some joker whos a lot madder than me. People like bodywatch seem to be stupid enough to fall for it. Anyway, what is really worrying is there seems to be a closet gay boy out there whos admiring my chest! fairly worrying that one 
11/12/2001 08:52 GMT  visitor 4
Visitor 3 has a point. He/she is correct on all accounts. Close down the guestbook! 
11/12/2001 00:43 GMT  visitor 3
I know hes mad sometimes but Im with roofy on this one. This guestbook used to be alright until gutless cu**s like bodywatch came on here and ****ed things up. Close down the guestbook! 
10/12/2001 18:26 GMT  Bodywatch
I reckon every message on here should now also contain one mad thing about Roofy. How about the fact that he`s got three nipples. 
10/12/2001 17:04 GMT  Mr Motivator
10/12/2001 15:55 GMT  Chopper
"Jingle bells, jingle bells, lingered all the way. Oh what it is to fly on 50ml a day. hey!"  
10/12/2001 14:42 GMT  Wills
It might be bigger it is not as nice though. That woman can do stuff her body that no-one else can. Ask Roids.  
10/12/2001 11:39 GMT  Visitor 2
Although roofy hasn't turned up for lumpfoot over the last couple of weeks, you cant knock the boys fitness/shape. The boy's chest is bigger than jakeys mothers 
10/12/2001 08:25 GMT  Real
Truth is, this guestbook hasn't chaged at all since the beginning it's still the same 
9/12/2001 21:25 GMT  Roofy
I dunno any rhyd boys and I like you too chris 
9/12/2001 20:54 GMT  Chris Rowlands
Roofy is mad but i like him!  
9/12/2001 18:23 GMT  Rhyd Boy
Roofy, you are a bit strange though aren`t you. Come on admit it. I mean, I`ve heard you say a few mad things. And youv`e got a mad jib. 
9/12/2001 17:13 GMT  Black
woooahh!! woooahh!! how you like that!! 
9/12/2001 15:25 GMT  Jason Rees
Ooh look at me acting all hard behind a different name.  
9/12/2001 15:25 GMT  Jason Rees
At least I used my own ****ing name! Ooh look at me acting all hard behind a different name.  
9/12/2001 13:53 GMT  Visitor
Ooh look at Roofy sounding all hard! Trying to be a bit rebellious now he`s got a missus. Lets have a poll to see if anyone gives a toss if he plays for lumpfoot again. 
8/12/2001 15:01 GMT  Jason Rees
How about we have a poll on who really gives a toss whether this guestbook stays open or not?? I know I couldnt, it started off well but has gone down hill ever since! Bit like Ipswich in the last couple of years, sorry ian 
6/12/2001 21:12 GMT  El terique
I love people who leave messages under someone elses name. My good pal jakey did not write the last message that bears his name! It was an imposter 
4/12/2001 23:19 GMT  Real
I'll leave anykind of message i want, it's a guestbook afer all, i forgot, staning up for a team mate is a bad thing isn't it 
4/12/2001 18:58 GMT  Reals mother
Shut up real and stop giving these god damn serious responsible messages and lighten up  
4/12/2001 17:51 GMT  Real
Leave it out, chetan may have had a bad game by the sounds of things, but no one else would have volunteered to go in goals 
4/12/2001 15:48 GMT  Chetan
I am ****ing awfully bad in goal.  
3/12/2001 21:31 GMT  Fabien Barthez
Bonjour Lumpfoot, just to say that I hope Chetan Patel enjoyed his recent coaching session with me. Hope it has improved his catching ability. Au revoir 
3/12/2001 21:23 GMT  Real
Ian, wanna dance?? 
3/12/2001 19:28 GMT  Chetan
Im not black, im chocolate! 
3/12/2001 13:00 GMT  Ian
I wouldnt dance with you if you were the last man on earth. Now if Real asked??? Thats a different story altogether 
3/12/2001 12:53 GMT  tony heath
listen 'ere right! 
3/12/2001 10:32 GMT  up4it
im back from thailand and popped into STRADS saturday to see trotmans still with his MRS. tell me does she still work in ALLSPORTS because i wouldn't mind a bit of one to one service! 
2/12/2001 21:09 GMT  zippy,george and bungle
sorry geoffrey cant be here but he sends his regards. what is happning to u ? or ur keeper should i say (the black one)that is u r only weakness.when brian comes into the team everyone LOOK OUT allright. 
2/12/2001 21:02 GMT  Alex Mansell
Ian, fancy a dance? 
2/12/2001 20:16 GMT  Ian
Message to Dewi, Ross & Paul: See you on the plane!! 
1/12/2001 12:16 GMT  Justin
I am gay! Thats the first how to tell the parents? 
30/11/2001 18:23 GMT  Bryn
I am fat! Thats the first for my diet! 
30/11/2001 10:49 GMT  Real
umm i couldn't care less who you where!! 
30/11/2001 10:35 GMT  ria blacmore
real do you know who i am?it wa sextra speacial 
29/11/2001 21:37 GMT  Alex Mansell
Seth- I had a word with Mikey Case he said "I'm available to go milking anytime you two want to go, shag" Rebel is not so keen he is still trying to get off his knees. Would you mind if i'd ask Gull or even Dai Griff to take Rebel's place. Let me know.See you soon. 
29/11/2001 19:05 GMT  Joe Bloggs
Stick in there real boy, ride the criticism! Whatever doesnt kill you makes you stronger etc etc 
29/11/2001 18:14 GMT  Real
Funny that, my sister can't even spell my name 
29/11/2001 13:30 GMT  reals sister
geriant will you stop coming in my room at night.i no youre scared of the dark but dont worry touching me up will help you 
29/11/2001 12:32 GMT  seth frelford
Roids - I will come milking, as long as Mike Casey and Rebel come as well - get back to me. 
28/11/2001 23:22 GMT  georgos (lager boys again)
dont blame us 4 the abuse, coz it aint us!!!!!! I h8 2 admit it but im part welsh me self  
28/11/2001 20:56 GMT  OWEN ISNT WELSH!
in our case owen is english bcuz he plays 4 england, such as giggs is concidered welsh bcuz he plays for wales (even though he cud of played for england) so F*ckin shut it!! wales is a load of bulls*it! 
28/11/2001 19:12 GMT  welsh_bambi
lol are you that old you can't rem! give you one more clue I was in your high school and I was the only girl who played rugby!  
28/11/2001 19:01 GMT  Alex Mansell
Help me out please i'm struggling to remember yesterday god help over 10 years ago give us a clue 
28/11/2001 18:42 GMT  welsh_bambi
Alex i'am soooooooo hurt I went too primary school with you and you can't rem little me! ( life is going great) 
28/11/2001 18:38 GMT  Alex Mansell
Shaky Jakey Boy, i don't much i'm up jo's and bored she's doing uni work and i'm looking at porn.Bambi life is great what about you who are you?Mrs Dackins it's not you is it? Sorry Justin Boy 
28/11/2001 18:31 GMT  welsh_bambi
Sorry honey but going milking is not my cup of tea. So how life been then? 
28/11/2001 18:30 GMT  Shaky sandwich
Alfie, I thought you didn't go on the internet much?! 
28/11/2001 18:29 GMT  Alex Mansell
Sorry i meant one not on 
28/11/2001 18:28 GMT  Alex Mansell
Nothing i was just saying hiya and wondering if you fancied going milking on morning? 
28/11/2001 18:24 GMT  welsh_bambi
what alex talk english 
28/11/2001 18:18 GMT  Alex Mansell
welsh_bambi cor what a fox  
28/11/2001 18:15 GMT  Real
Whoever you are, u'r pathetic, obviously quiteat home trying tooffend people from a distance 
28/11/2001 18:13 GMT  concerned
28/11/2001 13:27 GMT  seth frelford
Boycey - do you fancy getting a few boys up to Bristol and watching some skateboarders fall over? 
27/11/2001 22:45 GMT  Note to site owner
It's about time abusive messages and sick messages were deleted from the site whenever they appear. There's no point in just telling people to stop doing it, some kind of action has to be taken 
27/11/2001 22:44 GMT  Welsh_bambi
Hello Alex Mansell how uni going then? 
27/11/2001 22:34 GMT  Huw Weekes
Boys this beach is cowing freezing 
27/11/2001 21:49 GMT  Alex Mansell
Good old Cliffhanger oh that brings back memories. Murphy boy you have got to pick the big turk. Not just cos he's a good friend of mine but just look at him, he have promise to get fit and i think he has he definetly slimmer than Mark 'CHUNKY' Pearce, he'd also give Paul Wilkins a run for his money in the eating stakes, go on murph give him a ring you know it makes sense! This time next year we'll be Champs. I saw Morty today he can't wait for Ben's Birthday do in STRADS on saturday plus he had a Stiffy when i was chating to him it nearly knocked me out twice. 
27/11/2001 20:45 GMT  Jakey
I'd sure like to know who leaves all these crap messages. Who uses the name roids?? Is it good old cliffhanger himself or just some dude trying to be funny? A Blue Peter badge goes to anyone who finds out.... 
27/11/2001 16:52 GMT  Jason Rees
The latest poll is giving me some co ncern! The option "a night in Roofy's" is very vague and could mean many things. If house was put on the end that would be fine but some people could interpret the statement as being quite gay! Oh and to real....ceri is a boys name! 
27/11/2001 14:58 GMT
No - one on the side writ the previous message, it was probably down to your inter team bitching that seems to be going on! we would give u an 11 a side game but i dont think we have enough friends! 
27/11/2001 14:25 GMT  WALES
Michael Owen is Welsh and hes englands best player 
27/11/2001 13:20 GMT  On behalf of
why wud ne1 want to play for sum sad as F*ck sheep f*cking ass holes like u neway. wales is about as much fun as ironing your face or having a heart transplant! get back to shoving footballs up each others asses!!! ENGLAND RULES! as we know by your poor attempts to put together a decent national side!!!  
27/11/2001 12:07 GMT  ria blackmore
the number is 077 
27/11/2001 10:41 GMT  English Bastards (lager website)
we'd love to giv yor side a hiding, but only cuz we can see yor so eager 2 come 2 the gracious land of England. COME ON SWANSEA 
27/11/2001 00:11 GMT  Bitter Blood
allright stef and kath? unfortunately my ginger sister is still with derek. although i do believe they are looking for a third party to become involved in some way. i'll look into it. in the meantime, stef, can i get you a coke or summin? got to go now, juicy lucy and tina green just texted me. u not interested in any of them? text me back like f*ck. 
26/11/2001 21:14 GMT
i've noticed huge similariteis between our club polls?!?! ps ceri dackins sounds like a good shag! 
26/11/2001 20:59 GMT  anon
26/11/2001 20:06 GMT  Murphy
I`ve just had an agent on the phone. He`s offered me 2 foreign players. But, we can only take on one more. I`ve gotta choose between Raymond "Wingy" Wong or Arif "good grief" Erten. Its up to you lads. Who do you want?  
26/11/2001 19:42 GMT  Real
It says a lot about the type of person you are when you hve to hide behind a womans name 
26/11/2001 18:31 GMT  Alex Mansell
Ian boy have you seen that there is a new eurotrash video out the ideal present for jeff. 
26/11/2001 18:25 GMT  Ceri Dackins
Justin is not and never has been a virgin! The only virgins in the lumpfoot squad are real and Ghandi. Do the decent things boys and kill two birds with one stone! 
