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insurence cancels sundays meetig
keith yorke  Friday, May 24, 2002  19:47 GMT

at 8.25pm i receved a call from club chairman malcolm smith,he told me that sundays meeting is cancelled because we cannott get any insurence,there is only one way to go now,we now have to go back to the b.s.p.a(british speedway controll board).
insurence looking doutfull for this week end
keith yorke  Wednesday, May 22, 2002  11:12 GMT

as i have said before the insurence company that we were dealing with,has suddenley said that they are not doing public  libilerty insurence any more,they told malcolm about this seven days ago after they had sent a reminder for the insurence,so malcolm is ringing round insurence companys trying to find a company to cover us,that is why this sundays meeting is in danger of being cancelled.
steve wins first competertif race
keith yorke  Monday, May 20, 2002  11:17 GMT

steve boxhall rode in his first meeting for the rye house radiers yesterday at mildenhall ,he won his first race with the fastest time of the day 55.6sec,the romney falcons member was unlucky in his next ride he touched the tapes and run a last in his third ride,when he touched the tapes he had to start 15 meters behind,edward kennett the other member of the falcons scored a good 8 points.
a good turn out
keith yorke  Monday, May 20, 2002  11:05 GMT

it was good to see a lot of people at the training session yesterday,it was good to see ex canterbury rider tony reyonalds having a ride his first time for 3 years,at the end of the day he was going very well,in fact i think all the boys and girls had a great day,i was pleased to help gordon walker doing starts and first turns,also barry buchett going well on the bike that he brought of me yesterday.
26th of may meeting in dout
keith yorke  Sunday, May 19, 2002  07:11 GMT

the meeting for the 26th of may, may not got ahead,we are having trouble with insurence,please ring the hot line number during the week or phone the office,we hope this will be sorted out keep a look out on the site as well,as soon as i know i will post a message on the site.
todays meeting is on
keith yorke  Sunday, May 19, 2002  07:07 GMT

todays training and pratice goes ahead,pratice starts at 12 noon untill 5pm,no bikes to be started before 12 noon thank you.
good luck to steve
keith yorke  Sunday, May 19, 2002  07:04 GMT

today we at lydd wish steve boxhall good luck in his first meeting for the rye house radiers at mildenhall tonight,he and another lydd speedway member edward kennett will be in the same team for todays match,i hope they both score highly,steve goes very well round lydd,being the track record holder,is no mean feat when edward usead to hold it.
happy 15th birthday
keith yorke  Friday, May 17, 2002  11:18 GMT

happy birthday to 15 year old steve boxhall you~re our best prospect since gary corbett from all at lydd speedway home of the romney falcons
for sale and wanted page updated
keith yorke  Tuesday, May 14, 2002  16:08 GMT

i have updated the for sale and wanted page on the site,dont forget if you want to sell any thing just emial me
yorkie calls it a day
keith yorke  Tuesday, May 14, 2002  16:01 GMT

i have decided to give up riding a bike,im getting to old for it now and want to get other things,ive put my bike up for sale,if you are intrested in it you can go to the for sale and wanted page on the site,i will still be involved with the falcons,i still want to stay on as training instrucker and will still do the web site,and i also want to help other people get on in the sport.
forrest flyers to return
keith yorke  Wednesday, May 08, 2002  11:38 GMT

the forrrest flyers will challange a team from the romney falcons in about a months time,the man behind the flyers is pete barnerby,he along with mike topless and his grass track mates will make up a team to come down to lydd.
new track record holder
keith yorke  Wednesday, May 08, 2002  11:21 GMT

the track record held by edward kennett of 51.9 was broken by young steve boxall on the 3rd of aprill,he took over a second off it,i should think he will be in the rye house radiers team at the end of may when he is fiftheen,the track record now stands at 50.8.
under 15 meeting at sittingbourne
keith yorke  Monday, May 06, 2002  17:37 GMT

there is an under 15 meeting at sittingbourne next sunday we are sending a team there to compete on the little track,this is a bit unfortunat as we are riding at lydd on the same day,seems to me to unfair as sittingbourne can use a saturday to ride as well,trhem riding on a sunday and inviting a team from us takes money away from our club,which to me seams unfair.
members of the falcons getting second half rides
keith yorke  Monday, May 06, 2002  17:33 GMT

i went to rye house this afternoon to watch a meeting and saw a couple of members riding,james clement and beven gilbert garrett they were riding quite well,thanks must go to beven for wearing a romney falcons race for edward kennett he scord 18 points in the main meeting help by a golden double and winning the race and getting double points,rye house lost to swindon by 45 to 47 points swindon got a 5-1 in the final race.
team meeting to come
keith yorke  Monday, May 06, 2002  09:49 GMT

i was informed yesterday by malcolm that we could be involved in a team meeting at home in a few weeks,some team called something flyers as soon as i know the dates for the meeting i will let you know.
good day had by all
keith yorke  Monday, May 06, 2002  09:40 GMT

all things looked good on sunday to start, with the sun was out but as i got nearer lydd the rain started,but luckerly the rain was not very much,with a cold wind we at least got to have a good training session.
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