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Millwall Albion R.F.C Guestbook

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16/8/2001 10:41 GMT  Mutz
I doubt anyone bothers with this guestbook much these days, but if anyone has Darryl 'Pokemaori' Gera's e-mail address could they let me know. Cheers! Good luck at the netball as well - I hope Chico doesn't pass out again! 
24/4/2001 08:47 GMT  bob
That is a typical Condon voting suggestion. Take your rose tinted glasses off 
10/3/2001 17:51 GMT  paul ryan
Adam. Sorry for the delay. No access for 3 months. 
10/3/2001 17:51 GMT  paul ryan
Adam. Sorry for the delay. No access for 3 months. 
9/1/2001 09:53 GMT  Chairman Chimp
First time I've visited the website. I'd forgotten about Jason's tiny nob episode at Xmas and am glad of the reminder. I'll have to see if it can "worm" its way into a match report. Does anyone know any euphemisms for penis that can be worked into an article for the Wharf?? 
23/12/2000 18:07 GMT  Rhys
Good to see you guys are making a habit of winning (seven league wins ex nine), but for god sake, start beating May and Baker. Good luck for the New Year. Nice web site by the way (long overdue) 
21/12/2000 14:29 GMT  Old silver fox
Paul in the fatherland, we are looking for places to go on tour at present. What about the German Rugby scene. Does it exist. Adam 
20/12/2000 14:19 GMT  mad paul
Dear boyos, Greetings from the Fatherland. Just found your website. Hope all is going well. Best wishes for the rest of the season. Fondest regards. Paul. 
20/12/2000 12:05 GMT  jason 'BIG DOG' spires
JAPIE - not yarpy, you stupid mongrel. If you are brave enough to make personal comments - then do it under your own name. If you can't do that then go play for the Steelers you scared faggot. 
19/12/2000 23:37 GMT  Hamish McSporran
She is your mother you stupid broken nosed yarpy.  
19/12/2000 15:26 GMT  jason 'BIG DOG' spires
Neither longer nor thicker, and I haven't got a BIG DOG, I am the BIG DOG. I have a python - a long, thick African Rock Python. Just ask your mother. 
19/12/2000 12:17 GMT  Slapper spice
At least they are longer than your.... "Big Dog"....ha ha ha ha 
15/12/2000 19:15 GMT  jason 'BIG DOG' spires
Enough now children. This is the real McCoy, the BIG DOG, Satan's Soldier, Warrior God, Chick Magnet, The Chosen One, Superman, Nightmare in London - Call me what you will! I have now discovered the web site at last, following a warning from club management regarding slanderous lies being spread about me. 1 - I wasn't at the Xmas party, it was my brother and he is eeevvviiilll. 2 - I don't like english birds, they tend to be a little too squishy in the buttock region. 3 - I don't like barmaids who call themselves anything (except SLAVE). 4 - Anyone that claims to have shagged me, wouldn't need to boast about it - being in bed for a week after, and walking funny for the next month would give it away. 5 - I was too drunk to do anything, I couldn'y have shagged someone with my foot. This cruel joke must end - I am innocent, sweet and very sensitive and am saving myself for marriage (to a harem...). I will catch the imposter who entered the hilarious line of " No, it was just in" and Hell hath no fury like a hooker scorned. This is the last warning - from now on in it gets nasty: By the way Slapper Spice - my fingers still stink..... 
14/12/2000 13:42 GMT  flex
Keep it up Dan, let me know how to help. 
11/12/2000 15:28 GMT  jason
No it was just in 
8/12/2000 21:36 GMT  slapper spice
was at xmas party and shagged some s.african called jason - or was it justin! 
29/11/2000 13:06 GMT  Barry O'Neill
No comments about 'gage' instead of 'page' please, I can spell, I just can't hype - doh!- I mean type. 
29/11/2000 12:36 GMT  Barry O'Neill
Excellent site Guy's. One thing though, in home gage details it should say the nearest tube station to East London RUFC is West Ham, not East Ham - No more excuses for low turn-out now! 
29/11/2000 12:17 GMT  Hamish MacSporran
May & Baker, my raddish!! 
28/11/2000 11:03 GMT  Bob
Don't give up now boys, the season is only over when its over. Whats this about one of the pack of three drinking too much again? 
24/11/2000 22:28 GMT  Bob from Bedfordshire
Go Millwall Go! Good Luck against May & Baker. Hope your Lemonade Drinking prop / coach doesnt let you down. 
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