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Interpon Bensham Arms FC Guestbook

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5/6/2002 08:00 GMT  Colin French
Manager - get in touch via e:mail and we can sort something out. Tried your e:mail address but it's not recognised. 
2/6/2002 13:51 GMT  Manager
Just wondering if you would like a pre-season friendly at your place. We are from Cleveland 
29/4/2002 08:44 GMT  Gareth
But it's Will that's the p-p-p-p-puff 
26/4/2002 22:30 GMT  humpa
gareth please dont leave it this way i need you 
5/4/2002 11:35 GMT  gggggggggggareth gates
humpa stop bugging me i kkkknow your my number one fan. 
5/4/2002 07:59 GMT  Humpa
Whoever stuck that news on the site about me being a Pop Idol fan is gonna need boxing gloves on Saturday. I'll found out who you are and I'll get ya 
30/3/2002 17:06 GMT  Hamish
Why not visit the best site on INTHETEAM @ 
28/2/2002 13:53 GMT  scott
goymer is nothing more than the team mook, he even beats scot in the gimp stakes  
10/2/2002 21:07 GMT  philip goymer
i play for this team, infact i am the best on the team and i think this site is really groovy. 
3/12/2001 13:50 GMT  Weetabix
What a sh*t site ! 
9/11/2001 08:39 GMT  Tony Whaling
Hehe... Love the squad pics! Need another player? and can my pic be Captain Marvel? 
5/10/2001 00:05 GMT  Frenchy
Nico - still trying to decide who u look like!! Watch this space......... 
3/10/2001 09:44 GMT  micky 'nico' nicholson
not a bad site but where's my picture????? 
11/6/2001 17:03 GMT  Ferret (Newcastle)
Big Bola hasn't traded her it yet, but he has got a new baby-sitter (her sister).....?!?! Bola reckons the trip will be at the start of August-ish. Probably just one day away, so Mull, Colin, Ginge, Crazy, you better all get those application forms in ! 
3/6/2001 11:40 GMT  Cat (Vietnam)
Not married, but had a number of operations so I can spend the rest of my life making love to myself with my various male/female appendages - but should be available for next season. What is the date of the end of season trip? Has Bowler traded his misses in for a younger model yet?  
25/5/2001 11:54 GMT  ?
we need the hits so visit the best ladies soccer team this side of huddersfield on and leave a meassage in our guest book.  
7/5/2001 11:35 GMT  Jimmy
Message to Cat. If you really are THE Cat.....the boys are worried that you've fallen in love with some chick-boy and decided to spend the rest of your life getting "reemed" in Thailand. Cat, get in touch you unsociable twat. You can email me at 
4/5/2001 11:09 GMT  Andy Humphrey (Team Manager)
After the last couple of games, if you're there, you're playing - even if your name is Kevin Phillips. 
2/5/2001 21:31 GMT  Kevin Philips
Is there a chance of getting my game for your team this Saturday? 
2/5/2001 11:53 GMT  The Red Star Airdrie
Your new strip is nearly as the banter on this page. 
10/4/2001 09:07 GMT  cat
When is Jimmy quiting football to work as a chickboy and why can I not log into the other info. 
29/3/2001 12:16 GMT  Colin French
Good to hear you're still around Dave - spot yourself on the Golden Oldies page did you? 
27/3/2001 18:29 GMT  Dave Smith
Greetings from France Still going 
15/1/2001 13:27 GMT  Colin French
Hey Foster - Someone else claiming own goals - not just you 
22/11/2000 14:27 GMT  Netherdale Amateurs
Why? do u like her??? (MASCOT?) 
17/11/2000 16:48 GMT  Bobby Robson
Thanks for your support lads. Let's turn over that Monkeys heed. 
17/11/2000 11:29 GMT  stuarty
where is your vote. definetly sunderland 
25/10/2000 15:31 GMT  Official Club Statement
Although this is a very tempting offer, Kevin McGill has no wish to pursue a career at International level. He feels that he still has a job to do at the club, and is a long way from achieving the goals set before him. He still has to reach stage one - putting in a pass that gets to one of his teammates. Kevin is a man of his word, and has stated that until these targets are reached, he will remain at the helm of Interpon Bensham Arms FC. 
25/10/2000 14:58 GMT  Paul Mulligan
Let 'im go - it'll give us more pie & chips every Saturday 
25/10/2000 14:16 GMT  Adam Crozier, England FA
We at the FA would like to ask permission for the tempory future services of your manager/coach/player Kevin McGill. We at the FA have watched with some anticipation and we are ready to capture the man who meets the criteria we have set for the England manager's job. That criteria is a Fat ugly useless b*****d who doesn't give a damn and would rather prefer a game of golf with Jimmy Turbuck. Please reply ASAP 
4/10/2000 17:19 GMT  Keegan
Paul Scholes for first goal against the germans, 10-1 odds is not bad 
4/10/2000 11:27 GMT  Tony Adams
It's there in black & white for all to see. Don't worry, it happens to us all 
3/10/2000 17:14 GMT  Mark Foster
Somebody has already started going on about my own goal, the t****. 
1/10/2000 21:35 GMT  anon
Lets have nothing said about midfielders/centre forwards scoring own goals 
27/9/2000 22:15 GMT  anon
stephen 'roppa' robson check out his arse!!!!!!!!!! 
27/9/2000 20:19 GMT  anon
i stumbleed across this site by mistake. That Colin French seems to be a no hoper with nothing better to do all day than use his company's time to play on the net. He sounds like he has not kicked a ball in his life(probably a red and whiter) and his petrol cap is the wrong colour for his car (clue).  
27/9/2000 12:33 GMT  Colin French
What's going on? DO people really think Kev's good lookin?? 
27/9/2000 12:32 GMT  Paul Mulligan
Any willing cheerleaders out there? 
27/9/2000 12:31 GMT  Bobby Robson
Struggling for centre halves this weekend for the Man City game - any chance of borrowing that Roppa lad? I hear he's half-crocked already so he'll fit in well 
26/9/2000 10:51 GMT  Stuart Pearson
What the hell????? 
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