26/11/2001 16:25 GMT  Real
If decent people left their e-mail addresses then the knObs who like to spoil it for others would just leave people dodgy e-mails 
26/11/2001 13:53 GMT  Jason Rees
why doesnt anyone leave their e-mail addreess?? The world would be a much better place! 
25/11/2001 19:39 GMT  john digweed (no 1)
just 2 warn u boys, there could b a drugs test soon after 1 of ur games. so take plenty of them the night b4 and then u wont fail!! p.s i am an awesome DJ!!!!!! 
25/11/2001 14:25 GMT  seth frelford
25/11/2001 13:21 GMT
We'd love 2 give u a hiding boys, and show the true quality of the english, but thers no fu{king way were travelling to scrubby Wales  
25/11/2001 12:58 GMT
Visit listen to his tunes and he will find a soul in everyone. Go now before it's to late the devils pixie will be watching you. 
25/11/2001 11:39 GMT  Alex Mansell
seth boy, how's it going? Are you and Kat having a good time or what? Is there a STRADS in Thailand? P.S. Can whoever is leaving silly messages wrap up and go and by themselves a porno mag trust me it's much more fun than abusing people. Why can't everyone in this world get on! If you are leaving a message use your real name. The message below i did not write but to be honest i wish i did it's not bad but it would be a lot better if whoever wrote it would have left their realy name. P.P.S. Tony Heath how's the key cutting business going. P.P.P.S Happy Birthday Mr Real hope you had a good do in Cardiff 
25/11/2001 01:10 GMT  site watcher
where the f**k is pugh lately????????? 
24/11/2001 15:17 GMT  sethfrelford
Roids you dirty gripper, how's yer plums - thanks for the tip about caps lock, it did me the world of good. p.s. Thailand can get of it's knees. 
23/11/2001 18:27 GMT  Roids
I think i am speaking on behalf of the entire lumpfoot squad when i say the following!... There are clearly not enough virgins in sunday league.It must be difficult for people like Jakey to play to his full potential knowng that he is surrounded by REAL MEN! If any virgins remain, wait a little bit so people like Jakey can feel more comfortable. Thanks! And to seth......take your finger off the caps lock button 
23/11/2001 17:55 GMT  Jason Rees
F*** knows! Happy birthday real 
23/11/2001 16:27 GMT  Who?!?!
Who the hell is f9??? 
23/11/2001 16:12 GMT  Real
Tell u what if i'm there on Sunday morning, and if you are a Lumpfoot player, walk over to me and tell me to my face what your feelings are, otherwise i'm not going to take you seriously and i'll just think you're a childish fool that won't even abuse ME to my face, what do you think i'm gona do to you???? are you scared of BIG Real, i sincerely hope not because that makes you even more pathetic. So don't bother abusing me in the guestbook unlss you're gonna a) leave your proper name or b) say it to my face anyway. I MAY ONLY BE THERE ON SUNDAY DUE TO A VISIT TO CARDIFF ON SATURDAY NIGHT FOR MY 20TH, NIGHT ALL. 
23/11/2001 14:28 GMT  SETH FRELFORD
23/11/2001 11:41 GMT  im sweeden, totally neutral
i agree with the chief this nonsense needs to stop, whoever it is who is pretending to be peoples mothers and ex girlfriends to wind people up needs to stop! there is no need for any of it  
23/11/2001 10:55 GMT  lumpfoot player
real most people have a problem if you play you ginger freak  
23/11/2001 10:48 GMT  Real
I don't have a problem if he plays 
23/11/2001 10:32 GMT  lumpfoot player
i hear we have a new signing if he plays sunday a lot of the boys will be fuming  
22/11/2001 23:38 GMT  Ian
Message for Seth - Alright? 
22/11/2001 14:24 GMT  seth frelford
22/11/2001 07:23 GMT 
your all c*nts that have nothing better to do that abuse everyone else. Get a grip and grow up, fools. 
21/11/2001 19:02 GMT 
21/11/2001 18:42 GMT  Real
Yeah the guestbook is getting a bit childish, (BLACKMORE, i am know officially creased) 
21/11/2001 18:26 GMT  cliffhanger
i agree  
21/11/2001 18:07 GMT  THE CHIEF
will whoever is writing these disgraceful messages on here please stop! this message board is supposed to be used for good clean fun. now grow up and use this facility in its correct context 
21/11/2001 17:33 GMT  for colin
at least your living, at least you are doing what you want, you always said that you wanted to be a childminder no you is your missus's pubes pink as well?I never like you in school and after what you said on this site i don't like you even more.come on shop boy me and u one on one!  
21/11/2001 16:34 GMT  RIA BLACKMORE
21/11/2001 16:14 GMT  Real
RIA BLACMORE(???) would you kindly be quiet, your starting to amuse me 
21/11/2001 14:18 GMT  RIA BLACKMORE
21/11/2001 14:04 GMT  Real
amazing, 3 months on and we're back to the same insults, nothing that gets written on here bothers me so carry on 
21/11/2001 13:48 GMT  SETH FRELFORD
21/11/2001 13:16 GMT  ???
Fcuk em Murph, knock em all out, need any help just give the lads a shout and we'll take care of it. Colin you fanny, shut your mouth!!! 
21/11/2001 11:50 GMT  RIA BLACKMORE
21/11/2001 10:45 GMT  G.Jones (ref for sunday)
i want a good clean fight , no biting , no scratching , no eye gouging and no winding up tony heath or darrell cos you know what they are like . i have polished up my cards as i think they are going to be in use a lot on sunday mornin' . fouls on ianto will be limited to 2 per player per half . 
21/11/2001 09:48 GMT  CRAIG EVANS( Rhyd player)
Thanks for the support on sunday lads against Graigwen, hpoe you stuff them this sunday  
21/11/2001 00:15 GMT  Bitter Blood
Stef, what do you mean Nathan? It's me Bitter Blood!!!! I'd love a coke or sumin though! Is oz good or sumin? How's the coke out there? Just been up the oak, some of the boys were up there and Missy and Monk were there too for her birthday! Off to find some other people now to call them by their wrong names! 
20/11/2001 17:18 GMT  Real
Oi Morty, i was accused of moaning, nothing was ever confirmed so go and be a kn*b in someone else's face. Anyway is Gareth Llewellyn the one that used to have his hair in a ponytail??? from Hawthorn?? had like size 20 feet?? 
20/11/2001 10:26 GMT  SETH FRELFORD
20/11/2001 01:04 GMT  Jason Rees
Peggy Echo's dead????? 
19/11/2001 22:00 GMT  Morty
Dont flatter yourself real! I bet you were moaning like a fa**y when everyone questioned your commitment. Its alright now that everythings goin well for you isnt it! 
19/11/2001 21:48 GMT  Real
There's always someone out there that takes things more seriously than i do 
19/11/2001 20:58 GMT  Gareth LLewellyn
Since you run the site i thought you would have asked me if i put the sick messages in, instead of slagging me off. Sorry if I have offended you Murphy. Insider, You've F*ucked off the wrong bloke talking about the missus. Why is everybody so concerned about me anyway. Your sad pathetic lives not good enough eh? If you've got a problem with her, justify it with me first. COWARD!!  
19/11/2001 20:20 GMT  Murphy
Colin, why bring me into it mate. I just watch the messages mate, so u f*ckin wrap up. I have to agree with "lovin G.Llewelyn" below. Can`t quite see you droppin many of Lumpfoot squad. So don`t get lippy mate. Why you being so touchy anyway? Making a bit of a fool of yourself. 
19/11/2001 19:34 GMT  Mr Meep
Meep Meep! 
19/11/2001 18:28 GMT  Concerned Fan
The lumpfoot boys should text each other more.Tonka boy i'm sorry to tell you this but i saw you're missus with another guy on saturday afternoon and they looked very close i heard things were bad between you guys but i didn't think they were that bad. 
19/11/2001 18:27 GMT  Gareth Llewelyn is so wrong
Just writing to question Gareth's comment regarding the biggest "hardest" member of the lumpfoot squad. I seriously doubt whether pound for pound Murphy is the biggest member of the squad. Dirtiest maybe?? 
19/11/2001 16:27 GMT  Anthony Gay
Id like some of Jasons "wood" up me, even though I dont know him and have no idea what he looks like. Never mind as lons as hes got a hole to put my c*** up! 
19/11/2001 14:11 GMT  jason wood
jason u feckin twat im not gay dont put my feking number on here oh by the way that fit blonde u like her number is 07812893703 and her m8 that fingered her is 07813334483 if u wanna ring them do it now 
19/11/2001 13:23 GMT  Lee Billing
Well big boy Turk i'd love to go on a date with you. my mob. no.=07815608666 E-mail= p.s i'm a postman not a letter box 
19/11/2001 11:08 GMT  The Big Turk
I just thought id let u all know that im gay as i dont want to do it face to face. So if any of you scrubbing queers would like to take me out on a date you can. I would like to go to a casino and gamble, gamble twenty grand!!!!!!  
19/11/2001 09:19 GMT  Bitter Blood
Allright Stef and Cath? Aren't you back from oz yet?  
19/11/2001 02:40 GMT  seth frelford
roids boy, how's yer plums? 
18/11/2001 21:58 GMT  Gareth LLewellyn
I bet your pink F*ucking kit i could, name yourself or shut the F*uck up. I'll start with the biggest F*ucker. Murphy, prove your innocence or wrap up. Just shows how shallow you all are. Show my comments to every F*ucking member, i'm not all talk like you C*unts! 
18/11/2001 19:17 GMT  Lovin gareth Llewelyn.
whey hey, temper on the furry faced one! Can`t see you being able to drop many members of the foot squad sorry matey. Think a few of the foot boys would like to see your comments bushy boy. Hows the bus?? 
18/11/2001 17:53 GMT  Gareth LLewellyn (p*ssed off)
Yeah I call it a RELATIONSHIP, something that every single so-called player of the lumpfoot squad wouldn't know if it smacked them in the face. Oh and by the way if you've got something to say about the missus, come into allsports and i'll drop every single c*nt of the team until i find the culprit. F*ck the foot, I was a fan, now i detest everything you stand for. It wasn't me who put messages about people's mothers. find another scapegoat, W*ankers! 
17/11/2001 19:06 GMT 
Good ol' roofy 
17/11/2001 12:37 GMT  Jason Rees
I have made one remark about jakeys mother whilst under the influence of alcohol and I now deeply regret it. Ive told Justin himself face to face (man to man) and I now wish to get on with my life! However for the Lumpfoot abuse and the several other comments about Jakeys mother, Im innocent I tell you! 
16/11/2001 21:24 GMT  Gay Guys Who Love Football
u are soooooo bitchy 
16/11/2001 19:11 GMT  Insider
I`ve heard from a good source that the person responsible for the messages slaggin off team selection etc... is Colin (Gareth Llewelyn) Apparently he is very bitter about not being asked to play for Lumpfoot. Don`t know why. He wouldn`t be able to play anyway. Got to go to band practice, see to the kids and move around under the missus` thumb!!! 
