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Golden Oldies

This page is dedicated to the players who have graced Interpon's teams over the years and who have left an impression of one sort or another. If anyone knows the whereabouts of any of the following, or if anyone remembers any other past players, leave a message in the Guestbook and I'll update this page accordingly.

Where Are They Now?

Alan Hall, dodgy-kneed centre half/keeper - now a Class 1 referee
Tommy Oliver, the old man at the heart of the defence - last heard working for the competition
Joe Brown, midfield dynamo
Paul 'Cooky' Cook, striker-turned-keeper, former secretary
Skull, last seen shaking his crutches at Cooky as he overtook him in the goalscoring stakes
Ian 'Ginge' Moore, never shirked a 50-50 - Retired from playing when a tackle from behind left him with a plate in his leg
Yorker - Remembered not for his football, but for clearing the dance floor at an end-of-season bash by dropping his trousers when more than half-cut!
Paul Jones, he with the dummy that was spat out at regular intervals
Alan Allman, class striker who had to hoy before and during every game
Dave Smith, moved to France due to work commitments
Peter Davison
Darren Bloomfield, skilful midfielder - playing days are over, but still working for Interpon
Paul Phillips, centre-half cum keeper - as with Daz, hung up his boots but still working for Interpon
Graham Dunford, the rock at the back - Moved down south, didn't like it so came back, dossed about as a student then came back to International Paint
Dave Thompson, striker - still plying his trade in an over 40's side, also still working for Interpon
Colin McSporran, sweeper with a gob as big as the rest of him
John Kettley, flying winger - still playing 5-a-side occaisonally and working for Interpon
Mark Reekie, midfielder - still working for Interpon
Steve Kelly, winger - now reduced to 5-a-side
Davie Justice, old cripple that held the midfield together - rumoured to be playing at over-40 level
Phil Wilson, striker who's every shot was from 40 yards, alledgedly - emigrated north of the border and is occaisionally let back into the country under armed guard.
Mark Crichton, striker who's best game came when he played right back
Dave Lumsden, aka Bros. Now a local plod
Andy Cable, pacy full back
Steven 'Jossy' Jones, class striker
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