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Battling 7 man go down 4-6
Peter Streader  Wednesday, August 21, 2002  21:23 GMT

Report to follow
Old boys last game moved to Saturday 5 October
Peter Streader  Wednesday, August 21, 2002  13:33 GMT 15:15..repeat old boys vs BK Thor moved to 15:15 Saturday 5 October..........
7 Man Game moved to Weds 4 Sept 19.35
Peter Streader  Wednesday, August 21, 2002  09:05 GMT

The game vs Vidar Allstar Wan#ers has been moved....change your diaries......
Niels resigns...Chairman refuses to accept...
Peter Streader  Monday, August 19, 2002  21:04 GMT

Niels Hansen has shocked the football world with an unexpected announcement: 
Old Boys stroll to 3 points ......
Peter Streader  Monday, August 19, 2002  20:40 GMT

The old boys won 3-0 on a balmy monday evening at Kløvermarken. Not the most convincing performance as was to be expected after a summer of inactivity !!!
11 man season of misery continues...
Peter Streader  Sunday, August 18, 2002  08:29 GMT

With a mixture of holidays and injuries decimating the team, Athletico Bloomsday were forced to call off their game
7 Man game rained off on story !
Peter Streader  Friday, August 16, 2002  13:28 GMT

rain rain rain
Old Boys and Jens lose 4-2 to Odense Bonvenner
Peter Streader  Tuesday, August 13, 2002  22:19 GMT

An 11 man team with an average age of 37 and only 2 players under 35 lost 4-2 on Saturday despite a brave performance and being down to 10 men for almost half the game.
7 Man ready to launch season on Monday
Peter Streader  Friday, August 09, 2002  19:16 GMT

Steve mason's new look 7 man team is ready to continue the revival on Monday with the teacher boys ready to rock and roll...10 more games to save the season and the 7 man team...Will it happen ?
11 man to field under strength team against Odense
Peter Streader  Friday, August 09, 2002  19:13 GMT

A player shortage due to holidays and injuries to at least 3 players means that Athletico Bloomsday will be fielding a team made up largely of old boys tomorrow...On the bright side Mads Elling is back and ready to go......
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