16/11/2001 14:46 GMT  Geraint Real
I'm at the match Sunday, you got a problem with me, see me about it there and then, instead of hiding behind names on here o.k, cheers, Real 
16/11/2001 14:40 GMT  roids
i'd just like to say it is not me who leaves those sick messages on here i big enough to leave my real name ain't i jean dackins  
16/11/2001 14:31 GMT  Osama
Der... Seths up bloody early these says! 
16/11/2001 13:41 GMT  roids
seth boy how's your trip? 
16/11/2001 12:14 GMT  Neil Patel
I am quite sickened to notice my name in the recent poll. Where on earth is Geraint Real who undoubtebly leaves several comments on this guestbook? He must be a prime suspect for the abuse that has been given 
16/11/2001 10:28 GMT  Murphy
Just to say, can whoever is putting the racist/personal remarks on here please stop. The comments are getting out of order and I have been warned by site Admin that the site could be closed down. I set the site up for a laugh, not for tossers to abuse other. Try and keep the messages respectable and funny. Cheers, Murphy 
16/11/2001 07:54 GMT  seth frelford
My message is simple boys. If you are going to use the site to criticise each other without revealing your identity dont bother using it. Sunday morning - face to face is where you say what you need to say- stick together this season - one in all in is the motto - think about it - and lets have a better laugh and better league and cup than last year - come on the foot - fillaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssss. 
15/11/2001 22:35 GMT  Jeff Evans
Deerrrrrrrrrr What?! 
14/11/2001 21:44 GMT  Oi!
That's enough about my bus and yes it was very hot. Need any spare players for sunday boys? then again i wont get in the side. 
14/11/2001 19:25 GMT  teety pie
Because jeff didnt want it. Everyone who sees Colin (Gareth LLewelyn), ask him how the jazz band`s bus is. I hear its hot as hell and burns rubber!! 
14/11/2001 15:04 GMT  Who wants it??
Bit of a shame Jeff Evans wasnt even approached for the position after unanomously winning the poll?? What good are the poll's if we dont ****ing act upon them 
13/11/2001 21:57 GMT  C'mon the foot
You missed out on two great managers boys, I'm referring to Dai Stinky and Ritchy, their half time team talks would have been very inspiring. their knowledge of the game is second to none 
12/11/2001 21:03 GMT  The management
Give me the reasons why the team is picked on favouritism then. Every players playes in at least every other game. You obviously ar someone who feels he has been treated unfairly. Don`t suppose you`ve got the bottle to reveal yourself. 
12/11/2001 20:32 GMT  Real
I feel it necessary to say that i did not make the comments below 
12/11/2001 19:32 GMT  player2
the new management team are a disgrace and the team is picked on favouritism  
12/11/2001 19:30 GMT  player
delete the truth instead of having it debated  
12/11/2001 17:02 GMT  rhyd boy
how did u lot do against the 'cot '? did danny get sent off for assaulting anyone , as there is no report on the news page . our only other competitors (graigwen ) beat the hawthorn easily , with gus bagging a hat-trick . should be a good game against us next sunday up dan y lan . 
12/11/2001 12:30 GMT  Ross tyler
Whats s*itting out got to do with it? We F***ing won you header 
12/11/2001 08:56 GMT  Another Lumpfoot head
Can somebody give Ross a lesson in not sh*tting out please, Brocky was a much better choice up front 
10/11/2001 13:06 GMT  fillas
yeah stop taking the mick out of mothers and act your age! God id love juli to bum*uck Julie Patel! 
10/11/2001 00:09 GMT  Humane rights protector
why is it that most of you think it's funny to write abusive messages about other people's mothers, some people just need to wise up or better still grow up, maybe if you're attitudes where a little more mature then you wouldn't be doing so badly this season. If you're going to take the p*ss out of a mother, make it your own, most of you would hate it if somebody else wrote abusive sh*t about your parents, u may have an opinion but wrap up and keep it to yourself cos no one else gives a f*ck. 
8/11/2001 23:08 GMT  Jakeys mother
Dont tell me how to run my life you little sprog!  
8/11/2001 20:52 GMT  Jakey
OK lads, any more of it and I'll take you all on. It's taking the pis$ now... 
7/11/2001 12:55 GMT  Jason Rees
Sorry to bring it up Baz, but why is Big Shint still on the 'one match wonders' list? He's played at least 2, scored one!! 
6/11/2001 19:52 GMT  Real
6/11/2001 18:47 GMT  To Disagreer
Is that you moaning Real??? 
6/11/2001 11:06 GMT  Disagreer with another watcher
This season has proved sh*t about who true lumpfoot boys are, players aren't turning up because lesser players are being played in their position, who wants to wake up early on a sunday morning just to find out that they aren't starting because their a) getting played out of position or b) someone's taking their place for the crack. It's just not on, and because of this it seems Lumpfoot are suffering 
5/11/2001 09:21 GMT  10% Lumpfoot 90% life
4/11/2001 17:35 GMT  100% Lumpfoot
SETH OUT!!!!! should be the chant in next weeks game. His last game for a year but he`d be better off not coming. Wot do u reckon? 
3/11/2001 13:22 GMT  Good 'ead
f*ck off roids, u couldn't penetrate the quim of an ant 
3/11/2001 13:22 GMT  Good 'ead
f*ck off roids, u could penetrate the quim of an ant 
3/11/2001 11:58 GMT  Roids
But thank god for vaseline! as long as theres a tub nearby you can bet your life I'll penetrate her cwim! 
2/11/2001 14:50 GMT 
Ooh! Temper, temper!! 
2/11/2001 13:41 GMT  Heads on you
Wrap up it's only sunday league for f*cks sake 
1/11/2001 22:03 GMT  Concerned fan
Everybody's worrying about people not turning up to games. what about the people that do turn up and don't get a game. It's supposed to fun yet there are some people getting turned away, their not happy and rightly so!!!!!! 
1/11/2001 20:24 GMT  Ceri Dackins
What is the world coming to when people dont turn up to Lumpfoot without an explanation. What a ****ing crime! 
1/11/2001 18:57 GMT  Another watcher.
This season has shoen who the real Lumpfoot boys are. Turn up to play or watch. At least if they do ever maiss a game, they tell the other boys in advance. Unlike players who just don`t turn up without telling anyone. 
1/11/2001 18:36 GMT  bodrum general manager
Whats wrong with staying in bed on a Sunday? Me and my asian friends actually love a lie in! 
31/10/2001 18:15 GMT  Real
Why doesn't another noticer shut the f*ck up, Lumpfoot isn't my life, just because i failed to make a couple of matches doesn't mean i got to spend the rest of my week in my house. I'm not sticking up for the people that live in ponty and don't turn up though, but i have tried to make it to the last 3 matches so it's not like i don't want to turn up or anything, i'm not just staying in bed sunday morning like some others who don't turn up 
31/10/2001 15:33 GMT  Bin Laden
Totally agree with that one! 
31/10/2001 14:47 GMT  Fair point
I think its about time Lumpfoot asked WHY these people arnt turning up any more? Lumpfoot obviously isn't treating everybody as well as they ought to be doing 
31/10/2001 09:39 GMT  Yet another noticing noticer
Umm well you'r list did just end actually m8 
30/10/2001 22:53 GMT  Yet another noticer
Real, Avery, Chopper, Dean, Tony Evans, the list is endless. Lumpfoot boys who no longer show.  
30/10/2001 21:20 GMT  Another Noticer
Was in the Bowlplex, couldn't help noticing two of Lumpfoots strikers playing pool on tables next to each other, the two being Geraint Real and Darren Avery, what has happened to those two, Phantom by name and nature cos he's just disappeared,and Real is supposed clubman of the year where is he now??? too f*cking early in the morning is it???? 
30/10/2001 18:56 GMT  Jakeys mother
Lay off gay boy! Roids is mine!! 
29/10/2001 18:57 GMT  anthony gay
oh Id love one alex! 
28/10/2001 18:41 GMT  Roids
Fancy a shag!? 
27/10/2001 10:05 GMT  Ian Evans
My tents and tent related clothing are again "MY ****ING BUSINESS". IF I wanna wear a tent around my a*** I will do so with the upmost pride and confidence. Cheeky git, say your own name! 
26/10/2001 19:44 GMT  noticer
if they weren't trousers what where they, tents 
26/10/2001 18:18 GMT  Ian Evans
My cheeks and what i choose to wear as "trousers" are my business! P.S and chopper " Why dont you ***k off! " 
26/10/2001 13:22 GMT  noticer
Ian Evans looking lovely with Nathan Brock in cardiff last night walking past the old monk, those trousers really brought out you're cheeks 
26/10/2001 11:45 GMT  Loving It
Go on Chopper boy, tell him straight. Hell of a punch-Up though, fair play to the Uni boys they took a good hiding 
25/10/2001 23:57 GMT  Chopper
F*** off Ian! Keep your nose out you nosey git 
25/10/2001 23:25 GMT  Ian
I heard there was fighing up the union Wednesday night (24 Oct) involving Chopper and his mates and my uni mate Kevin... What's up wit that?? 
25/10/2001 22:58 GMT  Alan Bevan
Any chance of a game lads? I used to be the mayor you know! 
25/10/2001 00:32 GMT  union
a lot of lads up the union tonight that aren't showing up on a regular basis, Chopper, Dean Harris, Real, nice to see they can attend a night out at the union and not make it on a sunday 
24/10/2001 22:37 GMT  Ceri Dackins?
That is sick!!! 
24/10/2001 20:49 GMT  Jakeys mother
I have found spunk on my sofa. Ive pput it in a tube to be analysed tomorrow. If it turns out to be Alex Mansell its ok cos he was banging me on it last week. If its anyone else, Justin got me to answer to! 
24/10/2001 20:07 GMT  Mr Meep
meep meep!!! 
24/10/2001 18:12 GMT  Roids abuser
You've felt his dick too, was that priceless  
24/10/2001 12:01 GMT  Alex
Ive seen Clives dick and its ****ing priceless! 
23/10/2001 22:50 GMT  Watcher
It's come to my attention that Young Real has taken a lot of unfair abuse in this guestbook, he's been called skinny (but he ain't fat compared to most of the other players), ginger(well thats his problem), and about his ex missus(she wasn't that bad, she just looked like one of them bubonic plague doctors from the side) but apart from that he's allright 
23/10/2001 22:47 GMT  For Sale
Clive's BIG DICK!! 
23/10/2001 19:20 GMT  Way behind the times
Whos missus is stokesy shagging? Do tell all unless its jakeys mother cos thats been done already 
23/10/2001 17:35 GMT  Real
Just like to say i'm sorry for being such a ginger prick and for the remarks made about the favoroutism, i just can't help being a c*ck because chetan has nicked my place. I'd also like to point out that because of my gingerness, i'll never do better than my ex, night all 
23/10/2001 10:23 GMT  Clive "Big Dic" Mansell
I'll give my afro if i have my shirts back and i promise not to give you chinese burn. 
22/10/2001 20:46 GMT  Trotmans followers
Trotman u left your curling tongs and socks over here last night u better pop over and get them hun, so u later JC xx  
22/10/2001 20:14 GMT  FOR SALE!!!
11 jerseys, 5 shorts and various socks, green and yellow stripe with GRAIG written on the badge, shall we start with $50.......... 
22/10/2001 17:02 GMT  Ayresy
Oi Oi, Alright lads? Hows the team going? Cya all in Silks. l8ers Ayresy 
22/10/2001 15:12 GMT  Stokesy
Oh at the end of the day it gets dark, if i did go with some fools mrs, who is she?? Fcuk em anyway, fcuk um all!!!! Who's the bitch in question en?? 
