11/2/2002 19:02 GMT |
We would like to arrange a match |
Visit intheteam.com/leech |
11/2/2002 15:15 GMT |
kirklees |
hey guys, check out our new player profiles of our girls! and get a feel for what you might be seeing next week! intheteam.com/kirkleesladies |
14/1/2002 19:18 GMT |
Osama bin Laden |
Ha Ha - your website says that you are mighty and will beat anyone, then I see your results and I see a 0-14 defeat, and I think you are funny people, no? |
27/11/2001 23:33 GMT |
free porn:- |
intheteam.com/lager |
26/11/2001 14:05 GMT |
Irish Centre Fc |
why not pay a visit to intheteam.com/irishcentre!!!! one of the most succesful sites on intheteam |
3/10/2001 22:18 GMT |
Ken Pullitt in your net |
I am from Australia and the Noosa football Club intheteam.com/noosa. we are also called the lions.Love your site and will be back. |
2/10/2001 17:58 GMT |
James (intheteam.com/cassiorangersu15) |
Fantastic site, one of the best I ve seen! James |
27/7/2001 08:29 GMT |
16/7/2001 18:22 GMT |
Aida |
cool site lads all the best for your new season... check us out at www.rumba-fc.co.uk |
10/7/2001 19:42 GMT |
anon |
I love jamie patmores pants - do ya reckon he's got a spare pair to give to me? |
22/6/2001 10:00 GMT |
Head of the ICL 3 Lions Unofficial Fan Club |
Hey guys - looks like you'll have to change your name.... Fujitsu 3 Lions doesn't have the same ring to it though. |
19/6/2001 10:42 GMT |
Steven Gordon (Eric's son) |
Nice site lads - keep it tight at the back.... |
11/6/2001 18:31 GMT |
11/6/2001 18:31 GMT |
5/6/2001 14:52 GMT |
http://intheteam.com/keepitclean |
nice one lads finally got a victory, i think it was the poll that brought you luck |
30/5/2001 15:05 GMT |
intheteam.com/BCFC |
Fancy linking mine to your site. Will return the favour if you do. Please leave a message on my guestbook. |
26/5/2001 11:23 GMT |
? |
visit the best ladies football team this side of huddersfield at intheteam.com/kirkleesladies and leave a message in our guest book. |
7/5/2001 16:55 GMT |
Darren (Westend f.c.) |
Hi Dave, Sorry I haven't got back to you sooner with regards to a friendley but we are struggling at the moment! Is it possible if we could have a link from your site to ours at Westend and we will return the compliment. Hope to hear from you soon . Darren |
6/5/2001 17:29 GMT |
James Green |
Hi Site is great! How do you get the moving banners? Please visit intheteam.com/cassiorangersu14 and sign the guestbook with any hints and tips you have |
22/3/2001 11:33 GMT |
Howard Stokes |
Match report seems spot on. Esp Morris Dancing Ref. |
24/2/2001 19:56 GMT |
Webmaster |
Mr. Gregory (or can I call you John?) The job is yours if you are willing to work with our Director of Football David "Deadlier than Doug" Reeves. A man who makes Ellis look like Santa Claus. Is it true you have a sponsorship deal with Grecian 2000? |
24/2/2001 17:56 GMT |
John Gregory |
Things are looking a bit dodgy down the Villa and I've noticed that Cuddly Craddock Chops has hit the big five-o so I am prepared to make myself available to ICL 3 Lions. If you confirm that you can let me have £9.5 million to waste on a South American, then I'm yours. Luv you almost as much as I luv myself. Johnny Boy |
23/2/2001 12:42 GMT |
For a cool site |
14/2/2001 13:32 GMT |
Howard Stokes |
Dave craddock, Spoke to the team, and are willing to give you lot a game. Mail me and we can sort out arrangements. Cheers, Howard Stokes intheteam.com/ccufc |
29/1/2001 08:57 GMT |
Thai Girl |
Yep he charged me £2.50!. I had a super smashing Craddock chops time! |
26/1/2001 21:22 GMT |
Webmaster |
Dave Craddock will be available all weekend for massage. He will also do "extra's" for a reasonable fee. |
26/1/2001 08:29 GMT |
Mr Ache |
Any funds for massages Dave - me aching today, also need some new shins (& pads!) |
10/1/2001 23:19 GMT |
Der Präsident, Niedersächsischerfussballverband |
David Cunningham (aka Barney) is banned from playing football as he is still signed to the famous Lindhooper Rovers, Verden an der Aller, Germany. |
26/11/2000 20:15 GMT |
The Muppet Kickers |
Great Site....if you fancy a link then let us know. intheteam.com/muppets |
25/11/2000 13:47 GMT |
24/11/2000 06:20 GMT |
Juan Carlos II |
I voted other because I've heard that none of you are any good at football. In fact you should all take up fishing!!!! |
23/11/2000 14:36 GMT |
