Know an old joke? Then send it in.
All contributions welcome. e-mail to or leave them in the guestbook.
1. Two prostitutes were talking. One asked the other: "Have you ever been picked up by the fuzz?" "No, but I've been swung round by the tits a couple of times." came the reply.
2. A white horse walks into a bar. "That's funny" said the barman, "we've got a whisky named after you."
"What, Eric?" said the horse.
And here's a couple of sterling efforts from that Master of Mirth - Pete Wilson:
3. Have you heard about the Magic Tractor?
Went down the road and turned into a field!!
4. Did you know that I went Bobsleighing the other day?
Yep, killed 20 Bobs!
So, can you do better (or worse)? Send 'em in.