22/10/2001 13:25 GMT  Danger
It was sad not to see Jakey's Mother this weekend. It's the only reason I came home. 
22/10/2001 09:21 GMT  Bin Laden
Real isn't hiding with me. I dont allow gingers anywhere near Afghan territory 
21/10/2001 22:57 GMT  Ian
I can guarantee Jeff isn't leaving messages on the website... For a start he can't use a computer. So leave him be!!! 
21/10/2001 19:28 GMT  MURPHY
Whoever the person is who has been slaggin off Lumpfoot management and players, why not say who you really are. It seems obvious that you are a member of the squad but call yourself "Lumpfoot Watcher" or "Jeff Evans". Wots the point in the comment about Players out of position or the "so-called" favouritism in team selection. Reveal yourself or stop making the pointless comments. 
21/10/2001 19:17 GMT  trotmans followers
we think he is great. he is so sexy with is beer gut, it realy turns us on. we want to play your team soon. get back to us if your up for a whopping love the Big JC 
21/10/2001 10:47 GMT  To below again
Up in the world, stokesy?!?!?!?. HHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you're one disillusioned fool, the only way Reals ex-missus could go up in the world was if she could stand on the end of her own nose, she could touch the f*cking stars then 
20/10/2001 22:52 GMT  dirk
who's idea was it to put shagging as an option for what real is doing? clearly he can't get a shag even when he offers to pay for it! and as for the rumour concerning gareth stokes and his ex-missus, he may have gone down hill but she has gone up in the world! ;-) 
20/10/2001 17:52 GMT  to below
19/10/2001 23:12 GMT  The kebab munching monster
Cool site, but be sure to check out 
18/10/2001 19:17 GMT  Jeff Evans
Glad to hear Im number one choice for lumpfoot boss. Hardly surprising though when you think that another one of the boys being selected would only add to the ****ing unbelievable favouratism that is already present in the squad. 
18/10/2001 19:17 GMT  Jeff Evans
Glad to hear that number one choice for lumpfoot boss. Hardly surprising though when you think that another one of the boys being selected would only add to the ****ing unbelievable favouratism that is already present in the squad. 
18/10/2001 18:16 GMT  Osama Bin Laden
Any chance of a game lads. Im not too good on the ball but im dynamite in the air!!! 
18/10/2001 11:26 GMT  Real
I might not be no#1 star in the lumpfoot squad but at least im more popular than ****ing dwayne. Im off to have a fiddle with ginger body hair 
17/10/2001 22:00 GMT  dwayne
the managers a c*nt and should get a beating off everyone in the squad!! 
17/10/2001 17:43 GMT  good heads on everyone gyping lumpfoot
Real has transfered to hepworth U18s - go to their website and look at matthew earnshaw in the profiles 
17/10/2001 16:05 GMT  Who care's
So David tell us how you came to leave all:sports!I'm very interested! 
17/10/2001 12:06 GMT  Lumpfoot management
So we can give you a slap on the a*** for not turning up! you ginger c*** 
16/10/2001 18:36 GMT  Message for Geraint Real.
Geraint, can you please contact a member of the Lumpfoot management team as soon as possible. thank you. 
16/10/2001 08:53 GMT  Lumpfoot watcher agreer, agreer, disagreer
Sorry pal but there's no point blaming players that actually want to play instead of saying their injured, at least some players are showing dog, but because some of the other "better players" aren't turning up or are saying their injured, people are being played out of position, and thats whats wrong with the team. 
15/10/2001 22:29 GMT  Real
Just heard an appaling rumour concerning one Gareth Stokes and my ex missus, Stokesy you've gone down hill mate. Oh it's allright take a few deep breaths and let it out. 
15/10/2001 22:04 GMT  Lumpfoot watcher agreer, agreer?
Lets be honest, you lot lack talent. It's about time you got some new players in, get some one to 'dog it up' not just 'sit it out'. get some players with some composure. and the biggest tip of all, drop that skinny, big-headed, daddy's boy f*cker called alex 'roids'. 
15/10/2001 21:39 GMT  Adam Robertshaws
One of your players left a message at, we are an under 18 team from huddersfield and he wanted us to organise a friendly with you in the summer. Get your manager to contact Kevin Chambers at 
15/10/2001 18:55 GMT  Lumpfoot Watcher Agreer
What exactly is "for the crack", does it mean "so we get our ass*s whooped every game we play in" or does it mean "just havin'a laugh and we'll lose because of it", either way it's pretty pathetic and it's time for you lot to wise up and get you'r heads on and start winning games, i know football is all about fun but like below said, it isn't fun getting you're arses whipped every week, if you start next weeks game with the strongest team possible and everyone turns up, you can still get back on track, and enough of these 'injuries', a fuc**ng scab on your knee doesn't count as an injury neither does having a cold, or being hungover after the night before, it may be sunday league but it still hurts to get stuffed 
15/10/2001 15:00 GMT  Lumpfoot Watcher
Why don't Lumpfoot field their strongest team? Why bother playing people who havent got a clue and why bother playing people out of position "just for the craic"? I bet it's not a laugh getting tumped every week by lesser teams... 
15/10/2001 14:02 GMT  Adam Robertshaw
visit cheers 
15/10/2001 12:51 GMT  Jeff olding
Jason Rees is my number one customer!!!!!!!!!! 
15/10/2001 10:44 GMT  David Howells
Due to my untimely leaving of all:sports i will now concentrate my every effort on Lumpfoot on sundays. I was not present at the last game due to emotional anguish of losing my place in the all:sports team. 
14/10/2001 21:03 GMT  chetan patel
That skinny ginger boy can go ***k himself. Thats my position now and if he wants to meove me he can ****ing well give it a go  
12/10/2001 11:50 GMT  Mark Hughes
I'd like to see that young confident ginger boy upfront on the weekend, he's only started upfront once this season according to the fixture lineups, i think he's a due a few more goals 
11/10/2001 23:08 GMT  Police Cop
Oi, language!!! 
11/10/2001 20:24 GMT  Julie Patel
Who ****ing wants it!! C;mon ya c**ts! Ill ****ing have you 
10/10/2001 23:39 GMT  Saddam Hussain
Who f*cking wants it, I'M BOUNCING!!C'MON I'M BOUNCING!! 
10/10/2001 15:37 GMT  Osama Bin Laden
Who f*cking wants it!!!!! 
9/10/2001 19:11 GMT  Jason Rees
Cheers Mr Bush. See you in the week 
8/10/2001 21:21 GMT  President Bush
I heard that the one they call jason rees has missed games due to his efforts and bravery serving in afghanistan. His actions have been noted and he will be profoundly rewarded. He's an eighteen carrot diamond. 
8/10/2001 18:41 GMT  Message to Roofy
I heard rumours you missed the the last few games for the following reasons - playing for B&Q`s team, sleeping in a girls house, slept late and out on a date. No mention of a broken bone or work. I reckon the management would be intrested in this. 
8/10/2001 18:34 GMT  Point put bluntly
Their are only three people that have question marks next to their name, and roofy isn't one of them 
8/10/2001 13:44 GMT  Jason Rees replies to the critics
I'll turn up whenever possible but this month is tough as im working some sundays and ive cracked a bone in my toe. Besides, didnt realise my absence would affect the team that much anyway, surely theres people to fill my position on the bench 
8/10/2001 11:38 GMT  Sherell
Leave ross alone!hes all mine! i'll untie him when i f**ckin want RIGHT! 
7/10/2001 22:34 GMT  Point put bluntly
No offence but some players get special treatment at Lumpfoot, players like Roofy and Dean Harris they get stick for not turning up and don't get played when they do turn up, but players like Chopper and Tyler don't turn up for ages and as soon as they do they get into their starting positions, why?? Chopper didn't turn up for about a month and a half last season but he turned up for the semi final of the cup and he got in the team. But players that turn up week in week out deserve to start in front of the unreliable players 
7/10/2001 22:13 GMT  Ian
The milk in Plymouth, especially the North Road West, is crap!! The Common's milk is much nicer. By the way... Kempster, where's my pint? 
7/10/2001 18:52 GMT  Lumpfoot watcher
I reckon some players don`t deserve to wear the pink shirt of lumpfoot again. They can`t be bothered to turn up can they! If I were a player i`d be there every sunday morning. What has happened to that roofy kid. 
7/10/2001 16:03 GMT  Danger
It was nice to see some of the lumpfoot boys down here this weekend. Ian almost spoiled it by going milking on Saturday morning. Can someone tell Dewi that Dave will be down to visit him in the next few days. 
6/10/2001 13:48 GMT  JULIE PATEL
with madley and trotman with lengthy injury layoffs i think they should be managers, along with murphys experience it could prove to be a formidable trio. 
6/10/2001 12:47 GMT  Jason Rees
Why not keep in the family? Top off and murphy for management team! 
6/10/2001 11:41 GMT  lee antony
you boys were lucky that i came on as a sub sunday , otherwise the score could have easily been double figures , to be honest though , you were not as good as you were last season , c'mon lumpfoot boys , you know you are a good team , it's just up to the players to prove it . 
4/10/2001 18:22 GMT  chetan
That is ****ing sick and I might dye my hair ginger like Real. Id love to have his lovely pale skin too! 
4/10/2001 14:59 GMT  ?????
Have you heard that McDonald's are rebuilding the World Trade Centre, there'll be a fly through on the 80th floor!!! 
3/10/2001 22:29 GMT  colin
i'm due a game lads, any chance of an appearance this sunday? name the place and time. 
30/9/2001 21:28 GMT  Real
I've never had fun losing week in week out, so wrap up, if you've got a problem come on under your own name 
30/9/2001 20:32 GMT  Seth Frelford
Until I learn to wrap up....nobody is allowed to have any activity which could be described as fun whilst playing for lumpfoot! I want a bunch of miserable heads every week! ABSOLUTELY NO FUN ALLOWED! 
25/9/2001 20:44 GMT  Hands down fair do's
All in agreement with Chungy, Chetan made some outstanding saves on Sunday, the close range header was tod draw and the tip over the bar from the shot that was going top corner was outstanding, he made a couple of mistakes but who doesn't, Well played Shaka 
25/9/2001 20:12 GMT  Ian
I didn't make any sort of remark, and whoever said I did, shame on you! 
25/9/2001 14:34 GMT  ross tyler
anyone out this weekend?......Im out, but im only drinking coke cos Im allergic to ****ing alcohol!!! 
25/9/2001 14:32 GMT  Angela Chung
I think its about time racism stopped in the lumpfoot squad. Im talking about unfair criticism of Chetan Patel, the lack of respect and encouragement shown to the lad after his performance on Sunday was nothing short of scandalous.Give the blacks and ethnic minorities a ****ing chance! 
25/9/2001 11:01 GMT  Rules Boy
I made that tasteless remark and my name is Ian Evans 
25/9/2001 10:01 GMT  Chips
I don't know who the f*ck is trying to say it was me that put that sick message in the guestbook, but wrap up and f*cking wise up. 
24/9/2001 21:01 GMT  Osama Bin Liner
Don`t you come near me! 