ICL 3 LIONS require 1 nurse to attend to all of the team members with injurys - team members want a (Big chested Girl) Nurse to take on the job. will need to attend to the squads (Fantasies) injurys & fetch the half time drinks, please reply to the webmaster. |
23/11/2000 14:32 GMT |
Rug Rat |
since our last match we need to improve so how about we start some serious football practice training on saturdays. we also need a nurse to attend to all our injurys, nurse requests can be posted to webmaster. |
22/11/2000 12:56 GMT |
Tony Blair |
every one at the house of lords would like to know if they can play the lions in a political match...... our team for the 2000/2001 is as stands. 1) Tony Blair Keeper 2) William Hauge Right Back 3) Peter Mandleson Left Back 4) Gordon Brown SW Defender 5) John Major My first match 6) Maggie Thatcher Hard Midfield 7) David Beckham Posh likes polotics 8) Paddy Ashdown Central Midfield 9) Prince Charles Royle Striker 10)Bill Clinton American Bum Dude 11)Nickell Gorbachav Russin Hittler |
22/11/2000 12:21 GMT |
Tony Blair |
hello mom, my email address is: tonyblair.10downingstreet@house_of_lords.com |
21/11/2000 15:46 GMT |
Webmaster |
They didn't hack into the site. That's an award that's been given to me by some strange cyber-geeks who surf the web looking for pointless websites!! I'm quite proud of it actually!! |
21/11/2000 09:15 GMT |
How dare they hack onto our web page & add a logo saying our web page is rated 95% bottom of all web sites (pointless) |
20/11/2000 16:54 GMT |
MR Fixture (no my name is not jim) |
ICL CUSTOMERS - such as transco Gloucester could well be interested in a grudge match - i think we should have a voting poll on who should be the lions offical team fixture captin. Dave Craddock would be top man with some help of Raul, Morientes, Matieüs Whelan (Recommended from spain). |
20/11/2000 16:50 GMT |
MR Fixture (no my name is not jim) |
Please note Barrow town could soon be meeting the lions in the first ever none leauge clash if this match gets the green light we may be on the end of trebble figures well get beat by a very high goal margin as they only lost 2-0 in there home clash to leighton Orient in the FA CUP first round. |
19/11/2000 17:35 GMT |
The Jail Ender |
Thanx for signing my guestbook so I though I would return the favour.. Good site BTW http://www.thejailender.com |
17/11/2000 13:39 GMT |
Gordon Strachan |
Humorous site guys but I prefer the Cadzow Hamilton site. intheteam.com/cadzowhamilton Strachan strikes again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dont ya just love exclamation marks!!!!! |
17/11/2000 12:07 GMT |
Sven Goran Motorola |
Knowing me knowing you ah ha - great line from a great song. Great, yes that is what Dave "Fanny" Craddock is - I need him to help me with the England job - ah yes the England job were I am going to be paid a fortune and don't want to fail - that is why I need the "Haddock" sorry "Craddock - can you imaging the crowd singing "3 Craddocks on our shirts" when we win the World Cup - even I, a turnip, sorry swede is moved. |
16/11/2000 17:01 GMT |
Terry Venables |
who needs an international team when we have the lions (ICL's wonder team), stop messing about with the divisonal championship and role into the world cup race ? I see it now, ICL 3 Lions next world champions 2002. |
16/11/2000 15:08 GMT |
jamie |
Due to the scathing response to my 'chest of God' antics in my player profile, I have had no choice but to put in a transfer request to Dave Craddock. In an almost Stan Collymore-esque turn of events, one moment of greatness has somehow given me ideas above my station, and i feel it is time to move on....most probably into management, with the occasional TV appearance. |
16/11/2000 14:49 GMT |
Tony Scott Borrows |
Im a man in vain and would like to offer the lions a deal a new stadium with capacity of 1521 fans located in birmingham its called the new bull ring we could change the name from: ICL 3lions to the ICL 3BULLS Interested please contact me @ the birmingham city council |
16/11/2000 14:41 GMT |
Im a Lazio Player Who hates England |
I think mr telephone man erricsson also my manager should be shot because what has he done for my club. we now want a new manager...... some one like Dave Craddock Could take us to champions leauge glory |
16/11/2000 14:36 GMT |
