AGM & Committee Meetings
AGM held Sunday 3rd March 2002
Main points:
Officers & Committee Members for 2002
President - Mrs Irene Young Chairman - Hugh Darwen Secretary - Clare Wamsley Treasurer - Geoff Beckett
Social Secretary - Karen Parker Fixture Secreatry & League Representative - Jon Child
Club Captain - Keith Hambleton 2nd XI Captain - Jon Child
Committee Members - Richard Beddow, Andy Chesshire, Dave Dunnell, Matt Parker, Arthur Payne & Morton Titterton.
Subscriptions & Match Fees - Annual Subscription for 2002 - £20 if paid by 31st May 2002 otherwise £25. Match Fees(Tea Money) to remain as before. Due to increase costs, loss of Sunday games income and future sponsorship doubts it essential for all members to pay their subs and support fund raising events.
Averages - Due to reduction in number of games qualification for batting averages for 2002 onwards will be 10 innings 8 of which must be completed. This applies to both First & Second XI's.
Main points from the committee meeting held on 16th september 2001.
Indoor Nets - Chess to make enquiries and book nets for the new year.
Club shirts - Although majority of First XI had bought shirts it was pointed out that despite requests they had not been made available to Second XI.
Website - Had proved successful with over 1700 visitors - thanks to Mart, Hambo and JC for keeping it up to date.
Averages - First XI batting to stay as before - both Sunday and League games to count with qualification being 15 innings 10 completed. Second XI to stay at 8 innings 6 completed. No changes to bowling. Any changes for next season to be made at AGM.
Cotswold Hills League - 10 teams had applied to join the league, league considering increasing the number of divisions. Will have to await further news from league on this matter.
BBQ - This proved a great success both socially and financially - to be repeated next season.
Annual Dinner - Karen ghas pencilled in the 22 March 2002 and is making enquiries at several local hotels/golf clubs.
Tour 2002 - Initial enquiries are being made with regards to organising a cricket tour next season.
Ground - Groundsman has been given the go ahead to commence with end of season work. VOLUNTEERS will be needed next spring to help with rolling.
Sunday Fixtures - Regretfully the club has decided that due to the problems experienced with trying to raise Sunday sides no fixtures, apart from one or two pre league season games, will be arranged forSundays next season.
The Future - Despite rumours the committee and the club are determined to continue with fielding TWO league sides on Saturdays.
Next meeting 25th November 2001 8pm.
Any member wishing further information on the above please contact Martyn.