24/9/2001 16:58 GMT  Real
Yeah sorry bout that i woz trying to be funny but i'm just an ignorant ginger prick 
23/9/2001 17:32 GMT  ******
i think "rules boy" should show a little respect for those who were in New York at the time of the disaster, it is nothing to crack jokes about! it's time you grew up you ignorrant prick 
22/9/2001 10:27 GMT  rules boy
there are also 11 a's in Graigwen, just got back from New York, it was a dive 
22/9/2001 09:28 GMT  bald linesman
OFFSIDE !!! (last years cup semi). come on graigwen (there are 2 'g's in graigwen , not graiwen as you have on this weeks poll , u illiterate inbreds ) 
21/9/2001 15:11 GMT  Stuntbike
Anyone played my game before 
20/9/2001 18:36 GMT  ME
Roofy. did u have any luck with those girls on saturday? 
20/9/2001 16:08 GMT  anon
i feel that jason has done allright there in the funny stakes 
20/9/2001 14:37 GMT  Jason Rees
of Jakeys mother!!! 
20/9/2001 01:00 GMT  Jason Rees
There hasn't been a new message on here for a while, so I thought I'd put one... PUGH SMELLS!!!! 
16/9/2001 19:34 GMT  ross tyler
I am allergic to alcohol!!!!! Plus on mondays and thursdays im allergic to oxygen and on wednedays water. 
13/9/2001 14:38 GMT  Rhyd
You have come on a ton boys but theres still far too many fat people in your team with f*** all fitness. This will take its toll as the season developes. I dont need to name names, you f***ing know who you are 
12/9/2001 20:26 GMT  Pete Divine
My name again, Peter Divine 
12/9/2001 18:13 GMT  Bryn
Im game!!!!! Only if its that skinny ginger t*** with the dildo though 
12/9/2001 16:21 GMT  Real
I've just realised, doesn't this mean that someone has to f*ck bryn up the ar5e with a pink rubber dildo now in all:sports shop window???????????? 
12/9/2001 09:19 GMT  George W. Bush
On Sunday with your game with Rhydyfelin could you find it in yourselves to hold a minutes silence for the happenings of the past few days 
10/9/2001 16:13 GMT  Rhyd FC
Who do you lot think you are, us??? fair do boys you lot have come on an absolute ton, and we hope for a quality game on Sunday. 
9/9/2001 21:08 GMT  Mark Hughes(wales coach)
Any strikers lads? We're short up front?! How about that young, confident ginger boy? 
9/9/2001 20:35 GMT  Svetolav Blazevic
I think Young brock deserves man of the match, Reel did fook all 
8/9/2001 18:57 GMT  good head
Y'what is a twat 
8/9/2001 13:13 GMT  real real (not really)
k then im ginger and 5hite 
7/9/2001 22:38 GMT  Y'what
$175 sterling, what you on about you jew 
7/9/2001 20:03 GMT  ALL:SPORTS
hello boys, just got to tell you, at a snip of $175 sterling, you can get custom made PREDS to fit any size you want. Just call in at store and we'll sort something out. 
6/9/2001 21:24 GMT  confident
well done to chinky for putting one away on sunday, well deserved. But on a lighter note, how the f*ck does alex 'roids' mansell play on sundays, i've seen him play with the graig and he f*cking sucks. OI ROIDS! sort yurself out!!!!!!! daddy's boy! 
6/9/2001 19:33 GMT  2pac
I'd just like to say lads, i'll be back in 2003 o.k so make sure you're around then o.k 
5/9/2001 17:32 GMT  Svetolav Blazevic
On second thoughts tho, football is a team game and maybe the absence of these so called "star players??" may have actually improved teamwork. 
5/9/2001 16:55 GMT  Real suppoerter of Real (Geraint Real)
Hey Svetolav Blazevic, if that is your real name, Real wasn't even dropped - he played a full game on Sunday! Plus he's playig better know at wing-back than he has in ages! 
4/9/2001 23:03 GMT  Svetolav Blazevic
I'm amazed Lumpfoot only conceded 1 on Sunday with a team that included Chinky up front, Danger in midfield, and Murphy, Real and Rees in defence, and Dwayne in goal. Does this mean that everyone that didn't play has lost their place or that they'll be back to improve the team???? and one more thing, thank god phantom is playing now, it's about time Real was dropped, 2 yards over the line Real, thats where you should be every sunday morning with a flag in your hand 
4/9/2001 21:43 GMT 
Get a room! 
4/9/2001 17:39 GMT  lumpfoot observer
I think it was pretty clear that on sundays display, defensively lumpfoot have come on a ****ing ton! 
2/9/2001 18:35 GMT  Real still fuming
That ball was about f*cking two yards over the touchline, i don't need dodgy linesmen to make me look sh*t i can do a good enough job by myself 
2/9/2001 15:05 GMT  jeff evans
derr what 
1/9/2001 23:02 GMT  Laiiiiiike
1/9/2001 13:33 GMT  Jason Rees
Huh...? Wha...? Duh...? 
31/8/2001 17:35 GMT  iron balls
id love a game in midfield. i could knock balls over the top for Bryn and Ian to chase, all ****ing day. 
30/8/2001 15:04 GMT  Bystander
I heard Iron balls was back from Imperial and was going to be in attendance for our opener against coed ely, could Iron Balls be set for a call up? 
30/8/2001 14:30 GMT  Ian
I've heard rumours of myself playing up front this weekend (possibly alongside Bryn) against Coed Ely. These rumours intrigue me, and I look forward to hearing more about it. I'll be checking the site on a regular basis. 
30/8/2001 08:55 GMT  Fudge Packer
I played for Llantwit, they were all like me 
30/8/2001 00:27 GMT  Geoff
who in the blue hell, are loconotiv lumpfoot?? couldnt think ov a normal name i take it i.e.llantwit 
29/8/2001 17:36 GMT  Real
Does that mean Barthez will get a run out up front on sunday??  
29/8/2001 17:08 GMT  fan's viewpoint
I believe it is common sense that Mark Tonka Thomas has an extended run as goalkeeper for locomotiv lumpfoot. After his display Sunday the boy deserves at least a couple of ****ing games 
28/8/2001 02:59 GMT  Real as f*ck...........seth loved up with missus 
27/8/2001 16:34 GMT  Jason Rees
Bazza, why wasn't I on your list for hardest player in the league? I've kicked in Pugh so many times I've lost count. Also, this must be the first poll in a while that I haven't been involved in. 
26/8/2001 14:20 GMT  Alex Mansell
Who ****ing wants it? Im hard as f*** 
25/8/2001 15:00 GMT  Real
25/8/2001 13:21 GMT  $$$$$$$$
real boy, have you heard the gossip about your ex-missus! V.INTERESTING!!!!!!!! 
24/8/2001 00:57 GMT  Quietly impressed
Real has come on a c*nt 
23/8/2001 20:03 GMT  Jason Rees
Who wants it? 
22/8/2001 11:11 GMT  I think i know!!!
All you lot in Taylors house would you shut the f*ck up please!!!!!!!!! 
21/8/2001 23:35 GMT  Guess?
Lumpfoot FC suck!!! lets be honest, u NERDS are f*cking awfull and good luck this season u bunch of no-hopers! Ur all lucky u wont be visiting the house of pain this season (central park, llantwit), they had to drop out to give s*it teams like u a chance this year! U SUCK, end of! 
21/8/2001 22:27 GMT  regular vistor
When is someone going to put anything remotely ****ing interesting on this site. There are some dreadful attempts at funny remarks which are starting to get a little bit poor. 
21/8/2001 09:29 GMT  drew
pugh will u stop pretending ur life is exciting by trying 2 be me and coz. i know its bad that u have 2 pay ur missus 4 sex but sh"t happens!ps the 10 yr olds r game and the thing about rowland is true!!!!! 
20/8/2001 11:17 GMT  drew and cosmo on tour
boys, the 10 year olds out here love it. dirty as fuk. rowlands took a tanzvestyte home! tell everyone!!!! 
20/8/2001 11:17 GMT  drew and cosmo on tour
boys, the 10 year olds out here love it. dirty as fuk. rowlands took a tanzvestyte home! tell everyone!!!! 
16/8/2001 20:05 GMT  in mourning
our love of all things welsh (well not all things welsh but sheep anyhows) has led us to this wonderful site...this in fact is utter bu*****t as the only thing that led us here was a broken link from KIC. Geraint mate quality for scoring, it is something not much of osemkas players ave managed, and if this lot give you any more grief request a transfer to our ranks....just erm bring some sheep with you yeah!!!!! quality..  
15/8/2001 22:23 GMT  Specatator
Lets all remembr though that Reel's one goal was a big one 
15/8/2001 01:49 GMT  Real
My hot ratio's fine, it's just my finishing that sucks a** 
15/8/2001 00:45 GMT  A real fan
How the Fu*k can Lumpfoot keep Real in the team? He has the the worst shot ratio for a striker! 1 goal in a season? Play a different sport you T*at. Take a hint and retire early!!! 
14/8/2001 17:29 GMT  Worried Supporter ( Pugh )
I appreciate that a lot of you boys have put it in this summer in terms of training but far too many of you are still way way to fat for sunday league standards. Apart from Bryn, looking trim and sexy 
14/8/2001 11:14 GMT  Nice one boys Ta ra boys
Pugh you are buzzin 
13/8/2001 13:44 GMT  quiet observer
boys i would love to come to your matches and hurl abuse at real but unfortunately i run a million $ enterprise and cannot make it. however i'm taking a night off from running my company for one night only - this thursday! so would you do me the honour of accompanying me to liquid this thursday night - it is A-level results night and there will be lots of wasted 18 yr old girls who we can take advantage of! anyone up for it ? i hear the place is bangin' on a thursday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bring on the randy young ladies!!!!!!!! 
12/8/2001 20:35 GMT  ard ouse lover
i love ard ous so build castles in the sky 
12/8/2001 20:20 GMT  Jason Rees
Pugh, you suck! I know you're scared of me, whatever happened to this 15 foot high, solid steel cage match, huh? 
11/8/2001 15:39 GMT  REEL ABUSER
If that ginger t*a* scores even one goal this season Ill fu** bryn up the ar*e with a pink rubber dildo in allsports shop window 
11/8/2001 14:57 GMT  Unconcerned fan
If that ginger c*nt scores more than 2 goals this season i'll f*cking do Julie Patel over the fountain 
9/8/2001 22:50 GMT  Unconcerned fan
It's nice to see all the abuse to Geraint Real on the website but it would much nicer to have some abuse from the touchline on a sunday morning. Do us a favour and all get down there for Geraint.  
9/8/2001 22:32 GMT  Concerned Fan
It's nice to see all the support on the website but it would much nicer to have some support from the touchline on a sunday morning. Do us a favour and all get down there for team. 
9/8/2001 14:30 GMT  Real
Come on bring the abuse, i love it 
8/8/2001 13:03 GMT  drew and cosmo on tour
hard house is bangin in thailand+we r bangin!send us emails on!! good luck 4 new season!good soccer!break some fu**in legs wilkins boy!keep strads at the top where it belongs! 
7/8/2001 21:19 GMT  Big Rog
Happy birthday David have a good one  
6/8/2001 11:46 GMT  Bryn Thomas
I am addicted to chicken and mushroom pies 
6/8/2001 00:11 GMT  Ross Tylers
F***ing hard F***ing house 
4/8/2001 20:19 GMT  Real
(hand raised firmly in the air) Me Me MMMMMMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! 