MR Giv Im A Match...... |
like david james last night who else was to blame? England snubbed our great leader Dave craddock of having a chance to Take them to the world cup |
13/11/2000 18:03 GMT |
Jones the Steam |
I have just managed to make 23 words on the Welsh word square.I had to stop then as my screen had become covered in phlegm.And no I am not related to Attilla the Hun , even though we have the same middle name |
10/11/2000 10:50 GMT |
Webmaster |
But there is only one of me! I'm just big-boned that's all. And who is Hannah anyway? But I suppose I am a bit of a tart! |
9/11/2000 20:51 GMT |
Web genius type person |
Don't you think it's time you tarts grew up and were nice to you, I reckon Hannah moved to Hong Kong to get away from you two |
9/11/2000 18:05 GMT |
Webmaster |
Forrest (sic) fan - Sounds like a great idea, I'll speak to Mr Craddock tomorrow. |
9/11/2000 12:27 GMT |
How about Davy house and our leader Dennis Reeves take on CRAZY Craddock & his NMC world class international kings. |
9/11/2000 12:21 GMT |
9/11/2000 12:15 GMT |
Bring on Manchester United our Loons will beat there Goons Icl 3 Lions in the champs leauge next year ??? |
8/11/2000 21:24 GMT |
Webmaster |
If it's good enough for Beckham...... |
8/11/2000 14:06 GMT |
The Mole |
I have heard that our inspirational manager likes to wear womens pants??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Could this be the reason why he is so quick and nimble of his feet?. |
7/11/2000 16:36 GMT |
Gazza Merson |
I will be available for next wednesday so lock up your daughters and open the bars..... |
6/11/2000 11:41 GMT |
Webmaster |
I have spoken to both players you mention and I'm afraid that neither will be available. Gazza has an important meeting at hislocal kebab shop and David Unsworth's wife says he has to do the ironing that night. |
6/11/2000 09:09 GMT |
John Gregory |
Dave, After hearing the reports about your next opponents being rough, may I suggest you consider both Gazza and David Unsworth to be part of your side?! |
5/11/2000 09:34 GMT |
Sven Goran Ivanisavich |
Thank you for the words of advice now I am England manager but remember, Phil Neville is God. Sven P.S. I was not the chef on the muppet Show |
3/11/2000 22:49 GMT |
Webmaster |
I do not know this Graham Bate person. I have never wore Tasmanian Devil underpants and I am Gail Porters sex slave. |
3/11/2000 19:51 GMT |
Graham Bate |
Should anyone be interested I have pictures of Dave Cooper modelling a pair of Tasmanian devil underpants with a pair of socks stuffed down the front. Will forward when scanned |
3/11/2000 17:06 GMT |
Dave Cooper |
Davie Scott - Errr yes, agree totally. And can I have curry sauce with mine? |
3/11/2000 09:04 GMT |
Anonymous England Player |
Any one for a game of cards - £10,000 a head????? What do you reckon Dave? |
3/11/2000 08:19 GMT |
Davie Scott |
Fàilte gu Clàr nam Dave Craddock. Tha clàr na seirbhis TBh agus Dave Craddock aig Craoladh nan Gaidheal air fad ri Tennents Super Lager! fhaotainn an seo. Gach Dihaoine Dave Craddock an làrach, gheibh thu eirmheas Dave Craddock na Seachdain. Gheibh Sexy position thu tuilleadh fiosrachaidh mu na prògraman a tha air an Dave Craddock le fo-sgrìobhadh, le bruthadh air an tiotalan, Dave Craddock, 5-0! Ha Ha Ha! |
1/11/2000 13:06 GMT |
Dave Cooper |
Sven, see news page for my reply! |
1/11/2000 11:41 GMT |
Sven |
Davie. Could you give me any useful tips to how I should approach my 1st England game and who should play??? |
31/10/2000 09:00 GMT |
Andy |
That illusive scorer who kept us in the final was Me !!!!! Get rid of Sven - we want Davie Craddock. |
30/10/2000 19:41 GMT |
Davie (tc) Craddock |
YOU are doing a fantastic JOB DAVIE(THE WALL) cooper ,Keep it up.MATCH COMING UP NEST WED 8TH OR 15TH, Cheers from Davie craddock |
28/10/2000 00:37 GMT |
Stan Collymore |
Lads, if things don't work out at Bradford is there any chance of signing for you? I hear some of you like a drink or two so I should fit in. Any fire extinguishers handy? |
26/10/2000 17:17 GMT |
Julius Easer |
What a fantastic web-site!!! Promote the webmaster immediately and give him a huge pay rise!!! |
25/10/2000 19:37 GMT |
Dave Cooper |
Hi, welcome to the ICL 3 Lions FC guestbook. Please leave a message, or don't. It's your choice, it's a free country (unless, of course, you are in China). |