Tom 'Tom' Armitage-Malpass
Tom has calmed down this season in the first two games. probably because he hasn't played, but with the end of his ban looming, step-dad and manager should bail him out yet again when the WRCFA come a knocking on his door.
Andy Cockers
Cockers has kindly offered his name to the club in case of any long term suspensions etc. He's got about as much chance of playing as Mally has of shiteing in the Queen mother's handbag.
Gaz D
Gaz D always has his boots in his car but watches while we play
Dave Dangereux
new laker from Ferinni
Richard 'Skinny' Danskin
Skinny has put on weight since last season, but still manages only to turn out when not called up to Bulimia and Anorexica Anonymous meetings. Skinny plays at left back and at the Wacky Warehouse where his two youngsters like to hang out.