4/8/2001 19:01 GMT 
Hands up who's gay... 
4/8/2001 12:49 GMT  Bryn
I cant believe how awfully buzzing my crotch is! 
3/8/2001 17:49 GMT  Paul Bearer
3/8/2001 17:09 GMT  Rock
Ross Tyler can go and lick a llama's left testicle 
3/8/2001 17:08 GMT  Rock
If ya smell what sh*t, seth i talking 
3/8/2001 17:07 GMT  Rock
It doesn't matter what colour Real pubes are!!!!! 
3/8/2001 12:54 GMT  Hacker guy
honsetly i did 
3/8/2001 12:54 GMT  Hacker guy
i beat the system 
2/8/2001 08:56 GMT  real
cheers mam 
2/8/2001 01:08 GMT  Reals mother
The only way to discover what Reals pubes are like is to get him in the shower after the next lumpfoot match. Ive heard is physique is shockingly huge 
1/8/2001 16:06 GMT  Tazz
The moods about to change 
1/8/2001 16:05 GMT  Kurt Angle
Real, where are you'r gold medals 
1/8/2001 13:02 GMT  Real
I find it disturbing that you all want to know what colour my pubes are and what my body looks like, i know we wear pink and all 
1/8/2001 13:02 GMT  Real
I find it disturbing that you all want to know what colour my pubes are and what my body looks like, i know we wear pink and all 
31/7/2001 18:26 GMT 
30/7/2001 22:09 GMT  reals mother
if anyone votes for anything other than ginger in the latest poll they want stabbing up the a***.......with a pickaxe! 
30/7/2001 21:08 GMT  quiet observer
so pugh were there any other disgusting features of reals body that we should know about? has he got a boil or warts? has he got a nice body we're all dying to know! he always tries to cover up when getting into his kit  
29/7/2001 20:57 GMT  Ross Tyler
I love hard house too! 
29/7/2001 17:05 GMT  scout
is it true that steve keyworth is going to partner dewi upfront next season. he loves hard house. 
29/7/2001 16:32 GMT  pugh
$od off, all of u. and stop pickin on me. 
29/7/2001 15:07 GMT  quiet observer
thanks for taking a look for me pugh! 
28/7/2001 21:25 GMT  Big brother
REAL, your ring is flame red never mind your pubes. Chocolate finger anyone? 
28/7/2001 20:52 GMT  Real
Boys my pubes are flame red 
28/7/2001 09:45 GMT  ross tyler
hard house 
27/7/2001 23:03 GMT  Big Brother
From our camera in the shower, we have decide that Real's pubes are strawberry blonde. And that Pugh got a boy-on. 
27/7/2001 22:27 GMT  koRn
were all in the family. 
27/7/2001 20:44 GMT  Pugh
As many of you know, I've showered with Real many-a-time. To be honest, I'd say his pubes were more of a burnt orange colour. Very nice. 
27/7/2001 20:27 GMT  quiet observer
i want to know just how ginger real is, so pugh (i know you want to) fancy taking a shower with him, lets us all know if his pubes are ginger, keep us all posted pugh! 
26/7/2001 10:21 GMT  Chetan Patel
I think the time has come boys to admit to the fact that im still a virgin. All i did with that girl in ibiza was take her back to the room, have a curry and then she completely dogged me out! 
25/7/2001 22:47 GMT  ross tyler
I'm built like a dolls house! 
24/7/2001 18:03 GMT  ross tyler
lumpfoot........hard house 
24/7/2001 00:24 GMT  another insider
he's so ginger that he's been mistaken as billie piper's husband. Oh yeah, and tyler is a short prick!!! 
23/7/2001 23:18 GMT  insider
right then so be it, lwets get back to real. Hes one ginger little p*ick. ver very ginger indeed. 
23/7/2001 13:42 GMT  quiet observer
I visit this website on a regular basis and love reading the guestbook, lately your boring me, best times are when you discuss how ginger real is! who wants to start? 
23/7/2001 12:59 GMT  Dr Davies
chopper, how was hard time? did u take it up the $hitter. i bet u did didn't u. so be honest now, did any bad boy bubbys ar$e rape you. 
21/7/2001 14:50 GMT  Insider
That can't be the real ross tyler, he's never away from his missus. he's too busy sexing all day and night! Under and Thumb spring to mind! 
21/7/2001 09:55 GMT  ross tyler
hard house 
20/7/2001 01:18 GMT  Jason Rees
Hey pugh, did you take my advice and buy some sleeves or wot?!? 
19/7/2001 19:35 GMT  pugh
i am officially creased!!! 
18/7/2001 21:45 GMT  Ibiza
20ml on the `ed like! 
18/7/2001 15:37 GMT  Real
leave Pugh alone, he's goin' through a hard time  
18/7/2001 14:00 GMT  WORRIED ONLOOKER
i dont know if anyone has noticed recently but pugh has been acting like more of a pr#ck than usual lately. apparently this is because pugh is now addicted valium!! so much so, that he took 20ml in the rickards last friday just to help him get over the fact that his missus is fu'#ing big james hughes!! 
16/7/2001 23:11 GMT  Murph
15/7/2001 23:07 GMT  Onlooker
Come on, we`re on f*cking holidays aint we 
15/7/2001 22:30 GMT  Truth
It's about time Tyler was kicked out, he's a f*cking gimp. A short gimp as well!! 
15/7/2001 20:29 GMT  Everyone
15/7/2001 19:18 GMT  Ross Tyler
Hard house  
13/7/2001 17:26 GMT  Real
Dropping another line from a mall in Bridgetown sitting here in my Lumpfoot shirt getting funny looks i'm spreading the teams name over the west indies, Lara wants to sign!! 
13/7/2001 17:25 GMT  Real
Dropping another line from a mall in Bridgetown sitting here in my Lumpfoot shirt getting funny looks 
13/7/2001 17:13 GMT  ross tyler
13/7/2001 13:34 GMT  drew
i think i have a problem.... i keep sweating profusley whenever i go in mothercare or adams....i cant wait until i get to thailand...people will stop calling me sick .........everythings legal and anything goes. 
12/7/2001 23:30 GMT  ross tyler
ibiza................hard house 
12/7/2001 22:35 GMT  Ibiza
Big Shint is dogging me out!!! 
12/7/2001 19:35 GMT  drew
i'm going to thailand next week....11 year old!!!! i'm gonna lose my virginity.... 
12/7/2001 17:52 GMT  Jason Rees
Hey pugh, buy some sleeves! 
12/7/2001 15:06 GMT  Malsters Newsflash
Rumours are rife that Mr Nicholas Pugh is having an affair with his boss. The most worrying aspect of this rumour is that the lady in question is in her 60's. Mr Pugh has been heard quoting to the regulars that "she ate me for breakfast". Next time you see the lad, give him a pat on the back for being such a stud. 
12/7/2001 01:05 GMT  ross tyler
Hard house boys 
11/7/2001 16:37 GMT  Fan
I`m monkey gloved me, 
11/7/2001 16:28 GMT  Loyd Grossman
Oh baby, Through The Keyhole! 
11/7/2001 11:47 GMT  The Man
Look at Pugh "i won't be out much cos i failed my module in Uni" What a load of bo"""cks he's gonna be loved up with his Mrs all summer instead, fcukin ponse, sort it out you gimp! 
10/7/2001 22:27 GMT  jakey
Im blind!!!!! 
10/7/2001 15:27 GMT  Geraint Real from St James in Barbados
hope you all had a good holiday, can't wait to get back and start the new season, it's too hot over here and i need a bit of welsh rain, and i actually found a copy of the pontypridd and llantrisant observer out here?????? some welsh guy had it and i turned the page to see 2 familiar faces looking back at me, who's this new guy Jorge??? was he the one that scored that lobbed goal against coed ely, what a signing!!! anyway hope to see you lot soon Real 
10/7/2001 15:04 GMT  drew
i like 11 year olds.  
9/7/2001 21:17 GMT  Forum question?
So lads, What are your views for the coming season? Any new singings? Oh and have you heard the South Wales Echo have asked about 'Jakey' and how his foreign lifestyle is coping in and around ponty? 
9/7/2001 19:49 GMT  Darren 'twofer' Avery
Hope you all enjoyed the loco holiday and the 'ard house! I'm making my debut on loan to Richmond Metro Sting in the U.S CVSA league 2nite but I'll be back when or if selected for the big season! 
9/7/2001 17:03 GMT  Sir David Frost
IT'S... Jeremy Beadle 
9/7/2001 17:03 GMT  Sir David Frost
IT'S... Jeremy Beadle 
9/7/2001 15:11 GMT  Gwyn
I'm with worried fan. This guest book sucks now. I've gone from looking everyday to a once a week now. Sad state of affairs. With the boys having just arrived home lets home it perks up. 
8/7/2001 14:18 GMT  Worried fan
It's about time all the boys were back, I'm fed up of all the sh*t people are leaving in the guestbook. We need some fresh faces and some of boyce's jokes. P.S. All the best for the coming season boys, go get 'em 
6/7/2001 13:39 GMT  pugh
boys, id just like to let you all know that you wont be seeing much of me this summer cos ive failed a module in uni, so ive got a lot of work to catch up on. please dont come to the malsters on a saturday cos ill knee deep in books!! 
5/7/2001 20:30 GMT  steve
do any lumpfoot players/officials ever post on here anymore? 
3/7/2001 18:48 GMT  the real pugh
what a load of sh*t, now people are trying to copy me by saying i haven't been on for a while. well it's nice to know who my friends are!!  
3/7/2001 15:40 GMT  pugh
well, i'm creased!! i haven't been on 4 a while, and when i do pay a long awaited visit i find this slanderous filth. what i think, right, is that some sad lonely people want to be like me so badly, that they deceptivley enter their name as be perfectly honest i dont mind, in fact it pleases me to know that in some strange way i have made that geeks life just a little bit more bearable.  
3/7/2001 14:05 GMT  webby  
2/7/2001 21:15 GMT  Real
Hey! Big Boy! I'm over here! 
30/6/2001 15:40 GMT  Pugh
well Real i'm well impressed you know the kinda stuff i'm into 
29/6/2001 21:43 GMT  The camp Real
How about a leather strap match? whipping the strap over me!!OOOOOOHHH 
29/6/2001 17:50 GMT  Pugh
yeah i do actually, but keep it to yourself, i actually fancy givin that Jason Rees a bit of my d*ck, ooh to be locked in a steel cage with him oooh 
28/6/2001 21:38 GMT  Real
Since we are alone Pugh, do you like boys? 
27/6/2001 22:38 GMT  Real
So Pugh it's just me, you and the website 
27/6/2001 13:40 GMT  pugh
27/6/2001 09:34 GMT  Real
It's lonely in 'ere now, hurry back lads 
26/6/2001 21:59 GMT  Jason Rees (via e-mail)
Pugh,your going to get your ass kicked! big time! Get on the next flight or i'm calling it all off. I know my rights!!!! 
26/6/2001 14:48 GMT  pugh
there seems to be a hell of a lot of talkin goin on.jason rees, just bring it, or shut the hell up! 
25/6/2001 19:55 GMT  All:sports employee
Can I just say that although Jakey "JUSTIN" Dackins bought a wales football shirt. He was offered the pink polo shirt for a FIVER and still didn't get his hand out of his pocket. The tight arsed sod!! 
