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things are getting better

keith yorke  Monday, August 19, 2002  11:08 GMT

the amount of riders turning up at lydd is starting to show a vast improvement,yesterday there was a quite a lot of riders,and the weather stayed fine,we had some wonderfull racing with chris greer,chris johnson,barry burrchatt and harlem cook having some good battles.

the junoirs was just as good,shane knight rode the best that i had seen him he was unlucky to not get third place on  the rostrum after a run off,he was very pleased with his riding and so he should be.

after the main meeting trevor greer had a go as he is riding at eastbourne on the 1st of september in the dave norris meeting,and he dosent seem to have lost his way getting round a track,on his sons bike he started going quite well untill going in to the third bend he slide gentle to the ground.

rory cavhill is getting better ever week and going faster,barry burrchatt is going so well that i think he will be in the confrence league next season,he has only ridden the 500 ten times and is almost beating confrence league riders at the moment,he was leading chris greer in one race and chris johnson in another just made one mistake otherwise he would have one a couple of races.

thats it for now see you all on the 14th of september for the under 15 champion.

all the best keith



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