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First XI - Selection/Statistics

Martyn Wamsley  Friday, June 22, 2001  18:07 GMT

I would like to apologise to those First XI players who visit the site on a regular basis for the delays in posting Team Selection, Results and Statistic Information.

I feel the site is a great benefit to those who do not live in the village as they can keep up to date with whats going on. However unless I get the info from the relevant parties I cannot keep this site up to date.

Since Ben has been relegated to the Stiffs I am not around at First XI games so therefore do not have access to the scorebook etc.

The Seconds is easy for me to keep up to date as Jon is round our house a lot and I have been to more of their games.

Team Selection is totally out of my control. It only takes someone to phone through or e mail the teams on a Tuesday evening and they can be posted on the site by Wednesday evening.

This site is maintained for the benefit of you, the players, so if you want to keep it up to date then pressure the powers to be to keep the information flowing. Posting a Team Sheet on the pavi window is not going to keep everyone informed!!!!!!


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