24/6/2001 22:52 GMT  Noticer?????
Stay in the league????? I didn't know anyone got relegated  
24/6/2001 09:04 GMT  The reverend P.Rickards
Oh yes this is a very funny website isn't, very amusing indeed.Well Edward, I don't think you'll be laughing come next summer when this side will be struggling to stay in the league. Oh shut up Raymond! 
22/6/2001 20:56 GMT  All:sports employee
LAST CALL for PINK polo shirts. Pod one's, were 29.99 now 14.99. Any lumpfoot squad members who turn up at the shop tomorrow can get them for 9.99 lAST CALL FOR PINK POLO SHIRTS!!! 
21/6/2001 19:46 GMT  Jason Rees
See you on the plane Ian! 
21/6/2001 16:05 GMT  Ian
See you on the plane boys!! 
20/6/2001 18:04 GMT  Jason Rees
I certainly will not get in your ring Pugh!! Absolutely not. I am strictly 100% heterosexual, ask your mother! 
19/6/2001 23:31 GMT  Brian (From Big Brother)
Hey, that's not the first time I've heard Pugh tell some boy to "get in the ring", if you know what I mean! 
19/6/2001 20:14 GMT  Observer
Why does pugh think he`s so solid. big walk, big ears. he`s a wimp. 
19/6/2001 18:39 GMT  Hulkamania
What your gonna do when the biggest JASON REES runs wid on you??!!!!!! 
19/6/2001 14:07 GMT  Jason Rees
tell you what Pugh, make it a best of three falls match, first fall a street fight, second match a submission match and the third fall a cage match, or we'll have to get it down in the Loco Lumpfoot invatational and i've got Hogan in my corner 
19/6/2001 12:20 GMT  pugh
so why is everyone avin a go at me for? look rees i'm game when u are! ere's my mobile number07929346309, ring me when ur up 4 the cage match(or txt me). in the words of axle rose, "get in the ring" 
19/6/2001 11:49 GMT  Concerned for Pugh's welfare
Whats going on with this fight business. At the end of the day it gets dark and Pugh or Roofy ain't hard. I know Pugh is a little bitch and a talker. Pugh I suggest medical help and a bit of counselling 
19/6/2001 11:15 GMT  Tony Richards
Just gone to the cop shop regarding Ross Tylers suggestions that my boy takes ot up the a***. Im suing him for a quid and life time expulsion from the bus  
18/6/2001 19:22 GMT  wcw
Here come's the moneyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 
18/6/2001 19:05 GMT  Edge and Christian
HEY! Pugh and Jason Rees, you guys SUCK! you talk a good fight but never get it on. How about you two going toe-to-toe with us T.L.C.? You pussy's!!! 
17/6/2001 19:03 GMT  Jason Rees
Personally, i want the fight to go ahead but Pugh keeps avoiding me. Pugh you jackass, stop running from me and face what's coming to you! 
17/6/2001 16:53 GMT  disgruntled fight fan
i bought tickets for the jason rees/pugh cage match from the spar,but now i think they are fake. i haven't seen or heard of any advertising. there are rumours that pugh is avoiding rees. does anyone know wheather the fight is on, or is pugh scared.. 
17/6/2001 09:38 GMT  Honestly now
I get it now, (dwayne)I noticed my name seems to be David Wynn Howells i'd like to correct it and point out my middle name is WAYNE, another thing chinky has ur willy really gone? (Real) F*CK ME DWAYNE IT TOOK YOU NEAR ON 9 MONTHS TO NOTICE, AND THAT YOUR NAME WAS SPELT WRONG!! it was a joke about chinky's willy 
16/6/2001 19:31 GMT  real
sorry dwayne, lets be friends. maybe we can arrange an understanding over a nice candle-lit meal. call me.  
16/6/2001 18:38 GMT  D-Wayne fan
Yeah Real, apolagize you ginger freak and the abuse will stop! 
16/6/2001 17:29 GMT  D-Wayne fan
Real the abuse will stop if you just apologise to Dwayne for calling him slow.  
15/6/2001 17:00 GMT  Chetan
Gimme my ****ing £8 for the shirts immediately u bunch of tight lazy heads 
14/6/2001 23:37 GMT  WWF fan #1
Hey, Taka Michi-no-clue! It's Funaki who says INDEED! Jackass! 
14/6/2001 23:08 GMT  anti WWF fan
all wrestling fans are homosexual.....or under 15. 
14/6/2001 21:40 GMT  Taka Michinoku
14/6/2001 16:50 GMT  k.angle
real is ginger, its true, its true.  
14/6/2001 14:56 GMT  REAL
Just had a look in the mirror and can't believe the extent of my gingerness. On a scale of 1-10 Id give myself a ****ing ton. Id even go as far to say that Im more ginger than Paul Scholes and Gareth James rolled into one 
13/6/2001 22:20 GMT  Noddy (Yes the one with the red an yellow car)
Hi to all of my true fans who actually realise that i do drive a 51' Chevy that is black and that the police officer on my show is fat thanku all of you ( REAL IS GINGER ) 
If the wrestling related messages continue to dominate this guestbook then the future if this site will be in serious doubt. It follows an incident last year when a young lad lost his left foot due to kicking the computer screen in anger at a wrestling message. Thank you. Murphy 
13/6/2001 19:57 GMT  Jericho
Stone Cold, you are a slut 
13/6/2001 10:01 GMT  wwf fans
PUGH 3.16..................................PUGH 3.16..................PUGH 3.16...................PUGH 3.16.......................PUGH 3.16.....PUGH 3.16 
12/6/2001 23:29 GMT  Stone Cold Steve Austin
If Anyone wants to challenge me for the title they better be into hard house and loving it big style. I'd also like to add that REAL IS GINGER 
12/6/2001 21:13 GMT  J.R.
We're in for a good ol' fashioned slobberknocker!! 
12/6/2001 18:37 GMT  vince
sounds like a bit of a superbout. tell u what, if u let my crew cover it, the winner/survivor can challenge stonecold for the coverted world wrestling federation championship. keep it RAW boys!!!!!!!! 
12/6/2001 18:00 GMT  jason rees
Aye go on then, I'll get a few from B&Q while were at it and we'll make a ****ing super cage.  
12/6/2001 16:54 GMT  pugh
jason reese , it's been a while. lets finish this once and for all. we'll nik a few trolleys from somerfield and kwiksave and we'll rig up our own little cage match up punch park. two men enter, one man leaves, thats me, bitch! r u up 4 it? 
12/6/2001 12:53 GMT  'outsider'
You lot are a bunch of losers. You all need to grow up a bit. Why don't you get jobs and start families or something? 
12/6/2001 00:59 GMT 
11/6/2001 23:02 GMT  William Hague
Any jobs going boys???? 
11/6/2001 22:53 GMT  Kim Howells
Y i really like your website and am glad to see that a team of your stature can compete at such level andhold your heads high in the most wonderful pink shirts. I support you with all my heart. oh and before i go REAL IS GINGER  
11/6/2001 19:59 GMT  anon name
11/6/2001 16:37 GMT  Jason Rees
I'm with Real. Leave him be! 
11/6/2001 09:49 GMT  REAL
Who is the t*at leaving me these messages, at least i'm leaving my name use you'rs as well instead of hiding behind an anon name you c*nt 
10/6/2001 21:39 GMT  A converted Real fan
One Word Real GINGER 
9/6/2001 20:38 GMT  YET ANOTHER D-Wayne fan
Does your squeaky voice hinder your singing skills? 'cause your ginger hair makes you play football like a c*nt 
9/6/2001 18:53 GMT  whitehouse
guss,guss pass me the ball 
9/6/2001 18:20 GMT  Another D-Wayne fan
One thing real he's not ginger you are, another thing your short and ginger, oh yeah one last point ur short ginger and got a squeaky voice. 
9/6/2001 17:56 GMT  Jason Rees
Well, it's saturday night! Sorry Pugh, we're gonna have to rearrange our little ruck for another time, i'm gonna cardiff instead! But i'll be looking for you! 
9/6/2001 12:13 GMT  Real
8/6/2001 18:35 GMT  REAL fan
REAL, are you short or just in the distance? and are you a prick or just GINGER 
8/6/2001 11:31 GMT  REAL
7/6/2001 21:42 GMT  D-Wayne fan
REAL, it took dwayne 9 months to WALK to a computer. do you know something about walking? 
7/6/2001 19:54 GMT  Jason Rees
Was goin to go up the union today but after hearing Pugh was going up I s*it out and stayed at home with a good book.  
7/6/2001 17:33 GMT  D-Wayne
Yes real nine months of careful consideration on what to say, im fik u see. 
6/6/2001 21:21 GMT  Jason Rees
Pugh, you know I don't go to Strads on Fridays! How about Saturday? 
6/6/2001 17:40 GMT  anon
i remember when i had to hold pugh's and gingers phones and watches, while they had a fight. i'm not being funny but pugh made a fool of him. he was sittin on gingers chest and bitch-slappin him-----beast!  
6/6/2001 14:40 GMT  drew
trash boy, r u serious? pugh is rock! he'd kick your ar$e any day of the week. i wish i had half the dog he's got. i swear, he is the original balboa!!!!!! keep on swingin pugh, eye of the tiger!  
6/6/2001 11:25 GMT  Trash Boy
Pugh boy, you ain't hard, so stop acting as if you are. U little pussy. U talk like a bitch and fight like a pussy 
6/6/2001 10:51 GMT  pugh
jason rees, strads, friday! but if u want it a bit sooner, the union,thursday! dont sh1t out!!!!!!!  
5/6/2001 22:55 GMT  Lazy
I........can't be arsed 
5/6/2001 15:30 GMT  Jason Rees
Pugh, just name the time and place and I'll be there! 
5/6/2001 12:04 GMT  ibiza tourist
5 weeks and we'll be home, literally cant wait! july the 10th here we come!!!!! 
4/6/2001 22:58 GMT  RAY
4/6/2001 17:31 GMT  Anon
Look at Pugh's head, he's got massive ears!!! 
4/6/2001 16:05 GMT  pugh
jason rees, me and u 'en! any time, any place!  
3/6/2001 23:19 GMT  colin
oi bryn, your sister came to the shop and left a trail of sh*t from the changing room to the till and still didn't buy anything! and your old man smells of fish 
3/6/2001 20:48 GMT  Bryn
Colin, go to f*ckin work u tosser 
3/6/2001 16:08 GMT  Sweety
Can't wait to get to Ibiza now lads. I've heard rumours I'm sharing a room with Roofy and Bryn. Can anyone confirm this? 
1/6/2001 23:59 GMT  REAL
1/6/2001 22:46 GMT  David WAYNE Howells
I noticed my name seems to be David Wynn Howells i'd like to correct it and point out my middle name is WAYNE, another thing chinky has ur willy really gone? 
1/6/2001 17:36 GMT  linda patel
if i win sexiest girl award I'll work in the shop wearing just a liqourice thong. Neil doesnt like the idea but I told him to go ***k himself 
1/6/2001 09:05 GMT  Keep i clean
Come visit our web site 
31/5/2001 22:02 GMT  Colin
I'd like to apologise to all Lumpfoot players and staff about my actions concerning the player of the year voting system. I disagree with the statement made that I put 57 votes towards a certain player, but own up to the fact that I may have influenced other votes. I regret my actions and hope this message resolves matters. I thank you for your understanding. 
