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Iconoclasts Home Page

The Iconoclasts are a small club who enjoy playing tennis in a relaxed, good humoured and competitive way. We've been going for over ten years now and love the game.

The Venue

We play on the astroturf courts at King Edwards School, North Road. The courts are secluded and give a panoramic view over the south east of Bath blah blah blah. It's easy to find if you know how to get there! If necessary,get your A to Z out.


Our Summer club sessions are:

Tuesday 6.30 – 8.30 Sunday 4.00 – 6.30

Standard of Play

We think the standard is ‘quite good’ or at least ‘not bad’. Everyone can get the ball back and understands doubles tactics. This is the minimum requirement to become a member. It is obvious that if an individuals standard of play is not as good as everyone else's, the game is not enjoyable. We hope that prospective members will be able to work this out for themselves, because none of us likes to be the one to have to suggest you might ‘need a bit more coaching’.

Club Sessions

Those who are present organise themselves into pairs and play a short set. After this, the players swap around etc etc. There is rarely any waiting around, unless of course you are the ninth person to arrive (it's happened to us all). Occasionally certain players may wish to play with each other e.g in preparation for a match, but this is the exception rather than the rule. We will be experimenting with a singles 'ladder' this year. Balls are provided.


Visitors are welcome. Members should try and be friendly to visitors (unless they’re crap of course) and collect their fees. Visitors fees are £4. You can play as a visitor for 3 sessions. If you decide to join, your fees will be deducted from your sub.

Code of Dress

Other than trainers (obviously) you can wear what you like, but aim to look cool (you will notice that some members do not heed this advice). Clothing should not be offensive e.g have a picture of George Bush on. Please don’t play without a top.

League Teams

We play in the Chippenham and District League. Mens A are in Division 2. Mens B are in Division 5. The Womens team are in Div 2 and the Mixed team is in Division 1.(Mens and Womens matches are on Wednesdays, Mixed matches on Monday). If you would like to play in matches then let the captain know.


The captains pick the teams. This should be done at least a week in advance if possible.For home games we are obliged to provide refreshments and it is usual for each member to bring either some food or drinks. Match fees are £2.50. Don’t wait to be asked for match fees, offer them. It is the responsibility of the captains to pass the match fees on to the treasurer.


We divide the cost of hiring the courts by the anticipated number of members. It's usually about £60.

Club Organisation

We have a secretary and a treasurer but no formal committee. Decisions are usually made at an end of season meeting. All other things are decided by consensus. Members are expected to have, and voice, an opinion. Er……. That’s it

Courts at: King Edwards School, North Road
Bath, Somerset
Phone: 01225 314375


Visitors: 783
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