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Effra Academicals Guestbook

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9/5/2001 09:05 GMT  StuartD
Cheers Dean, always a pleasure... shame about the one shot that went straight through my legs and into the net... ah well...  
4/5/2001 09:01 GMT  Dean
Just a quick message to say many thanks Stuart for filling in goal for us. You made some lovely saves for us. Cheers Dean (Exoterix FC) 
26/4/2001 16:29 GMT  StuartD
Who are all these random folk who have left messages on here? Lads, it would help if you mentioned your team name.... And Goddy, I'm not sure if we will have a great chance next season, because the mighty Accies are being forced to divide into 2 teams to make up the numbers because of all the shyster teams who prefer to play golf and do various other things instead of playing football! 
24/4/2001 12:14 GMT  Goddy
You have a great chance next season! 
18/4/2001 15:51 GMT  Where's your notepad???
OOOOOOOOOhhhhh and the shot hits the bar, what an eventful moment. Nearly as eventful as all the stuffings we keep handing out!!! 
17/4/2001 13:12 GMT  Warren
2 loss, 1 draw against you guys....I will be looking forward to next season, soon I will return from my injury! You are our bogey team. 
17/4/2001 09:38 GMT  Dean
We would like to challenge you to a 11 a side match one day/evening. Do you accept ? We are willing to play away on your home turf. Dean "the spikey one" 
20/2/2001 15:29 GMT  oscar patterson
Come Ooooooooooonnnnn! The Accies were playing great guns last night, lets hope that passing and movemnet stays in place on Thursday night...! 
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