31/5/2001 17:57 GMT  Jason Rees
pugh, where are you? 
30/5/2001 13:21 GMT  ?
check out the best ladies football team this side of huddersfield at and leave a message in our guestbook. ps nice site 
29/5/2001 22:39 GMT  Geraint Real
You lot are sick as f*ck 
29/5/2001 22:16 GMT  Anonymous
I'd like to point out that mark 'chinky' Pearce lost his manhood to a car exhaust pipe last week - thanku 
29/5/2001 20:01 GMT  Joey
Any chance of a game boyce i'm bored on the rock n roll 
29/5/2001 17:48 GMT  susan kennedy
boycey, loads of stradage this saturday, and i might bring tessage along as well, if ur lucky!! ps good soccer seth!! 
29/5/2001 17:34 GMT  latest on real
Ive heard that real has rusted to death due to the occasional downpours of rain splashing against his ginger ****ing head 
28/5/2001 21:10 GMT  Reporter
It has been noted that Geraint Real hasn't been answering his mobile for the last two days 
28/5/2001 17:19 GMT  Jason Rees
Pugh you prick! 
27/5/2001 13:05 GMT  pugh
i would just like to thank everyone who used my money to pay their holiday off,cheers boys.  
26/5/2001 16:20 GMT  Reporter
Is it true that Geraint Real was killed in a car accident on Thursday night???????? 
25/5/2001 17:38 GMT  Gavin Hodges
I've decided to maybe come and watch a few games next season, any of the subs that would like to come over and sit on my bottle with me is more than welcome 
25/5/2001 12:11 GMT  concerned citizen
i have just seen your online poll for new team colours, just to point out AFC hawthorn 'play' ( ha ha ) in orange . i hope this will be taken into consideration when picking the new kit , as you don't want teams to think you are in any way linked with that particular waste of skins .  
24/5/2001 21:08 GMT  Chinky
(standing up..) Boys, I am, an Alcoholic. 
24/5/2001 20:24 GMT  Head Coach
The Lumpfoot pre season training begins in ibiza, lots of one arm reps and hip grinds to get in shape, so start looking lively young danger, those who don't join us i want to do chin up's on pugh's ears 
24/5/2001 19:35 GMT  Danger
When do we start pre-season training. Some of the boys are allready looking out of shape. 
24/5/2001 12:20 GMT  potential trialist
when do you lot start pre -season training. i'm new in the area and noticed your team on the net and seem a good bunch of lads, even though ianto of graigwen juniors think your just a bunch of sh**s  
23/5/2001 19:19 GMT  The Real Real
Nice one Real, anyway shouldn't shaka be taken out of the one match wonders list now, he did make 4 full appearences this season, we could have a "and where are they now" list to include Dean Harris, Rhys Love(again), mo el terique 
22/5/2001 19:06 GMT  Unconcerned fan
In all honesty, could you really tell?? 
22/5/2001 17:32 GMT  concerned fan
is it true boycey's back on the burgers? 
22/5/2001 16:53 GMT  Real
Why should i care about cuzzy, he did me the biggest favour of my life!!??!! 
22/5/2001 15:23 GMT  Real
Pugh is it true you're back with Rhiannidd or did she knock you on the head because you were never that hard when you needed to be????? 
22/5/2001 13:08 GMT  Boycey
Look at Pugh acting hard 
22/5/2001 12:41 GMT  pugh
is it true that real is back with blackmore? i heard from a reliable source( cuzzy).real, i think u should duff 'im up 4 takin' the pi$$ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!unless your scared of him that is.  
21/5/2001 09:33 GMT  The Real Everybody
Wrap up everybody 
20/5/2001 23:44 GMT  Everybody
Wrap up you twats 
20/5/2001 19:27 GMT  could be jason rees? Might not be jason Rees?
20/5/2001 09:36 GMT  Real
it's nice to see my work this season hasn't gone unnoticed 
19/5/2001 14:28 GMT  The Real Real
Allright boys 
19/5/2001 13:31 GMT  The Real Pugh
Jason, what's your problem with me? What have i done to you? 
18/5/2001 12:39 GMT  pugh
well, i've had just about the cut of my jib!!  
17/5/2001 13:10 GMT  The real jason rees
Just like to add that the real jason rees has no problems with Pugh whatsoever!! In fact I think hes a f***ing 18 carrot diamond 
16/5/2001 17:29 GMT  Jason Rees
Pugh? Why do you always come on here and talk about bumming young boys? Get your own website and just stay on there! 
16/5/2001 11:13 GMT  pugh
drew u faggot! your doing me now.tonight i'm gonna take my belt off and make u my little monkey-bitch, just 4 a chuckle! 
14/5/2001 22:11 GMT  James Dodd
Can I sign next season? 
13/5/2001 20:15 GMT  boycey
i'll put a deposit down aswell. 
13/5/2001 20:10 GMT  club source
theres a vicious rumour that if any Lumpfoot player comes back from pre season overweight their gonna be fined heavily. Bryn's already put a deposit down 
11/5/2001 12:29 GMT  drew
pugh, r u serious, if so how did u manage that? r u sh~#ging the manager again or has HE gone off u? ps - make sure theres loads of hard house for boycey 
10/5/2001 15:59 GMT  pugh
the maltsters arms- this saturday-free bar@9.30-10.30- an hour of free booze, all welcome, free to get in,cant go wrong!!!!!!!!!!!  
10/5/2001 08:40 GMT  ians girl
get jeff out of the house for 5 tonight so we can bum til the early hours 
9/5/2001 18:43 GMT  To Ian 'Barhez' Evans
Can you come and meet me opposite Filla's tonight. I wanna listen to half hour hard house with you. From young girl P.S. Is allright  
9/5/2001 10:36 GMT  pugh
chopper, hurryup and pay the holiday off so that i can get my money back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
9/5/2001 10:36 GMT  Me
Barry, what happened to most memorable moment of the season then, you got your pick there, eurig's first game for lumpfoot, real's first goal, beating llantwit, bryn and his eating competition at the burger van, callards first touch with his knees, 20 man brawl at llantwit, tony heath in the cup, eurig stripping in middle of match on touchline, the everyone sit down celebration, chinky's first goal, Real fuming after match, buster "another red card on a sunday", SMASHER, Wilkins "i'm bouncin boys", mo el terique's farewell game, Mo el erique's non-movement during any game, any more suggestions i'm sure there is loads more, oh and the most important one would have to be Ben Trotman oppening Lumpfoots account at the beginning of the season 
7/5/2001 13:32 GMT  Tim
I like the site! Come and visit and stick a link on our links page.. All the best for the coming season, Tim 
6/5/2001 22:24 GMT  this is
6/5/2001 18:59 GMT  Eurig
Stop picking on me! 
4/5/2001 19:03 GMT  *Insider*
"""***NewsFlash***""" A spokesperson for Lumpfoot today claimed that they have tied up the contract which will keep eurig at Lumpfoot, the contract, purported to be worth in the region of £15, will keep a delighted eurig at Lumpfoot for the next 35 years, at time of going to press Eurig was unavailable for commen as he was day tripping with the residents of the trefforest day centre in an effort to promote his charitable side. Fans of Lumpfoot are ecstatic about the news and there are even reports of Lumpfoot replica tops selling out, in and around the ponty area all sports retailers are failing to keep up with the demand and are constantly running out of the letters U,R,I and G. A JJB worker commented, "Eurig is a massive commodity to the Lumpfoot team, we've sold 76 Lumpfoot tops today and have back orders up to April 2010", quite extraordinary for a player who has only made one appearance for Lumpfoot, the man is set to become a phenomenon. 
4/5/2001 08:24 GMT  Reporter
Is Eurig going off the rails with new found fame in his boots. Time will tell. 
3/5/2001 11:22 GMT  *Insider*
"""***ANOTHER NEWS FLASH***"""" eurig was clearly seen signing autograhs today at the Trefforest day centre, but they were pictures of Tom Jones???? 
2/5/2001 15:17 GMT  *Insider*
"""***NEWS FLASH***""" Apparently eurig has been offered a big money contract from a as yet un-named club, apparently he impressed a scout in Lumpfoots recent 20-1 humiliation, a representative of Lumpfoot said earlier, "It would be a devestating loss to the team if he left, eurig is one of our up and coming players and he's got a great first touch and a good eye for goal, he also is a great asset when it comes to rowsing teamtalks, we hope eurig will commit his future to Lumpfoot for at least one more season." When Eurig was approached to comment on this rumour he replied " Lumpfoot, it's in my trousers, ahhhhhhhhahahahah, drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, aggggghhhhhh, but the ice cream was good" showing that this player is a player with his head screwed on tightly. 
2/5/2001 11:28 GMT  outsider
Oi whatever, shut yer face you cool c*nt 
2/5/2001 09:10 GMT  sylvester
just take it. trotmans gonna b the player of the year and who cares if the votings rigged?! 
1/5/2001 11:48 GMT  Jimmy Floyd
What about me for player of the year?? 
1/5/2001 11:33 GMT  Bryn
i deserve player of the year 
1/5/2001 09:27 GMT  Johnny 'don't be a hero' Andrews
Top website the players award has to go to Ben 'Silks' Trotman with his devastating speed and agility making him a danger from anywhere on the park 
30/4/2001 12:11 GMT  Graigwen Juniors
Post the link to Chyna pics pleeeeeease 
29/4/2001 23:38 GMT  whatever
f**k me, lighten up!! You sound as if you really care. 
27/4/2001 23:54 GMT  Not amused head
What a piece of sh1t we all now tonka deserves player of the year, and ben deserves the come on a tonne, so give tonka player of the year, the vote has been rigged 
26/4/2001 23:46 GMT  concerned fan!!
I also heard that the 'player of the year' award is rigged. The Chink has already won?! 
26/4/2001 05:53 GMT  Bryn
But my link to chyna in playboy was here!!!!! 
25/4/2001 17:38 GMT  Bruce Lee
Well done dan-io Real, you find hidden choreography for bruce lee moves, thank you for giving link 
25/4/2001 14:17 GMT  Real
Pugh, you got to take a look at this it's farkin awesome 
25/4/2001 00:02 GMT  Concerned Fan!!
Is it true that not just a few, but all the Lumpfoot players will be playing for the Graig next year? 
23/4/2001 19:34 GMT  Well annoyed visitor
Oi web admin blokey, don't be having a go at Murphy it's coonts like me that deserve to be warned, as5hole 
23/4/2001 18:44 GMT  Chopper
23/4/2001 15:06 GMT  mr chip
Oh - F*%$ that web administrator he is a c^%$. Free Speech right on man!!!! 
23/4/2001 13:07 GMT  web administrator
Sorry - but the message board was getting way to filthy for continued use. The nature and content of many messages were very disturbing. Therefore, as indicative of the stance that we take here at intheteam we had no hesitation but to remove all affending messages. The site manager has received a written warning and any further offensive entries could lead to prosecution.  
23/4/2001 08:51 GMT  Concerned site visitor
Murphy what the hell happened to all the messages???????? 
23/4/2001 08:25 GMT  PUGH
Where's everyone gone, I'm sorry for being such a gimp but I can't help it. Boys please come back and play with me. espeically Roofy 
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