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11/10/2001 21:09 GMT  Pricks
You lot are 
17/9/2001 14:56 GMT  Alex Kay
Hello I'm a ginger tosser too 
9/5/2001 09:42 GMT  Baby Boiler
I know Andy is keen on developing some form of youth squad but could everybody stop having bloody babies its costing us more than the match fees! Talking about match fees is there anyone out there with a guilty concious cause they never been collared for match fees? well is there? 
3/5/2001 07:54 GMT  Ginger Tosser
Why don't you all just fock off and die, I'm looking forward to kicking the sh-ite out of your fat prick striker next season. 
1/5/2001 17:47 GMT  er?
ROF PMS LOL @ ginger tosser.... learn to spell U 'kin donut!!!!!!!!!! 
28/4/2001 00:08 GMT  Ginger Tosser
This site is absolutely 5hite. It's so amateur, why don't you do it properly. Let's face it, you do fock all else 
15/3/2001 18:08 GMT  pete (honest)
jimmy u r such a tight tosser you have a blue prick 
12/3/2001 00:08 GMT  Ginger Tosser
You're both tossers 
9/3/2001 12:43 GMT  Steve
I apologise to all about the last message i posted about Pete being fingered by an Amsterdam whore. I may have misled a few of you and as such I feel it is my duty to correct. The er... lady in question was a pre op. Now Peter is not the biggest smoker in the world and the poor little bunny was very dazed and confused. To this day Pete is unsure how on earth the "Lady" managed to finger his butt whilst firmly gripping his shoulders with both hands. Suggestions on how this phenomenon happened are more than welcome. PS anyone got as scanner because there is a photo of Petes Big black holiday mama lay. she was a real cutie, all 25 stone of her. I think her name was Janice "five Bellies". Another "lady" with ample hands. I think Pete likes the ladys with large adams apples!  
9/3/2001 10:19 GMT  Steve has played for the other side
Looking at Steve the last thing you would expect is for him to have sampled the joys of the same sex! However as the saying goes "he will try anything once" especially 300 miles away from home where no one can findout. Thank god for the web a now you can all enjoy his flurtation as a fairy. Steve and Mr Pilgrim came to visit me in Newcastle and on the first night I met them in a pub. Steve was well on his way when I got there and down stairs was a club. So we went on the pull. Our efforts where not working until we saw a beautful looking oriental gir with long black hair. As Steve was telling us of his intentions she left the dance floor a bloke with long dark hair built the same started to dance. We all saw but Steve "chose not to?" and gave this poor geordie some steve luvin and was up grindin behind him b4 the now happy steve realised he was a bloke!! and then pretended he didn't realise the 6ft 2 inch bloke was not a girl?FAiry  
28/2/2001 22:11 GMT  Ginger Tosser
Stuff You lot - check out the unofficial site LOL Ginger Tosser 
28/2/2001 21:57 GMT  Ginger Tosser
Seabrook gives the example of one who takes it up the a*se anyway. Useless Wonker. 
27/2/2001 16:24 GMT  Steve
talking about bumbing has anyone asked peter seabrook about his trip to Amsterdam? good i suggest u don't because he is a little toutchy about being fingered up his a"se by a whore. he loved it but likes to keep it queit. welcome to the world wide web! in your face seabrook!!!!!! for regular fans of mine and petes stitch ups please check for steve "pull a man in newcastle story" 
26/2/2001 22:52 GMT  Unofficial Site
I'll do it - whats the url again ?? 
13/2/2001 19:35 GMT  123456
any one want the unoffcial site user name and password username 123456 and the password is the same 
8/2/2001 15:35 GMT  Proof!!
Steve Ellerby has been bumming sheep!! whilst at the farming exhibition I have proof!!!!!!  
10/1/2001 16:55 GMT  Curious
Would that be "Chippo" down there? I think it would, yoouuu Beautiiieeeees! Tickets please! 
10/1/2001 16:52 GMT  No1 Fan
Players wives! OOH!!! Suit you!!! 
10/1/2001 16:44 GMT  Wasssssss uuuuuuppppp!!!???
How bout a players wives page. Jaquie "Reevsie" Alamo, Mandy "mines got the tash" Carter, Helen " bun in the oven" Leask....etc... 
9/1/2001 22:12 GMT  Phil
WHO LET THE DOGS OUT?????????????????? 
24/11/2000 12:49 GMT  Gareth Allen
Are you interested in playing a friendly at the end of the season, we are looking for opponents for an end of season trip? Regards Gareth Allen Coast Atheltic FC 
21/10/2000 10:16 GMT  Gracie at FWFC
When are you going to do your player profiles. I've got some great stories about Roger, half a french bread stick and some warm jam if you want..... 
18/10/2000 21:09 GMT  a friend
Simon who in their right mind will want a stupid scarf and picture of you. Your much better of selling them pokemon sticker's than a photo of Lee for their wallet. at least when their mates find out it's less embarrssing  
12/10/2000 22:46 GMT  FWFC
Vote for your Fleet Wanderers Lookalike at 
12/10/2000 18:16 GMT  Simon
Helen, Ferg only scores with you... 
7/10/2000 17:01 GMT  Helen
You've missed the part about Fergs Many goals! 
6/10/2000 15:08 GMT  steve
the players would like to know why keith is so interested in our photos being posted on the website. i've heard about these internet perves. Stick to 82 year old ladies keith!!!!!! 
1/10/2000 18:56 GMT  Gracie at FWFC
I forgot to mention , Fleet Wanderers stuffed the Old Bill 4-0 in the only Div 3 game. Take a look at or  
1/10/2000 18:52 GMT  FWFC
I hear you boys got beat by Letef. I assume that means that Bryan is back !! 
29/9/2000 00:08 GMT  not happy
Whats going on with this web site. conpainling about a storker and the unofficial site being crap, at least the other site has the league table and who has scored. Get your act together and stop drinking brandy and coke and spend more time on your club....  
26/9/2000 19:15 GMT  Jim
I've just been reading the other site and it is not true what they say about the club.  
26/9/2000 18:32 GMT  a friend
what's all the crap about the unofficial web site it's the best thing for this club. It say's the true feelings from the touch line and not the rubbish the grey men from the board room want you to believe.....  
25/9/2000 19:41 GMT  Bertie
I didnt think it would take you long to get your name up in lights si, surprised you didnt have youself down as man of the match. Speaking of which the supporters player of the match was Matt, i know as i was the only one who voted.?? CUL B  
23/9/2000 09:54 GMT  a friend yet again for whats really happening at the club  
23/9/2000 00:39 GMT  A friend again
go to for the unoffical site 
23/9/2000 00:21 GMT  a friend
Visit links fleet for the unofficial web site for this great club  
21/9/2000 17:29 GMT  Captain
Simon, best you change that nickname sharpish, something like Captain Fantastic should do it!!! CUL B 
19/9/2000 17:38 GMT  Mark Cawood
Good to see the boys on form - just like the old days!! I can't believe the 'fair play' award is an achievement. 
18/9/2000 18:47 GMT  Paul Keith
we, your fans want to know where the photos are of you hunky footballers!!! 
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